
Sorry, so late… :(

A belated Merry Christmas goes out to all of you who read my blog! Hope you all had an awesome time celebrating with your family and friends, and managed to keep yourselves warm in the process. I had a great Christmas with my fam-bam, eventhough I had a headache, but I enjoyed myself nonetheless. Good food, and lots of laughter!

New Year’s fast approaching and I can’t wait for what’s in store next year. Praying for good health and lots of love and joy in the coming year. And I would like to avoid complications, if that’s possible. Let go and let God…

Tomorrow morning, In Harmony and Projekt Soul will be performing at the Tsunami Youth Conference (CA Southern Baptist Youth Convention) at the Long Beach Convention Centre. We will be doing 2 songs. Pray for us! We got to practice with PS last night and it sounded really cool. The general session starts at 10:30am. Also performing is Jami Smith (worship leader), the Youth Choir, and Francis Chan will be the speaker. Pray for us! May God be glorified!




I’m a bit frustrated and kind of annoyed. I want to stop feeling this way. I hope I get past this soon. I hate being in this situation. I need to get away. Please pray for me. Thanks.



I think I’ve finally achieved closure. I didn’t realize that I needed closure until recently. It feels good to have closure, very liberating. I feel like a thorn has been taken out of my heart. I cried. I haven’t had a good cry in a very long time. I didn’t cry tears of sadness, they were tears of relief actually. I feel like I’ve gotten back something that I’ve lost. I hope it continues this way. I am so thankful. I am finally ready to move on, completely, after all these years.

I went up to the Bay area last weekend for some concerts/gigs with Papuri. It was quite a hectic weekend, but such a blessing all the way through. We left LA early Friday morning, around 3:30am and arrived in San Bruno around 11am. We drove. Barely got any chance to take a nap, then we headed over to the Church of the Highlands at 4:30pm to do soundcheck, went back to Rey and Jemimah Lacap’s home, freshened up, got dressed and then headed back to the church for our concert at 7pm. Man alive, was I tired! My voice finally gave out during my solo, “Can’t Live A Day” (the Avalon song). I don’t exactly know how it sounded, I just knew that I had nothing left. I was surprised I could still go on for the rest of the concert. Anyway, it was a very exhausting night. I couldn’t wait to get back to the hotel and catch up on some sleep.

My dearest friend RC, and his wife Aimee came to the concert on Friday night, along with their adorable little boy, Xander. I was so thrilled to see them, especially Xander. I haven’t seen them since PJ’s wedding last year, and to see them again, this time with their baby boy was just a blessing. I really appreciate them for coming to the concert, driving 45 minutes, and with Xander not being fully recovered from his cold. It just means so much to me that they came.
Saturday, was an easy day for us. We sang at a mall in Serramonte, and then headed over to San Jose, for a concert at Full Gospel Christian Fellowship. This time around, I was relieved that I didn’t have to sing a solo, because my voice was just not cooperating at all. It was nice to just sit back and hear everyone else sing. After the concert, we had a really wonderful meal prepared for us by the Pastor’s wife, (lugaw and pan de sal), and then we decided to check out the Golden Gate Bridge at night because one of our guys in the group (Mel) has never been to the States before. It was his first trip to the US so we wanted to show him the Golden Gate Bridge. Let me tell yah, wasn’t quite a good idea to go check it out at night. We couldn’t really take a great picture of it since it was too dark out, and to top it all off, it was really, really cold! Anyway, we didn’t stay there that long, headed back to the hotel right after.

Sunday morning, sang a couple of songs at Rey and Jem’s church, Crossroads Christian Assembly, had lunch, then got ready at the Lacaps’ for our 5pm concert at Church of the Highlands again. This time around, my dear friends, Mark and Ruth, both of whom I’ve know since my days at Biola, came to see me. It was wonderful seeing them again, I wish I had more time to spend with them, but right after the COH concert, we had to rush over to Crossroads to do a short set. After Crossroads, we all headed over to Starbucks for a nightcap. That was quite a Sunday we had. Looking around the table, I couldn’t help but be amazed and thank God that I’m part of something special like Papuri. That night at the hotel, some of us got to spend some time just sharing blessings, burdens and concerns. We ended the night praying for each other. That was truly a blessing.

I miss San Bruno. I miss Jem and Rey. I can’t wait to go back. I’m already looking forward to our next concert.


My family left me… :(

Well, my family (including my mom) have gone off and boarded a boat to go on a 4-day cruise to Ensenada, Mexico…WITHOUT ME! *tears* So, I’m basically home alone.

Boredom sets in so, I’m doing a survey.

Who was the last person you . . .

1. You hung out with?
There were 3 people – Chiz, Aud & Loogie (hehe)

2. Rode in the car with

3. Went to the movies with?
Newie (we saw “Happy Feet”)

4. Went to the mall with?

5. You talked on the phone to?
My uncle (Pastor Joe or P - Joey)

6. Made you laugh?

7. Last person you told and/or they told you they loved you?
My mom

Would You Rather . . .

1. Pierce your nose or tongue?
Nose. It’s hard to sing with a pierced tongue.

2. Be serious or be funny?
Funny, with moments of seriousness.

3.Drink whole or skim milk?

4. Die in a fire or get shot?
Neither. But if I have to go, probably get shot, it’s faster. haha

5. Spend time with your parents or enemies?
Parental units

Answer Truthfully . . .

1. Do you like anyone?
My lips are sealed.

2. Sun or moon?

3. Winter or Fall?
Fall. Actually, I prefer Spring, I think it’s the most beautiful time of year.

4. left or right?

5. 10 acquaintances or two best friends?
2 bestfriends

6. Sunny or rainy?

7. Vanilla ice cream or chocolate ice cream?
Mix them together

About You . . .

1. What time is it?

2. First Name?

3. Where do you wanna live?

4. How many kids do you want?
2 (a boy and a girl)

5. Do you want to get married?
Of course, Lord-willing!

6. Do you cook?
Yes, I do.

7. Current mood?
bored, but upbeat

In The Past 24 Hours Have You . . .

1. Sang?
yes, in the car on the way to work

2. Been hugged?
yes – ma mere

3. Felt stupid?
always! haha

4. Missed someone?

5. Danced Crazy?

7. Cried?

8. Lied?

Just Answer . . .

1. Have you ever been searched by the cops??

2. When’s the last time you’ve been sledding?
a very long time ago

3. Would you rather sleep with someone else, or alone?
as of now, I’d rather sleep alone.

4. Do you consider yourself creative?
at times.


Oh my! I almost forgot!

Congratulations to my very, very dear, best friend, Rizza (Damian) and her husband Joy Facun! They welcomed their first baby, Jaeden last November 22nd! She sent a picture of the baby via e-mail, and he looks sooo adorable. I’m so happy for them! I wish I could see the baby in person. Maybe someday, eh? Makes me want to have a baby. Oh wait, there’s one little problem, it’s called a husband and I don’t have one! haha I jest. I’m in no hurry. All in God’s time. Anyway, congrats to them!


Trying times.

Trials come in our lives either to bring us down or to make us stronger. It could either drive us away from God or draw us closer to Him. I prefer the latter on both counts. Why does it have to be so hard? *sigh* As you may have guessed, I’m going through a trial right now. Nothing devastating, but it’s still agonizing. I’m not saying that I wish I wasn’t going through this particular trial, but I wish I knew what to expect. But of course, you’ll never really know what to expect when you go through trials. The bright side of the whole thing is that it is drawing me closer to Him. It’s just that my human nature is in agony about it. *argh* I’m going to continue to set my sights on the Cross, let go of the reigns and let God do what He needs to do.

I’m going up north (the Bay area) next weekend! Papuri’s singing up in San Bruno on Friday (15th), Saturday (16th) and Sunday (17th), and then on Monday (18th) off to galavant and then head home. It’s going to be incredibly cold up there, I’m assuming, which will not help in my recovery at all. I’m barely getting rid of my cough. *sigh* I thought I was done with it, but it’s starting to act up again! I’ve been taking antibiotics, but for some reason, I’m getting the coughing fits again. *sigh* Please keep me in prayer.

Heroes - incredible! January 22nd is just too far away. *sigh*

Dreamgirls - December 25th. Anyone want to go?


Happy Thanksgiving.

I need to do some laundry tonight. Actually, I’ll probably hold off ‘til tomorrow morning. Speaking of tomorrow, it’s Thanksgiving here in the U.S., which means, turkey, stuffing, and cranberries, oh my! Looking forward to get my grub on. I’m hoping that my coughing wouldn’t be as bad tomorrow as it is today. I actually had, for the most part, an uninterrupted sleep last night. But as soon as I woke up, the coughing ensued. I thank God for the few hours of sleep I had last night. I actually felt rested.

I just found out that some family friends suffered a loss this past weekend. We’ve know the Tabunar family from our days back in Toronto, and the dad, Gary, passed away last Sunday due to cancer. It’s always hard to lose a loved one, especially to a very devastating disease. But we are assured of the fact that he is now home with the Lord Jesus. I can imagine what the family must be going through right now. You initially go through a stage of denial. It’s like, whatever has happened isn’t real. But it just knocks you over when it finally sinks in, and you know you can’t do anything about it. Even though you know that you will see the person some day, and that he or she is in the presence of Jesus Christ, you still can’t escape the feeling of loss. We are just humans after all. It’s just a part of life. When I hear of something like this happening, especially to people that I know, it just brings back memories of my own loss – the passing of my dad. The times that you remember that they’re no longer there, are the worst times you can ever experience. Let’s keep the Tabunar family in our prayers, especially Auntie Tita.

I apologize if I’m ending this post on a somber mood. Just remember to live life worthy of the Cross. Happy thanksgiving to all!


Sleep deprived.

*sigh* I did not get any sleep at all last night. I had major coughing-fits and it kept me up all night. I was able to doze off sometime around 4am, only to be awaken by my own coughing at 8am. I’m tired. Please keep me in your prayers.

The strange thing is, I don’t get coughing fits during the day. I feel fine right at this moment. Once in a while, I would cough, but it’s not to the point where I’m about to throw up. The fits always happen at night. I’ve been taking my meds but somehow it doesn’t work AT NIGHT. *sigh* It’s exhausting being sick.

It’s very peaceful here at work right now. My co-worker just left, so I’m left all by my lonesome, just listening to the radio. I’m about to leave soon as well. I’m going home to see if I can catch up on some sleep.

I want to see Happy Feet, Stranger than Fiction, Running with Scissors, and Casino Royale. I have yet to see Flags of our Fathers. Somebody come see it with me!


“I’m bringing sexy back….*cough*-*cough*”

I’ve lost my voice. I’ve been coughing up a storm that it affected my vocal chords, so now I have this raspy, congested tone, reminiscent of Phoebe Buffay’s sexy, phlegmy voice, as she sung “sticky shoes, sticky shoes” to the tune of “Smelly Cat”. Come to think of it, almost all of her songs sound like “Smelly Cat”. Anyway, I digress. I tend to enjoy hearing myself speak whenever my throat is in this condition. I know, strange innit? It just makes me sound either mysterious, or really, really ill (take your pick – hah!). I just wish I would stop coughing. It wakes me up at night.

Today’s day 1 of our week-long break here at work, due to the Thanksgiving holidays. I’m looking forward to just enjoying this break. I’m looking forward to eating some turkey, and a tryptophan-induced coma. Mmmm…I’m salivating right now. haha! Let me take a sip of my iced, grande, Marble mocha macchiatto….aaaah, refreshing.

I had a dream last night wherein I was reunited with my old friends from college. For some reason, it made me so emotional that I started to cry. I woke up with tears running down my cheeks, but I don’t seem to remember what the dream was all about and why it caused me to cry. I’ve had dreams like that before, where I would wake up with tears in my eyes. But most of the time, I couldn’t remember why I was crying in my dream. It’s quite strange.

Well, I’ve got to get going. My co-worker’s watching the Pacquiao-Morales fight online. Everyone seems to have the Pac-man fever. LOL Speaking of fever, I feel one coming on right now, I’m going to take some Tylenol to fight it. Off to rehearsals!


I have returned!

I survived Bakersfield! I actually got sick when we got up there to sing at the CA Southern Baptist Convention, had been drinking some Airborne and sucking on Halls Vitamin C cough drops. The night we had to sing, I was feeling fine, but coughing a little bit. As soon as we were done singing, I felt the fever coming on. Finally, on our way home, after taking some Ibuprofen (thanks, Ning), I slept all the way home, by the time we got to Glendale to drop off April, my fever broke, praise God!

As I had mentioned in one of my previous posts, my cousins and I (a.k.a. In Harmony) went up to Bakersfield, CA to sing at the Filipino pastors and church workers’ breakfast on Tuesday morning, and the main session of the convention in the evening. Everything went fine when we sang in the morning, and it was a smaller crowd and we knew most of the pastors that were there, so there wasn’t much nervousness going on. But when we had to sing for the evening session, we started getting a little bit more nervous, as we were going to be singing for a whole bunch of people, most of them we don’t know at all, and we felt so small in this humungous church auditorium! The soundcheck went well, had a little trouble hearing ourselves through the monitors, but the technician was able to adjust it and we felt good about it at the end. 30 minutes right before we go on, we started to get butterflies, nerves were starting to get the best of us, but we prayed and quickly reminded ourselves that we were about to sing for an audience of One.

I would love to say that we sang without a hitch, however, that wasn’t the case at all. We couldn’t hear ourselves from the floor monitor, and apparently, the audience could barely hear us, the music drowned us out. Good thing we didn’t know, otherwise, we would’ve messed up. We had fun though, and we just thought about the reason why we were singing in the first place, that is to glorify the One who is our reason to sing. After the main service, people went up to us to tell us they were blessed and we actually got some invitations to sing at their churches. Praise God! It was a great experience overall.

Thanksgiving’s coming up! So much to be thankful for, especially for this year. Anyway, I will be concentrating on getting better this week, and praying that I will not get sick again, especially for the rest of the year. ‘ta!

We'd like a new CD, please.

I saw Rockapella last Saturday and all I have to say is that they need to get workin' on a brand-spankin' new CD and release it by next year, because most of the original tunes that I heard need to be listened to over and over again, especially my new fave, "California Sad-eyed Girl"(my new DTMYD), which is clearly about me...NOT (haha)

Anyway, the Boys were in fine form and it was great to see them having a blast on stage. My one regret is that during the "audience request" portion of the show, I didn't yell out "Don't Tell Me You Do". I've been itchin' to hear that song again. *sigh* Maybe when I see them in December.

Didn't stay for the meet-and-greet, but did manage to cut in front of the line to say "hi" to Scott, hand him a "gift", gave him a hug, and wished them a safe trip to Singapore and Hong Kong. As I walked away, I heard someone yell "Hey Aura!", I turned around and realized it was Jeff callin' out my name. So, I went back, he stretched out his hand (he was sitting next to Scott), I reached back, my arm almost blocking the face of the lady talking to Scott, to touch Jeff's hand. He asked me if I was takin' off, I told him that I was, he said that it was great to see me, I said likewise and then took off. Now, I have to say, in the 6 years that I've followed Rockapella and have spoken to Jeff, he's never, EVER mentioned my name until last Saturday. It was always, "hey, how are you" or "hey you", but never actually uttered my name. I just thought it was very notable. :)

Up next, The Coach House show in San Juan Capistrano which will be in a few weeks. Until then, 'ta!

We'd like a new CD, please!

I saw Rockapella last Saturday and all I have to say is that they need to get workin' on a brand-spankin' new CD and release it by next year, because most of the original tunes that I heard need to be listened to over and over again, especially my new fave, "California Sad-eyed Girl" (my new DTMYD), which is clearly about me...NOT (haha) Anyway, the Boys were in fine form and it was great to see them having a blast on stage. My one regret is that during the "audience request" portion of the show, I didn't yell out "Don't Tell Me You Do". I've been itchin' to hear that song again. *sigh* Maybe when I see them in December. Didn't stay for the meet-and-greet, but did manage to cut in front of the line to say "hi" to Scott, hand him a "gift", gave him a hug, and wished them a safe trip to Singapore and Hong Kong. As I walked away, I heard someone yell "Hey Aura!", I turned around and realized it was Jeff callin' out my name. So, I went back, he stretched out his hand (he was sitting next to Scott), I reached back, my arm almost blocking the face of the lady talking to Scott, to touch Jeff's hand. He asked me if I was takin' off, I told him that I was, he said that it was great to see me, I said likewise and then took off. Now, I have to say, in the 6 years that I've followed Rockapella and have spoken to Jeff, he's never, EVER mentioned my name until last Saturday. It was always, "hey, how are you" or "hey you", but never actually uttered my name. I just thought it was very notable. :) Up next, The Coach House show in San Juan Capistrano which will be in a few weeks. Until then, 'ta!


It's Halloween.

Well, it’s Halloween night, and I’m starting to feel sick. I wanted to do something festive, but there are no church Halloween alternatives that are going on that I know of, so basically, I’m staying home tonight. That is quite alright because I don’t want to get really sick. Please pray for me. I don’t want to go down! haha

I’m going through a trial right now. It’s really stretching me and I’m just trusting God that His will and His timing is perfect, and it’s what’s best for me. It’s exciting and scary at the same time, but I just need to trust God and keep my focus on Him.


“Flags of our Fathers”

I really, REALLY want to see this movie. It’s coming out this weekend. Anyone wanna go? :)


Olive’s 13th Anniversary!!!

Our church is celebrating its 13th year serving the Lord in the North Long Beach area, this coming Sunday, Oct 8th at 3pm, at the main sanctuary of North Long Beach Christian Fellowship (formerly First Southern Baptist Church - our host/”mother” church). The Papuri Singers and In Harmony will be the special guests.

If you need directions, just leave me a comment with your e-mail address so I can e-mail it to you. :)


He's a hot bachelor!

Bobby Deen’s one of People’s Hottest Bachelors of 2006! (Ain’t he cute?!)

If you haven’t seen his show Road Tasted on Food Network, along with his brother, Jamie, I suggest that you check it out. They’re the most adorable, fun, food-tv show hosts. They’re the sons of Paula Deen (Paula Deen’s Home Cooking, Paula’s Party). Sooooo cute!

It's the weekend.

It’s the weekend ya’ll, it’s the weekend. Whew! Thank God! I’m about to go home in a few minutes, just killin’ time now.

Movies I’m looking forward to watching:

1. Running with Scissors
2. Stranger than Fiction
3. Flag of our Fathers
4. Fearless
5. Hollywoodland
6. All the King’s Men
7. The Departed
8. The Science of Sleep
9. Bobby
10. Happy Feet

Anyway, have a good weekend!


"What have we become?"

This past weekend, my cousins and I sang this song, along with our friends in our “non-band” Monkfunk, and today, I was just reminded of it once again.

What have we become?
Self-indulgent people
What have we become?
me, where are the righteous ones?
What have we become?
In a world

What have we become?

What about love?
about God?
What about holiness?

Let’s honour God with our lives.

I need to be mindful to live out what I sing about. I usually take it for granted. It’s so easy to get caught up in the performance, and fail to worship God in the process.

Feelin’ the need to drive this point home, not only for others, but for myself especially… I’m re-posting, previous posts:

Living a self-controlled life
Living a transformed life

Have a good week all!


I'd like a break, please.

It’s been 2 weeks since new enrollment started, and I can’t believe I’m still standing. Well, barely. I’ve consumed so much coffee these past 2 weeks, I think if you try to prick me with a needle, brown goo will ooze out. I like being busy though, even if I complain about it a lot (haha). The fact of the matter is, I like being kept on my toes. It’s such a rush.

On Sept 23rd, my cousins Joyce, Christine and I, along with a bunch of old friends from Ordinary People, are performing at a Music festival in San Pedro, which is held by The Light of the Lighthouse, a non-profit, Christian organization. We had our first rehearsal last Monday, and can I just say that these guys are incredibly talented?! I’m so privileged to be part of this endeavour and I get to sing with my old cohorts from OP, Kurtz and Dowai, which is always a thrill for me. I miss hearing their beautiful singing voices. I wish we could have an OP reunion one of these days. I think it would be incredible. So, the band rocked. Wow. I’m excited to be performing along with them. Please pray that people will feel the presence of the Lord, and will be able to worship along with us.

If you guys would like to come and see us, (our group is called Monk Funk - haha), here are the details:

The Light at the Lighthouse Festival
Saturday, September 23rd, at Point Fermin Park in San Pedro, CA
***Monk Funk goes on at 6pm (we’re only doing a 30-minute set, and we’re closing out the festival).

Waiting for this day to be over. I’m looking forward to doing nothing on the weekend (except for working tomorrow morning).


It's almost here...aahhh!!!

OK, the Southern Baptist Convention is next week. Aaah!!! I’m a bit nervous, but I think it’s going to be quite a fun experience. In Harmony’s been practicing like mad these past few weeks, but I think we’re ready. I’m glad Kurtz was able to help us out with our vocals. We’re a lot more polished. Pray for us, this is a great opportunity for us to minister and just be out there, and let people know that the ministry of In Harmony exists. Pray that all 4 of us will be spiritually ready. Thank you.

I’ve been trying not to get sick. I’ve been coughing a little bit, and have the sniffles here and there, but for the most part, I’m fine. I just need to stay healthy until AFTER the convention.

Oooohh… there’s a Myspace page for the ol’ skool Ordinary People members. Click HERE to check it out. Those were the days…*sigh* I miss everyone. I’m still hoping for a reunion concert. Dowai pointed out that our 10th anniversary will be August of 2007. August 1997 was when we first performed The Extra Mile. 10 years! Wow! Anyway, go visit the site when you get a chance, and if you have a Myspace account, please feel free to add us! While you’re at it, check out In Harmony’s page as well.


"Reunited, and it feels so good..."

I finally saw the Boys again. It was great seeing Rocka-P last night. Loved, loved, LOVED the originals! They need to get those on CD already, they're way overdue in releasing a new CD. Get to work boys! :) The "advert jingles" segment of the concert was a nice addition. I had no idea they sang advert jingles for Budweiser and Preparation H! Anyway, brought a newbie along with me, my friend Van, and she enjoyed herself a lot. I'm glad. She wants to come along with me to see them in November. Whoo-hoo! Rocka-P makes people happy. hehe ;) Meet and greet was short but sweet. Scott, bless him, remembered my name, yet again! I told him that I was impressed and thought it really cool that he remembered my name. He said, how could he forget, I'm a very memorable person! Awww... sweet huh? Kevin agreed (he was sitting next to Scott). I asked him if it was a good thing (me being memorable), he said that it was. *sigh* Kevin and I got to catch up on stuff, i.e. Rockstar:INXS. haha Someone we both know was in it, Ty Taylor (formerly of Dakota Moon). Told him that I did watch and was disappointed that Ty didn't win. Anyway, Kev asked me how I was doing, but before I really got a chance to talk to him, I was asked to move along because they were quite a few people waiting in line for the Boys. Said hello to JB and Geo. Didn't get to talk to them much, don't really have much to say since I haven't been much acquainted with either of them as I am with Scott, Kevin and Jeff. Said hi to Jeff, gave me a high five, we tried to hit our knuckles together, it got weird, so we just had a laugh about it. haha Anyway, you had to be there to know what I'm talking about. Tried to get pictures with the guys, but they were busy signing autographs. Jeff asked if we could wait after they get done signing and posing for everybody else, we can have our pictures with them. Took longer than expected, my cousin Christine wanted a pic with her boy Geo, so we took a quick one since they were getting ready to leave. Jeff saw me standing there with my camera, complaining to my cousin April that I need a new digi-cam, and I don't know what got into him but he looked at me and said, "how about a picture, just you and me?" Was kinda surprised that he asked. Jeff asked for a pic with me...hehe Tables were turned. It was nice that he asked though. Actually pretty sweet. Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting After everyone got their pictures taken with their favourite (Vanessa got her picture taken with Kevin), we all said our goodbyes, Kev and Scott said that it was nice to see us again. Told them we'll probably see them again in November. :) Can't wait 'til November! :)


It's over! :(

Our 2-week break is over! :( Students are coming back. Let the madness ensue. It was nice while it lasted. Pray for me, new school year starts tomorrow. Oy!



Thank God, it’s Friday! I haven’t said that phrase in a long time and actually meant it. I’m sooo glad the weekend’s here. I’m going to enjoy my 4-day weekend. HAPPY LABOUR DAY TO ALL!!!



I’m exhausted. We’ve been painting for the past 3 days now here at work. The staff decided to paint the 2 big studios here at the school. We finished one already, and it looks really nice. Light purple/lavender and yellow. We call it the ‘Laker’ room because of the colours. :) We’ve finished that room, now we’re onto the big studio in front. We’ve pretty much done the primer and painted one side of the room with a pretty light blue colour, we’re going to paint the opposite walls with a nice light pink shade. It’s going to look really cute. We’ll call it the ‘Baby’ room. :)

Anyway, like I said, I’m exhausted. I’ve never done this much manual labour since last year when I went to the mission trip with my Bible study group from church. My arms are really sore, my lower back hurts, and my shoulders are aching like no other. I guess that’s my workout for the year. hah! Well, I’m going to try to get some work done. Will be back on Monday!


Letting out a barbaric yawp...

…Well, at least that’s what I want to do. It’s been quite a couple days. I don’t exactly know what’s bothering me, but something definitely is. Here I am, in a definite funk. Lord, help me get out of this. I’ll chalk it up to hormones. I haven’t been sleeping well. I wake up more tired than before I’d gone to sleep. It’s just these past 2 days. I need a massage, I need something to release the tension that I’m feeling all over my body. My neck hurts, my back’s sore. *sigh* I need a holiday that requires me to just sit and not do anything at all.


I *heart* him.

I’ve found a new love, and his name is Ernie Halter. *sigh*

His voice is like buttah.


I'm back!

I’m back! Vegas was a blast! I went buck wild, you name it, I did it…………………..NOT! hahaha It was a chill weekend. I wish we had more time. But it’s OK, I had fun nonetheless. It wasn’t too hot. Well, it wasn’t humid, just dry heat, but I was comfortable. We spent a lot of time indoors and in the pool anyway. Didn’t get much sleep. I wanted to play Poker, but the minimums were too steep for me. Anyway, during downtimes at the timeshare, we played games - BANG! and Catchphrase, which is THE game. hahaha The buffet at Wynn was incredible! So many choices, and the desserts, wow! Crepes baby, crepes! *drool* It was great. A bit pricey, but worth it, I think. I might go back to Vegas next month for some friends’ birthdays. We’ll see.


Gone for the rest of the week.

Vegas this weekend. We’re leaving tomorrow night. Can’t wait. My first holiday this year (without singing obligations). I’m just hoping to have some down time, relax, get some swim on. Short trip, but I can only take so much of Vegas anyway, it’s not like I gamble, LOL. Maybe we’ll get to see a show. I’ll write about it when I get back. Well, not ALL of it. What happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas, right? (I just had a flashback of Ron Livingston saying that phrase. *swoon*) haha Yeah right. I jest. You know me, I’m a good girl. I’m usually the party-pooper, ask my cousins, they know. hehe And in most circumstances, I’m more than happy to be a party-pooper. Set your limits, all in moderation, all that good stuff. We’ll see… As soon as I hit the stateline, all that might go out the window….again, I jest. You know how I do.
‘Til Monday. Bye!

Movie recommendations: “Au revoir, les enfants” and "Friends and Crocodiles”



I suppose I should provide an explanation regarding my previous post. First off, I’d like to thank those who left me notes of well-wishes. Thank you so much. I really appreciate your kind thoughts. What happened was my car got hit from behind last Friday, while it was parked at the lot at work. I’m OK, I was not hurt at all. I was still inside our building when it happened. However, my car suffered some damage – a broken tail light (the right one), my right rear tire blew out from the impact, and I have a dent on my door on the right side as well (the back door), and a nasty streak of black paint on the side. I walked out of the building and found my car in that condition, and it’s just very disheartening. It was a hit-and-run and unfortunately, there were no witnesses. I’m just glad that I wasn’t in the car when it all happened. Thank God. Now, I have to deal with the insurance stuff… *groan* The police told me that someone might have been doing “donuts” in the parking lot and hit the car. Unfortunately, the lights at the parking lot weren’t on either, so it was pitch dark outside. The driver was probably intoxicated so he or she didn’t see my car until it was too late. *sigh* So, there you have it, the reason why I ‘m chalking up 8/3/07 as a bad day.


Weekend goings-on

Celebrated my cousin Joyce’s b-day this past weekend, starting with a b-day/housewarming party for her on Saturday, and then Magic Castle last Sunday night, which was so much fun, and to top it off, my cousin Chel from NY/NJ area was in town on business, but was able to join us for the weekend. If you ever go to the Magic Castle, ya’ll need to order their Mondo-sized steak. You will not believe the enormity of said steak, I give props to Jade and Christine (esp. Jade) for finishing the whole thing, without breaking a sweat! LOL I had a blast.

Sunday morning was our first joint service with the mother church (North Long Beach Christian) and the Cambodian mission, after not having had one for quite a while. It’s always nice to fellowship with other brethren in Christ outside your church family. We’ll be having these fellowships everytime there’s a 5th Sunday in a month. (And Pastor Carter made sure I know that I owe him 3 more songs - *sigh* LOL).

Belated Happy b-day to Aud (yesterday)! I already greeted her yesterday, and got her a cake, white cake with strawberries, kiwi and peaches all around - YUM!

Next week…VEGAS!


Living a self-controlled life.

I just wanted to share to you what I read for my devotion this morning. I know that a lot of us Christians still struggle with the pleasures of this world. I hope this serves as a reminder for you, as it does for me to discipline ourselves and prepare ourselves whenever we face temptations.

Titus 1:1-9 (New International Version)

1Paul, a servant of God and an apostle of Jesus Christ for the faith of God’s elect and the knowledge of the truth that leads to godliness— 2a faith and knowledge resting
on the hope of eternal life, which God, who does not lie, promised before the
beginning of time, 3and at his appointed season he brought his word to light
through the preaching entrusted to me by the command of God our Savior,
4To Titus, my true son in our common faith: Grace and peace from God the Father and Christ Jesus our Savior.

Titus’ Task on Crete

5The reason I left you in Crete was that you might straighten out
what was left unfinished and appoint elders in every town, as I directed you.
6An elder must be blameless, the husband of but one wife, a man whose children
believe and are not open to the charge of being wild and disobedient. 7Since an
overseer is entrusted with God’s work, he must be blameless—not overbearing, not
quick-tempered, not given to drunkenness, not violent, not pursuing dishonest
gain. 8Rather he must be hospitable, one who loves what is good, who is
self-controlled, upright, holy and disciplined. 9He must hold firmly to the
trustworthy message as it has been taught, so that he can encourage others by
sound doctrine and refute those who oppose it.

From Our Daily Bread:

Whoever has no rule over his own spirit is like a city broken down, without walls. —Proverbs 25:28

An old adage says: “Next time you want a cupcake, eat a carrot.” The
saying is good advice for dieters, but those who framed it may have had all of
us in mind. By disciplining our desires when no moral principle is at stake, we
prepare ourselves for those moments when we face a temptation to sin.

This kind of discipline is what Paul referred to when he used the term
self-controlled in his list of qualifications for church leadership (Titus 1:8).
We need this reminder today. Many people think they can live immorally now and
suddenly stop when they want to. Because they do not consider the addictive
power of sin, they find that living up to their good intentions is far more
difficult than they had anticipated.

Proverbs 25:28 tells us that if we lack self-control we are as
defenseless as a city with broken-down walls. Consistent self-discipline will
build up our spiritual defense system against the forces of evil.

When we discipline ourselves to keep our ordinary desires under
control, we make a habit of virtuous living and practice the reality of Paul’s
words in Romans 6:18, “Having been set free from sin, you became slaves of
righteousness.” - Herbert Van Lugt

The weekend is upon us...

Well, it’s the weekend yet again. Unfortunately, I have a very short one. I have to be here at work tomorrow morning. I guess it’s OK since I get to leave early anyway to go to my cousin Joyce’s b-day shindig/house-warming party. Oooh, I want to go swimming afterwards. Haha we’ll see.

I finally got to watch Green Street Hooligans last night. What an intense movie! It’s about a Journalism major who gets kicked out of Harvard and finds himself in London bashing people’s skulls alongside a football firm. A “firm” is a gang of football fanatics (in this case, West Ham football club fans), who are obsessed with violence (and not necessarily because of their loyalty for the FC). “There is a time to stand your ground and a time to walk away.” It’s a great movie, and there are a lot of things you can take away from it, one being, pick your battles. There are certain things that are worth fighting for and others that are just not worth it. The question is, what’s most important to you? Elijah Wood stars in this, as well as Charlie Hunnam (Nicholas Nickelby), Ross McCall and Marc Warren (Band of Brothers - yeah, I know. LOL), Leo Gregory (watch out for this guy). Very good cast. I rate it 4* out of 5*.


Exciting news!

Have I failed to mention the exciting news that I am now an official library cardholder for the County of Los Angeles Public Library System? Oh yessirree! Oh yes!


My childhood, revisited.

How excited am I?!


While little girls back in the ’80s watched Care Bears, My Little Pony, and the Smurfs, I was watching the Transformers (and Thundercats among others).

Midnight showing anyone? July 4, 2007 - Mark your calendars!


Living a transformed life.

2 Corinthians 5:17 “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come.” (NIV)

Romans 12:2 “Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.” (NIV)

Complacency is a huge obstacle that a lot Christians face. A lot of us are contented to be where we are in our Christian lives, and we do not make the effort, or even have the desire to grow. Some of us feel that because God is a forgiving God, He will accept us no matter what, even if we make mistakes, He will always forgive us. That is very true. He will ALWAYS forgive. But just because God is a forgiving God, and knowing the He will always forgive us no matter how many times we mess up, doesn’t mean that we can just be content on living our lives that way, and not desire to change. I truly believe that when you become a child of God, and if the Holy Spirit is, indeed, in you, you eventually go through changes and start to find the things of this world more and more undesirable. I’m not saying that we should strive to be perfect, but we ought to strive to be Christ-like. Jesus, when He was here on earth, walked amongst sinners, but He didn’t compromise who He is, and who he is, is the Son of God. When we accept Christ as our Savior and Lord, we become God’s children. We carry His name everywhere we go, and in everything we do. So, we should live the way a child of the King should live, right?

Like I said, it’s not about striving to be perfect. As long as we are in this body, we will never be perfect. We will make mistakes, but hopefully we will learn from those mistakes and not do them again. But as Christians living in this world, we should be Christ-like. And we can set out to do that by saturating ourselves with the word of God (the Bible – “renewing of your mind”). I learn that everyday. I’m not perfect in anyway, and I mess up, a lot. I notice how I act and how I deal with things when I’m in the word, and when I’m not in the word. There’s a huge contrast. God speaks through you through His word, and through circumstances in your life. The Word truly equips you. And in reading the word, you also learn from the examples of our forefathers in the faith. As you get into the word of God each day, you do become transformed by the renewing of your mind, just as the Apostle Paul had said in Romans 12. What you saturate yourself with, eventually manifests in the way you live. If you fill your life with the things of the world, it will manifest in the way you live. And the same goes with the word of God. If you fill your life with God’s word and His teachings, it will manifest in the way you live your life. For some, the manifestation may be slow, and for others it may be fast, but it will always manifest in the way you live your life.

I firmly believe that when a person becomes a Christian, meaning, you accepted Jesus Christ as your Saviour and Lord, and you have the Holy Spirit in you, you’re going to want to change and not remain broken.

Jesus Christ gave His life on the cross for us, paid the ultimate sacrifice for our sins, the least we could do to show gratitude for what He’s done is to live our lives the way that shows how grateful we really are.



I *heart* them. :)

My loves (of the moment):

1. Matthew Settle
2. Damian Lewis
3. Ron Livingston
4. Kirk Acevedo
5. Jamie Bamber

If you see any of these lovely boys on the street, send them my way please. Thanks. ;)


Guess who's back in town?

Well folks, I’m back from my short, but much needed trip to Santa Maria. The convention went well, the concert was exhausting, but I praise God for the opportunity to minister over there. Santa Maria is a nice town, and the weather was fantastic! It wasn’t as hot as it is down here in L.A. Despite not getting much sleep, I had fun. We stopped by Santa Barbara on the way back home. I haven’t really had a chance to see Santa Barbara until last Saturday, and I have to say that SB is a quaint little town, kind of romantic in a way. It’s one of those places where you can just take a stroll around, alone or with a companion . I wouldn’t mind going back there. I’ve only been to Santa Barbara a couple of times to see Rockapella, but other than that, that was probably the first time I actually saw what Santa Barbara was all about. We did some outlet shopping in Camarillo as well. I bought couple of things, for ma mère, ma nièce et mon neveu (my mom, my niece and my nephew), and a wrist watch pour moi (gave myself a treat).

Today, we buried my great aunt (my maternal grandma’s sister), Lola Conching. She passed on peacefully, in her sleep, last Wednesday, July 5th, very early in the morning. She’s survived by her husband, Lolo Cio (92 yrs old), 7 kids and 10 grandchildren. It’s always hard to lose a loved one, especially one who’s very dear to us, but we are assured of the fact that we will see her again someday. Her gravesite is next to my dad’s, so I got very emotional just seeing them lower her casket. It just brought back some images from when my dad was buried, which was in the same area, plus the fact that seeing her kids crying and grieving, moved me. She will be missed.


Long time, no post.

First, let me get this out of the way…..

ENGLAND LOST!!!!! to Portugal. ARGH!!!!!! I’m absolutely bummed. Beckham’s injury better have been legitimate otherwise, I would be very disappointed with him that he had to leave the game earlier on. Rooney lost his cool, he got a red card, ergo (did I just say ’ergo’?), England had to play 1 man short towards the end of the 2nd half. Not good, not good at all. The match came down to PKs (Penalty Kicks), and that’s where they missed Becks’ presence terribly (they didn’t call the movie “Bend it Like Beckham” for no reason!). Poor Robinson, couldn’t block Portugal’s PKs, it was horrible. Those are dem breaks. *sigh*

Okay, I’m over that. Anyway, the weekend was pretty relaxing. Went over to my uncle and aunt’s house in Arcadia for a swim. Needless to say, I got a tan. Not too dark though, but yeah, I got some sun. I can’t wait until this coming weekend, I’ll be heading up to Santa Maria with Papuri to sing at a convention. It’s only going to be for 1 night (Friday), and then Saturday, we head back to Los Angeles. Quickie getaway. I wish it could be longer, but I’ll take what I can get. There’s always Vegas in August with the cousins and the rest of the A-dubs. No gambling, just watching some shows. I can’t wait.

Did anyone see the BET Awards last week? Anyway, I have to commend Kirk Franklin for his acceptance speech. You have to know that in most awards ceremonies, a lot of people would say, “I’d like to thank my Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, for without Him, I won’t be here…” or some variation of the same sentiment. I think that’s great, and if it was geniunely said, from the heart then, more power to you. But Kirk changed it up a bit, and instead of saying the same thing, he said, “Jesus, I wanna thank you, NOT with the words I say, but with the way I live.” And I think that just got me. You can talk the talk, but if you don’t walk the walk, it don’t matter. Anyway, that just stuck with me. And I commend him for saying that, especially knowing what he’d gone through recently, God really refined him, and I have to say, I believe Kirk when he said his acceptance speech… I have to mention the Chaka Khan tribute too. I almost passed out when I saw Prince and Stevie Wonder playing lead guitar and the keys for Chaka’s tribute respectively. That gave me goosebumps. I’d have to echo host Damon Wayans’ sentiments when he said that he couldn’t handle that much talent on one stage. I loved that tribute. Musicians, GREAT musicians, doing their thang. And then after the commercial break, Ne-yo came on and sang his song. How anti-climactic was that? LOL It paled in comparison to what just happened before the commercial break.

Well, I’m baby-sitting the younger cousins today. I’m gonna drag them along with me to Papuri rehearsal tonight. Don’t know what the fam’s got planned for 4th of July yet. We’ll find out tomorrow. Anyway, hope everyone’s enjoying their 4th of July festivities! Thanks for putting up with my random musings.


Another one.

From Jax. All-tme favourites. You can narrow it down to 3 if you wish.

1. What is your all-time favourite movie?

What an interesting, colourful and sad life Mozart had. You feel for him as he goes through a very tumultuous journey, and his eventual fall from grace. A very golden, but tragic life in the end. One of my favourite composers.

2. What is your all-time favourite book?
The Lord of the Rings

This is the first book ever that I could just not put down. It helped that I saw The Fellowship of the Ring in the theatres first, so when I started reading the books, I could picture the characters and places in my head as I was reading it, and it made for a really enjoyable reading experience. Good triumphing over evil is always a good storyline. It doesn’t hurt that it has amazing fantastical characters in it, but ones that you can relate to. I read all 3 books in 5 days, that’s how much I loved it.

3. What is your all-time favourite song?
The Way You Look Tonight

It doesn’t matter who sang it, since it’s been sung so many times by a number of different artists. It’s just the song itself that I really like. I don’t really have an all-time favourite song, because I love songs, I love music, and it’s ridiculous to narrow it down to just one. But this song is just heart-warming, and lovely, and makes you want to fall in love, over and over again. It’s simple, the melody is simple, the words just melt your heart. Wouldn’t it be fantastic if the love of your life sings this to you?

4. If you could live anywhere in the world, where would you go?
London, England, U.K.

As if this was a surprise! I don’t know why I’m so fascinated with the U.K. I just am. I would love to eventually live and settle there, even retire there! I think it’s just a fabulous place, and it’s a hop, skip and a jump from Paris!

5. What would you rather be doing right now?

At this moment, sleeping. Or maybe watching a movie (e.g. Superman Returns - doesn’t Brandon Routh resemble Christopher Reeve a whole lot? It’s uncanny.). Perhaps, at Starbucks or Borders, reading a book and drinking coffee. Ahhh…


Saturday nothingness.

I woke up this morning with a massive headache. I don't know why, I slept early (earlier than usual) last night. Perhaps I'm not used to sleeping early. haha Strange. I still feel some tension in my head, but it's not bad as it was when I woke up. Slow day at work, just exams going on. Fairly quiet which is unusual, especially on a Saturday. I've finished drinking my MMM (Marble Mocha Machiatto), but I'm still sleepy. I'm going to take a long nap when I get home. Can't wait until next weekend! I'll be off to Santa Maria, singin' it up with Papuri. Not exactly a holiday, but it's OK, just needed to get away from Los Angeles for a bit.

Saw The Lake House last Thursday with the Papuri girlies. Awww… it's a sweet movie. If you want to experience that feeling of falling in love for the first time, all over again, I recommend you watch this movie. The movie is slow-paced, but engaging. Keanu and Sandra have great chemistry on-screen. Bring tissue though. There are a couple of moments when you may need it.


2. WERE YOU NAMED AFTER ANYONE? Yes, my maternal grandmother (Aurelia)
3. QUESTION NUMBER 3, WHERE ARE YOU???? I’m sitting in front of a computer.
4. WHEN DID YOU LAST CRY? Thursday night, watching The Lake House
5. DO YOU LIKE YOUR HANDWRITING? Most of the time. I used to like it better when I was in highschool.
7. KIDS? None, yet. Would like to have 2.
8. WOULD YOU BE FRIENDS WITH YOU? Yeah, I think so. I’m pretty chill. I’m not high-maintenance, I don’t think… hehe
9. DO YOU HAVE A JOURNAL? Yes, 2. This online one, and an actual journal.
10. DO YOU USE SARCASM A LOT? Sometimes, but obviously joking.
12. WOULD YOU BUNGEE JUMP? Yes, I believe I would. It would have to be in Wellington, NZ though.
15. DO YOU THINK YOU ARE STRONG? I think so, emotionally and physically.
16. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE ICE CREAM FLAVOR? Haagen Dazs’ Vanilla Swiss Almond or Dulce de Leche
17. SHOE SIZE? 6.5 or 7
18. RED OR PINK? Both
22. WHAT COLOR PANTS AND SHOES ARE YOU WEARING? I’m wearing blue denim jeans, and black flip-flops
23. LAST THING YOU ATE? Honey Bourbon Chicken sub from Quiznos - yum!
24. WHAT ARE YOU LISTENING TO RIGHT NOW? “Flying High in the Sky” by Digable Planets
25. IF YOU WERE A CRAYON WHAT COLOR WOULD YOU BE? I’m feeling a bit pink today, or maybe purple
26. FAVORITE SMELL? newborn babies.
27. WHO WAS THE LAST PERSON YOU TALKED TO ON THE PHONE? A parent of one of the students here at work.
29. DO YOU LIKE THE PERSON WHO SENT THIS TO YOU? No one sent this, I just found it on a random blog.
30. FAVORITE DRINK? Currently? MMM (Marble Mocha Machiatto) from Starbucks
31. FAVORITE SPORT TO WATCH? Basketball, Tennis, American Football (only when I watch with the cousins - USC Trojans), and lately Soccer (a.k.a. the “real” football - LOL - World Cup babee! Go England! hehe).
32. HAIR COLOR? Back to black.
33. EYE COLOR? Brown
35. FAVORITE FOOD? Besides Filipino - Thai, Japanese, and Italian.
39. WHAT BOOKS ARE YOU READING? None at the moment
40. WHAT”S ON YOUR MOUSE PAD? Mickey Mouse (how appropo).
41. WHAT DID YOU WATCH LAST NIGHT ON TV? Celebrity Poker Showdown
42. FAVORITE SOUNDS? anything musical and a baby’s laughter
43. ROLLING STONES OR BEATLES? The Beatles, of course.
44. THE FURTHEST YOU HAVE BEEN FROM HOME? Home being Los Angeles, it would be Toronto (my hometown)
45. DO YOU HAVE A SPECIAL TALENT? Nothing special, just singing. I can draw a little, and crochet when I’m not lazy.
46. WHEN AND WHERE WERE YOU BORN? 2/11/75 at a hospital in Pasay City, Manila, PHILIPPINES.


Day off and bowling.

I decided to take the day off yesterday. I've been working 6 days straight for the past 3 weeks, and yesterday I just couldn't do it anymore. I just needed a break. I called my boss and asked her if I could take the day off, and she said OK. I ended up staying home and tried installing AOL on my computer, but for some reason, it's not finding my modem. I don't know, I give up. Anyway, I went bowling with my Bible study group last night, and bowled 2 really good games. The first game, I had the 2nd highest score (next to Conan - grrr… LOL), and for the last game, I had the 3rd highest score. Out of 8 people, that's not too bad eh? Although, this kid in the next lane totally showed us up - he bowled 6 strikes in a row, for his last few frames. Man, I think that kid was a pro. haha My little niece Nevaeh bowled her little heart out as well. But towards the end of the night, she was getting really tired, and was mad that mom won't let her have popcorn. Poor thing. Most of us headed to Starbucks, Jer taught us some Mandarin, and we chatted 'til 12:30am, then called it a night. That was quite fun. I ended up staying up 'til 2:30am because of all that caffeine in my system. It's a good thing that I didn't have to be at work early today. Yeah, I'm feeling a bit sleepy right now. I'm meeting up with some Papuri friends to watch The Lake House tonight. Let's just hope I don't fall asleep. I heard there were some parts in the movie that are quite slow. I'm afraid I'm going to be sleeping through most of the movie. haha


Much better.

OK, I'm feeling a lot better (thank you, Lord!). Not completely out of the funk, but better. If you prayed for me, thanks, I really appreciate it. It's just one of those days.

I went to see Les Miserables with Audrey, Chiz and Aud's friend, Lauren at the Pantages Theatre last night. This was only my second time seeing this musical, and I love it even more than when I first saw it. There were moments when I got goosebumps, especially when they sang "Do You Hear the People Sing?" It was a little sentimental because I sang that song with Papuri at a concert last summer. I wanted to sing it out loud and hit those high notes! haha "Bring Him Home" always gets me. The scene where Fantine comes back to Jean Valjean at the end, after Marius and Cosette's wedding was the scene that opened the floodgates for me. I just turned on the waterworks, I think because I can sort of relate to the situation, having lost my father not too long ago (and yesterday being Father's Day). Yeah, I couldn't help but tear up. But I enjoyed it immensely. Randal Keith was fantastic as Jean Valjean. Up next, RENT anyone?

Bad day

Man, I'm having one today. That Daniel Powter song is on repeat in my head right now. The story of the day. *sigh* Well, it's not so bad, but I am in a bit of a emotional funk. I think it's hormones. I just don't want to do anything today. I'm a little grumpy. Just don't want to do anything.


The heat is on.

Man, it's scorching hot outside! Phew! I'm so glad I work indoors. I can barely stand being outside for no more than 2 minutes. I guess the fact that I'm also sick isn't making things better. You should hear my sexy, phlegmy voice though. haha I'm kinda diggin' it. But it sucks when I try to sing. :p

I've been drinking up on Airborne so I'm praying that that will help me feel better later on today. I have a long night ahead of me. I'll be working at least until 10pm. Another summer musical tonight and tomorrow. Pray for me that I last the weekend.


Feeling better.

I'm feeling a lot better today. Last night, I took a couple of Vitamin C tabs, and tried to sleep early (earlier than usual, that is). I somehow managed to (11-ish), but I kept waking up throughout the night, so I didn't really sleep that well. I still felt the scratchiness in my throat this morning, but it wasn't as bad as it was yesterday.

Bible study tonight. We're on the last chapter of this study guide that we're using on the book of Romans. Thinking about what to do next. Maybe another book study, the gospel of Mark perhaps? or Revelations? We'll see.

Currently enjoying a nice cup of coffee. Unfortunately, it's not really keeping me awake. Not strong enough, perhaps.



Please indulge me on this… Ya'll know I'm a fan. haha I just think it's quite funny. I love hobbits (and elves). ;)



Today's been a slow day here at work. Besides the occasional "inconveniences", nothing exciting really has happened. I have about a half an hour wait until I have to go home. This is completely different from yesterday, when it was incredibly hectic, and I was the only one at the office for most of the day. I've been tired these past couple of days too, as I have been staying up late, re-reading a book. I know, my fault. Now, I feel like I'm coming down with something. I woke up this morning with my throat feeling scratchy. I'm going to try to sleep early tonight, I'm going to try and fight this, since I can't afford to be sick at all. Everyone in the office, is coming down with something as well, so we're just spreading it just amongst ourselves. I'm getting hungry too. It's way past dinner time.

Oh, I finally watched Mission Impossible III. I liked it, because it's so JJ Abrams - the action sequences I mean. (I'm a fan of Alias and Lost). I don't quite understand what the point of the "rabbit's foot" is. I didn't really see it as a very threatening, world-ending complication because they didn't explain what it was and what it can do. It seemed pointless (At least in Goldeneye, we know why James Bond needed to destroy the "goldeneye", because we actually know what it can do). But it is action-packed, which is what I really liked. It's like Alias, on the big-screen. Speaking of which, they're doing a big-screen version of 24. Whoo-hoo! I'm soo there! Jack Bauer!


X-Men 3

I saw the movie this past weekend. It was a good movie overall, but I was a little dissatisfied about how things were wrapped up. It was certainly disappointing that they didn't even allow some character developments on the new mutants they introduced in this movie. But overall, it was good, not great, but good. I'm still bummed that Gambit was never included at all. He was one of my favourite X-Men, along with Scott/Cyclops and Hank/The Beast (wasn't Kelsey Grammer perfectly cast?). Jubilee actually made an appearance in this movie, but she was part of Magneto's crew. What's up with that?

Anyway, if you haven't seen the movie, don't leave the theatre when the movie ends. I suggest you stay put until the very end of the closing credits. That's all I'm going to say. ;)


In memory...

… of those who fought, and died for this country so that we all can enjoy freedom. We won't forget.

And we salute those who are still out there, fighting in Iraq. We support you.

And to the "greatest generation" - you are heroes and will always be remembered that way. We thank you.

Hope everyone's having a great Memorial Day.

Memorial Day.

Today is Memorial Day here in the U.S. (that's for my non-US readers, if there are any - haha!). I know I should be out there, either at the beach, or going to a bbq, but I opted to go in and work for a little bit instead. I really don't want to do much today. We already enjoyed some bbq last night at my uncle's house, and watched some movies, so that was pretty much our Memorial Day celebration.

When I got home last night, I watched the Band of Brothers marathon until I fell asleep. Yes, I know, I have the box set, but somehow it's different catching it on TV. You gotta love The History Channel! This past weekend, they showed a lot of movies and documentaries on the previous wars, and some about the one that's still going on to this day. Saving Private Ryan was on last Saturday night, so of course I ended up watching it. I've always been curious about WWII, but had become a "buff" not too long ago. Call me a nut, but oh well. Can't help but admire those who were part of "the greatest generation".


Wellington! and other matters.

I was watching 5 Takes (Pacific Rim) last night, and the TJs finally made their way to Wellington, New Zealand. And after seeing the show last night, I like Wellington even more. I started becoming interested in Wellington, and New Zealand for that matter, because of The Lord of the Rings. Most people know that I'm a big fan of LOTR (the books and the movies), so this really comes as no surprise at all. I would love to visit the sites where they filmed the movies. The 5 Takes TJs visited some of the "sets" last night on the show. They used to offer Lord of the Rings tours when the movies first came out. A tour of Middle Earth. That's something that I would definitely do. I'm not sure if they offer those anymore, however.

I finally saw The Da Vinci Code. (more…)


“Idol” blatherings…SKIP this if you’re not interested.

And our new American Idol is… (more…)


Got tagged by Jax

Ten Simple Pleasures
Name ten of life’s simple pleasures that you like the most, then pick ten people to do the same. Try to be original and creative and not to use things that someone else has already used.

1. Singing
2. Reading (either my Bible or a really good book)
3. My family
4. My niece Nevaeh and nephew Tristen
5. Sleeping6. A really good, tight hug
7. Talking to a friend
8. Iced Marble Mocha Macchiatto from Starbucks
9. PBS/Masterpiece Theatre
10. Listening to 80s "new wave" music

Tagging: Jugglernaut, and everyone else who wants to do this. LOL (Can't think of 10 people at the moment.)


The lengths people will go to…

…to prove that there is no God.

Article on Harvard project

"A fool says to himself, 'there is no God.'" It's sad to see what lengths people will go to just to prove that there is no God. The mere fact that people try to prove He doesn't exist, just reinforces the fact that God DOES exist. If you just look around you, you'll definitely see the existence of God. It's in the trees, when you look at the sunset, the people you see every day. There is definitely a Creator that designed the universe intelligently, creatively, and with the utmost love and care, it's sad to see that people would choose to ignore Him and not recognize His existence, and live a life that's without meaning, and without purpose. A wrist-watch didn't just come into existence without a designer. Someone has gathered all the nuts and bolts, each one with a purpose, with a design and and objective in mind, and put it together so that it will do what it is supposed to do, which is, to tell time. The same goes with the universe, it didn't just randomly come to be so. It didn't just exploded out of nowhere. If that were so, the universe would be quite chaotic right now, wouldn't you think? Everything would be in disarray. The sun would be sitting on Earth, I'd be riding on a comet right now. Someone designed the universe to work the way it is working right now and everything in it.

God's existence is proven in everything and everywhere. People choose not to acknowledge Him because we, in our very nature, are selfish people, who want to live our lives our own way, which result in emptiness and despair, without purpose and meaning. What kind of existence is that? An existence that surrounds on a belief that there is no God. And that is just unfortunate. "What does it profit a man, if he gains the whole world and loses his own soul?" I'd choose to live a life knowing that there is a God, and He loves me (regardless of whether others do or don't), offered His only Son, Jesus Christ to die for my sins (when I should be the one to pay the price for it) and that He created me for a purpose, and that I didn't just come into existence randomly. Nothing is random, everything has a purpose. People want to put God in a box and try to figure Him out, because we are afraid of what we don't know, what we can't control. That is why God is God. He created us, not the other way around. If we are able to understand Him and figure out His plans, He ceases to be God. So, no matter how much we try to figure out who God is, we will NEVER, EVER, know and understand everything about Him. The lyrics to one of Steven Curtis Chapman's songs come to mind and it goes…

God is God and I am not.
I can only see a part
Of the picture He's painting.
God is God and I am man.
I will never understand it all,
For ONLY God is GOD.

That is why this whole project that Harvard is trying to get started is a waste of time and a waste of money, because in the end, God is going to come out on top, whether you choose to believe it or not. God will always make Himself known, and He will be glorified in the end. Why don't they use those millions to feed the poor, or help fight the AIDS epidemic in Africa?
Oh, and I refuse to accept the theory that my ancestors are a bunch of monkeys. Just because we both have arms and legs and walk upright, doesn't prove that we came from monkeys. That's the beauty of having a Creator, every single creature is created uniquely and special. There might be similarities, but yet, individually, there's always a distinction.

Didn’t even know this actually happened.

First Filipino to reach summit of Everest

Pretty cool. Mabuhay ang Pilipino!

So, how many times has the summit of Mt. Everest been reached since Kiwi, Sir Edmund Hillary reached it for the very first time, ever? Does anyone know? Just curious, that's all.


Catching up with old friends.

Yesterday, I had a chance to catch up with Neva, one of my dear old friends from Biola. It's such a blessing just to be able to talk and update each other on what's been going on in our own lives. Before yesterday, I hadn't seen her in about 3 years! Since then, she has gotten married. I consider her one of my closest friends, and she and I kept each other accountable when we were both at Biola. She and I are both at different points in our lives, but somehow, things haven't really changed that much. We've decided to try and meet up as much as we can and probably become accountability partners again, and just pray for and encourage each other. I thank God for friendships like the one I have with her.


The heat is on.

It's becoming really warm here in Southern California. Time to hit the beach! I can't wait for the Memorial Day break, I'll probably take a trip down to the beach, and soak up some rays. I want to go on a road trip, maybe up north to San Francisco, or down south to San Diego. Just need to get away from L.A. for a little bit. We'll see, if a trip's within my budget, then I'll probably take one this summer.

I feel like a nomad. This urge for me to up and move from one place to another has always been a part of who I am. Well, at least ever since my family and I moved from Manila to Toronto. Not long after that, my family moved to the States, and now it's like I expect myself to make another move somewhere, anywhere. I can't stay in one place for so long, I think that's why I always have the urge to go on trip or a holiday - somewhere unfamiliar, and hopefully exciting. But ultimately, I just want to live in different parts of the world, not just go on a quick holiday, but actually live there. Maybe someday I'll get to do that. But for now, I will live vicariously through the books that I read and movies that I watch, which are, not surprisingly, set in a city or cities in Europe or Asia.

Oh, there are plans to go to Vegas in August, by the way. But I'm thinking twice about that, for financial reasons. We'll see.

OK, time to go. Heading home, a book awaits me. Have a good weekend everyone.


It's the weekend.

Well, I'm here at work, counting down the minutes to when I leave. I have to run a few errands right after work. I feel like watching a movie tonight. Hmmm… don't know, we'll see. I guess I should finish the book I'm currently reading. I'm a bit restless today, I need to go out and do something - do laundry, or go to Starbucks and read/people-watch - hehe. Anyway, can't believe April's almost done. Time sure does fly by quickly. Summer's fast-approaching. I'm praying for another opportunity to do local missions again this summer. Would love to do that again.

Anyway, time to go. 'ta!


Yay! It's Friday!

Well, even though my work-week ends on Saturday, I still am thankful that the weekend's here. It's been a little gloomy lately, weather-wise I mean, but that's pretty much where the gloom starts and ends. Work's been quite enjoyable these days, can't say why. Anyway, I've been on a book-reading spree these past couple of weeks:

Da Vinci Code by Dan Brown
(Side note: Ever wonder why Dan Brown is having legal troubles right now? Things that make you go hmmm… And I believe they're not coincidences either.)

Band of Brothers (from D-Day to Hitler's Eagle's Nest) by Stephen Ambrose - explained a lot that was left out of the series. Very poignant, touching - made me cry.)

Angels & Demons by Dan Brown - this one, I'm currently reading.

All 3 are very good reads. Part of my "goal" this year is to read more books, 3 in a month actually. I had a list of books that I posted in an entry a while back, I'm slowly working my way through that list.

Finally got the track to that wedding song that I was looking for! (Thanks Ning!) All I need to do is learn the song in time for the wedding next Saturday. Pray for me, I've got major cramming to do. I have 2 back-up songs just in case I don't make it. hehe But I'll try my best to learn the song.

Well, have a good weekend everyone! 'Til next post.



I've been asked to sing at a wedding in a couple of weeks, and I have a couple of songs that I have in mind already, but the bride requested a specific song for me to sing at the wedding. She said that I don't have to sing it, but I think it would be awesome if I ended up singing it for her and her husband-to-be at the ceremony. The song's called, "A Page is Turned" by Bebo Norman. Does anyone have the accompaniment track of that song? I would really appreciate it if I could borrow it. Whoever has the track, please email me at singinachau211@yahoo.com. I'm probably going to have to learn it in the next 2 weeks. hehe That's me, always the procrastinator when it comes to finding a wedding song. hah!



Another work week has ended! Bliss! Next week is Spring break for our school, which means, no kids! Haha Of course I’m kidding (not!). But it will be nice and quiet here for once. Yes, I still have to work, the staff don’t really get a break. But the upside is that we don’t really work our regular hours which is quite convenient. I hope that it will be sunny some time next week, I’d love to go to the beach and get a tan.

Easter Sunday tomorrow! HAPPY EASTER to everyone! Thank you, Lord Jesus for dying on the cross for a wretched person like me, and for rising up again and defeating sin and death, so that we all may live!



There are certain times in my life when I feel alienated, or isolated, even with those whom I'm close. Despite my efforts, I still don't feel like I belong most of the time. I try to participate in activities, or discussions, but I feel like I have to make the extra effort just to be heard. I sometimes feel like I can't be myself. Maybe I'm doing this to myself. Maybe, subconsciously, I isolate myself. There's a certain feeling of loneliness sometimes, and when loneliness hits, it usually overwhelms me. I don't know why I feel that way at times. Perhaps it stems from when I was younger - I had bouts of insecurity, especially about my physical appearance. I had a very low self-esteem. As I got older, I slowly learned to become more confident. But there are times when the insecure little girl comes out, especially when I'm in a large crowd. I tend to slink off into a corner and just observe people around me. I think I do better in smaller settings, I guess it forces me to connect with people.

Speaking of connection, I don't really have a core of friends that I have close connections with anymore. I had a best friend back when I was in high school, with whom I had fun with, shared profound moments with, and was able to be crazy with. We still keep in touch, but we live in 2 different parts of the world now, so the closeness isn't what it used to be anymore. I still consider her to be my best friend to this day, even though we don't keep in touch with each other as much as we used to. I also had a group of friends in college, they were the ones who kept me accountable, lifted me up in prayer, and encouraged me. They cried with me when I was hurting, they laughed with me when something amazing happened in my life, and they would rebuke me in love when I messed up. I miss having that kind of connection, especially with women. There was no sense of competition whatsoever, which is what human nature normally dictates. Sadly, all of "my girls" have moved back to their own hometowns since graduating from college, so it's hard for us to get together as much as we would like. With them, there were no feelings of alienation or isolation. I was able to be myself with them.

I suppose I could try a bit more. I suppose I should assert myself more than I do. I suppose I shouldn't worry about it as much, because I do feel blessed to have the friends that I have now, and to even have friends at all. And these people love me, care for me, pray for me, and encourage me in their own ways. And of course, I know that I have one friend with whom I don't have to be insecure, and will accept and love me for who I am. I don't have to try so hard with Him, or impress Him. He'll be my friend no matter what I do or say. He's the ultimate friend - He laid down His life for me (and everyone for that matter!). He is my best friend. I just need to really claim that. I tend to forget sometimes. Thank you Lord Jesus.

Before I completely forget, I want to greet my cousin, April (a.k.a. "Prel", "Ning-ning", "Double-ning", "Ningx2") a very HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Love yah.

Today also marks the 5th year anniversary of my dad's "homecoming". He went home to be with the Lord on April 13, 2001. I'll always miss you, Dad.



I'm not sure what brought it on, but I am seriously craving for some schezuan garlic noodles right now. I'm contemplating on buying the noodles & sauce kit which you can purchase at the local grocery/market, I just need to buy either chicken or shrimp to mix in with it. But then, I probably won't do that, since it's too much work (haha - I know, stir-frying is loads of work!!!). I don't want to be bothered with it. The nearest restaurant that makes garlic noodles is in Long Beach, and I don't feel like driving out there just to satisfy my cravings. *sigh* Yeah, I have huge problems, don't I? :p

Pretty slow day here at work, considering it's tuition payment time. Why do you think I have the luxury of posting a blog at this time? LOL I'm reading my Bible and listening to the Parachute Band singing "All the Earth" - one of my favourite worship songs by the way - God's existence, His beauty and glory is evident in His creation. I should take the time to enjoy Him through His creation, and thank Him for life itself. I guess I just needed to be reminded of that.

Anywhoo, new favourite TV shows: $40 A Day, 5 Takes (one of the coolest jobs in the world), InJustice - I totally want to do that kind of work that they do on the show. These are a bunch of young lawyers, trying to solve cases and free an innocent person who has been wrongly convicted of a crime. It's very moving. I'd definitely recommend it.

American Idol: I can't believe Mandisa got booted off. But given the fact that it was down to her or Elliott, I was slightly relieved that she was voted off. Hobbits rule, you know? LOL Hey, but he's cool, and his pipes - amazing!


Your senior year in High School is supposed to be "the best year of your life." Yeah right! Let's see how much you remember. I know for some it might be hard for you to go back that far!
Year:1992 (officially)

1. Who was your best friend?
Rizza D.

2. What sports did you play?
I didn't play any sports.

3. What kind of car did you drive?
I didn't drive, didn't have to. I took public transpo - go TTC!

4. It's Friday night, where were you?
If it wasn't snowing, I would be out with my friends, either at the mall/cinema, some Pho' place or downtown Toronto.

5. Were you a party animal?
Hardly - haha

6. Were you in the "In Crowd"?
Not at all. I hung out with whoever's available. haha

7. Ever skip school?

8. Ever smoke?

9. Were you a nerd?
Pretty much

10. Did you get suspended/expelled?

11. Can you sing the alma mater?
I don't remember it.

12. Who was your favourite teacher?
My English teacher in 11th grade. I can't remember his name, but he was "groovy" - long-haired hippie. He introduced me to Shakespeare. He was great, it's just sad that I can't remember his name at all!

13. Favourite class?
English (literature)

14. What was your school's full name?
Midland Avenue Collegiate Institute (Ontario, CANADA)

15. School mascot?
A marauder

16. Did you go to Prom?
We didn't have Prom at all - my high school sucked at those kinds of things. We had dances and student-concerts though. I guess those made up for not having Prom.

17. If you could go back and do it over, would you?
Yes, I definitely would.

18. What do you remember most about graduation?
Singing in front of the whole graduating class.

19. Favourite memory of your Senior Year?
(1) Being my Music teacher's assistant for her freshmen classes.
(2) My first romantic experience.

20. Were you ever posted up on the senior wall?
We didn't have one.

21. Did you have a job your senior year?
Yes, I did. McDonald's baby! hehe

22. Who did you date?

23. Where did you go most often for lunch?
The cafeteria.

24. Have you gained weight since then?
I actually lost weight since HS.

25. What did you do after graduation?
I moved to the U.S. with my family, and went on to University.


I miss singing.

I realized that I haven't really done much singing, outside of church that is, for a few months now. Papuri took a break in February and this month from rehearsing and we're hoping to start up again in April, and In Harmony is on an indefinite hiatus (gosh, I miss singing with my cousins!). Last night, I just had a grand time rehearsing with our Praise and Worship team, learning new songs (new to us, at least), and I got to play my guitar as well (I've developed the callouses again). It was just an awesome time.

I auditioned for my co-worker's band a few months ago, and it seemed like they were leaning towards getting both Blessing and I to be their singers. For the audition, they had us sing 3 songs - Chaka Khan's "You Got the Love" (that was a blast to sing, btw), "Something to Talk About" by Bonnie Raitt, and "Use Me" by Bill Withers (yes, I did the Scott Leonard/Rockapella version, vocally I mean). But alas, the drummer had other plans, upped and left to follow this girl in NYC - hah! So, that's not going to happen at all.

I'm living vicariously through the Americal Idol contestants this season. I've got faves, like Katherine McPhee (I want her to win), Mandisa, Chris Daughtry, and Elliott Yamin (I just love his voice, and I'm a sucker for guys who can sing, who cares if he's not Mr. Goodlooks?! He CAN SAING (sing), picks the most difficult songs to sing like "Moody's Mood for Love" and "Knocks Me Off My Feet" and nails 'em!), and then of course, for aesthetic purposes, Ace Young (LOL). They got to meet one of my favourite artists of all-time, Stevie Wonder, they got to sing his songs. No, I'm not dreaming to be on AI, (besides I'm WAY past the age limit - hah), but just the fact that you get to go and sing everyday of your life in front of the world is exciting. Different kind of adrenalin. Ahhh… I just love to sing, and I'm thankful that God has blessed me with some sort of ability to sing. I'm very grateful.


Some kind of survey.

Just for fun, because I feel like it. Got it from Jax

Four Jobs I’ve Had in My Life
1. Food service/Cashier (McDonald’s)
2. Library Circulation Desk worker
3. Legal Assistant at an Estate Planning Law Firm
4. Music School Administrator

Four Films I Can Watch Over and Over
1. Love Actually
2. The Lord of the Rings - all 3
3. Band of Brothers
4. Amadeus

Four Places I Have Lived
1. Pasay City, Manila, PHILIPPINES
2. Sucat, Paranaque, Manila, PHILIPPINES
3. Scarborough, Ontario, CANADA
4. Cerritos, CA, U.S.A.

Four TV Programs I Love to Watch
1. Oprah
2. Extreme Makeover - Home Edition
3. Masterpiece Theatre on PBS
4. BBC World News (on PBS)

Four Places I Would Have Visited, Had I Had the Money
1. London
2. Paris
3. Tokyo
4. Berlin

Four Websites I Visit Daily
1. My emails (yahoo, hotmail & gmail)
2. My blogs (and some friends’ blogs)
3. Toronto.com
4. TOR.n (The One Ring dot net)

Four of My Favourite Foods
1. Sushi
2. Pasta (especially any seafood pasta with cream sauce - yum)
3. Beef afritada (Filipino style)
4. Orange chicken and chowmein from the Chinese fast-food place down the street from work.

Four Places I Would Rather Be
1. Home
2. Starbucks/Barnes & Noble/Borders
3. New York
4. London

Four Bloggers I Am Tagging (in no particular order)
1. whoever feels like killing time and doing this.



I’m in serious need of caffeine right now! What a day this has been! It seems like all the EGRs decided to pick on me today. Grace, Lord, grant me the grace AND the patience. *sigh*

Thanks for letting me vent. I’m done.

The song I’m listening to: “Trying Times” by boyz II men - how appropo.


Guess who’s back?

Well folks, I’m back. I apologize for the long hiatus. I wasn’t intending on staying away for that long, but it just so happened that I didn’t really have anything to talk about (not that I have anything to talk about now).

I’ve had quite a long day and I’m just thankful that the day has finally ended. I know I should be getting some sleep, but somehow, I’m too restless to sleep. I started the day late (which is not really a surprise). I arrived at work and I just jumped right in an immersed myself in whatever it was that I had to take care of. I’m a bit stressed out since we are starting a new semester with new classes in the next couple of weeks, and I’m already anticipating that it’s going to be slightly chaotic in the next couple of days, in preparation for the new semester. I have no holidays to look forward to, as I don’t have the time to go on one, so I don’t really have time to relax and unwind. I’m looking forward to a brief getaway in December, but that’s months away. I’m still not sure if I’d be able to afford to go on that trip. There’s Vegas in June, but that’s not really a holiday since I’ll be “working”. No, not that kind of “work” (hah! - ya’ll are crazy), more like a singing gig at one of the hotels over there. That’s still in the planning stages, so we’ll see how that pans out.

Everyone’s getting sick around me. My mom’s just barely recovered from her cough - she was having major coughing fits. I think I’m about to come down with something, but I’m fighting it, darn it! I ain’t goin’ down ya’ll. I can’t afford to be sick. Pray for me - I’m gonna need it in the next couple of weeks.

Can you believe I’m currently listening to Teena Marie?! I know, random. I’m at my aunt’s house right now, watching the kids for the night. She had asked me to babysit, as well as do some work-related stuff for her. It had become quiet, couldn’t stand the silence any longer, so I signed on Launch.com, hence, Teena Marie. hah! Boy, am I sleepy!

My current obsession: Band of Brothers. I love that series. Damian Lewis is brilliant. I’m going to marry him. Yes, I will. (Like I said, I’m sleepy.)

I went to Knott’s last Saturday with the cousins and the little chickadees, Nevaeh and Tristen, and after riding the X-Celerator, I realized that I have become too old for rollercoasters. I was feeling the aches and the pains, as well as slight dizziness after 2 rides, but it was worth it, because I got to see how much my 3-year-old niece, Nevaeh, enjoyed herself at the park. Seeing her laugh and smile made me very happy.

Well, I’m going to check up on the kids to see if they’re all settled in for the night. Good night.


Finally, some peace and quiet. It was a madhouse today here at work! Phones were ringing off-the-hook, parents were coming up to the counter and paying for tuition. It was going on for about 4-5 hours non-stop, and finally, silence. Thank God. I’m just waiting around for laggers to come and pay and then I’m off. Planning on hitting the gym tonight, but I’m beat and I have an early day tomorrow - 8am, and 4 new classes starting. Longest week of my life? Possibly. But then, there’s next week, with new classes starting every day. *groan*

Je suis fatigue. J’ai faim. J’ai besoin de dormir. J’ai besoin d’une vacances. And I can’t stress that enough. *sigh* But I shouldn’t complain. Praise God that I’m able to work and earn a living. I need to count my blessings everyday.

Well, I have to get going. Bonne nuit. Au revoir.


Trying hard not to fall asleep...

…here at work. *yawn*

DVD Recommendation - Band of Brothers - brilliant. Definitely add it to your Netflix queue (if you have one).



Birthday’s officially over! Thanks to all those who celebrated with me, and to those who sent greetings via text messaging. I appreciate all of it. I love all of you, thank you for spending my special day with me. I also thank you for the lovely gifties! (I got a lot of the stuff from my Amazon wishlist - Band of Brothers!!!)

Oh, and to top it all off, we went bowling! hehe Great day.

You knew me before the world began, You chose me to be Your very own - thank you Lord, for blessing me with another year!
Sleep beckons! Good night.


Taking a break.

I’m taking a break from working. Not much to say except for the fact that I’m enjoying my new favourite Starbucks beverage - iced, non-fat, grande Marble Mocha Macchiatto (trying saying that really fast, 3 times!). No more “Dirt Water” for me, well, at least not for awhile. That is all.


I had a very nice time this weekend. My family and I spent Friday night and all-day Saturday at an uncle and aunt’s home in Temecula. I really needed it, and it was great hanging out with my cousins, my mom, my aunts, my uncles, niece and nephew. The weekend retreat was a belated celebration of my Tito (Uncle in Filipino/Tagalog) Pepe and my cousin Newie’s birthdays.
Friday night was quite an adventure for my mom and I. My mom and I got lost on the way to the Temecula house. We had to drive on our own since my mom didn’t get off work until 10pm. We were doing quite well for most of the way until the last mile of our journey on the freeway. It became quite foggy all of a sudden, so I could not quite make out the exit signs. Needless to say, I lost track of where we were going. Usually, I would’ve just hopped back on the freeway and back-tracked, or try to find a major street and go from there, but the thick fog made it quite difficult. My fog lights couldn’t even penetrate through the thickness of the fog. Thankfully, my Uncle David and cousin Joyce were out doing a Jack in the Box run. I called my Uncle David and asked him to come get us at this little shopping plaza where I had decided to park at, lest I get completely lost in the thick fog. I never panic when I get lost. I’ve gotten lost quite a few times, at night mostly, but I’ve always managed to stay calm and just find my way. Friday night was the exception. Thanks fog!

When we got to the house, everyone was pretty much lounging around, just talking, playing and goofing around (well, the cousins were). My cousin Joyce, April and I ended up playing a board game called Cashflow which, we soon found out, was quite addicting, we were up ’til 4am playing the game.

Saturday - we went for brunch. Went back to the house and we continued to play Cashflow. Then some of us went to Thornton Winery. April, Christine and I did some wine-tasting, while the parents took a tour of the winery. Headed back home that night. And I just completely crashed soon as I hit the bed.

That was pretty much a holiday for me. I haven’t done anything nor gone anywhere in about a year. Just being out there with my family was great. I’d love to do it again some time soon! I thank God for my family. We’re not perfect, but we love, support and help each other. Wouldn’t trade them for anything in the world!

Achau’s Wishlist


This song drove me to tears this morning on the way to work. The words are simple and straight-forward, but it just hit me like a ton of bricks. It’s amazing how the God of the universe can call me His friend, even though I don’t deserve it.

I like Israel Haughton’s rendition of this song. It’s so joyful. And the harmonies are amazing.

“Friend of God”
by Michael Gungor and Israel Haughton
as sung by Israel & the New Breed

Who am I that You are mindful of me,
That You hear me when I call?
Is it true that You are thinking of me?
How You love me, it’s amazing.

I am a friend of God
I am a friend of God
I am a friend of God
He calls me friend.

God Almighty, Lord of glory
You have called me friend


Jeff's stint on the Lisa Loeb show.

OK, my cousin told me that Jeff wasn't Lisa's actual date. Isaac Mizrahi had Jeff come out as a surprise for LL. He was only there all of 5 seconds (well, maybe more than that), and he brought her a Hello Kitty rice cooker. Apparently, LL is a Hello Kitty freak. They didn't say much to each other, but she did give him a hug and thanked him for the rice cooker. He was never seen, nor mentioned again after that. That is all... LOL Oh well. Maybe we should sign JT up as the next Bachelor. ;) I'd definitely watch that. :)



I found my glasses! Whoo-hoo! I can finally take a break from wearing contacts. :)

I’ve started playing the guitar again. My fingers are hurting. And I found my gift certificates for Sam Ash! It looks like I might be able to invest on a decent acoustic/electric guitar soon.

Oooh! 24’s on… Good night! :)


Jeff on "#1 Single"

Someone emailed me yesterday, telling me that Jeff Thacher will be on the new E! Reality show called "#1 Single". A reality dating show starring the be-spectacled songstress Lisa Loeb (yes, the "Stay (I Miss You)" girl). She's looking for love in the Big Apple, and apparently Jeff is one of her dates. I'm not sure when the show airs, I think it's this Sunday, on the E! Network, but you might want to check your local listings.

All I have to say is, it's about damn time! This man has been eligible for too long, someone needs to snatch him up soon! But, I don't know if Lisa Loeb would be a suitable match for him. We shall see. Anyway, I just hope he will finally shake off the "undesirables" that have been lurking around for quite a while. ;) I kid. But.....you know what I'm sayin'. OK, nevermind. LOL

Update: After each episode, you can rate Lisa's dates, whether they're hot or not. Go to the official site and rate our boy. hahaha! :)



24. I'm hooked. Unbelievable.


I’m extremely bored (and sleepy) so I decided to surf the ‘net and found this…

Lord of the Rings Chalkboard
(Yes, I’m a geek. Thank you.)
Some are funny, some not so, but amusing just the same. Enjoy.