
Happy Thanksgiving.

I need to do some laundry tonight. Actually, I’ll probably hold off ‘til tomorrow morning. Speaking of tomorrow, it’s Thanksgiving here in the U.S., which means, turkey, stuffing, and cranberries, oh my! Looking forward to get my grub on. I’m hoping that my coughing wouldn’t be as bad tomorrow as it is today. I actually had, for the most part, an uninterrupted sleep last night. But as soon as I woke up, the coughing ensued. I thank God for the few hours of sleep I had last night. I actually felt rested.

I just found out that some family friends suffered a loss this past weekend. We’ve know the Tabunar family from our days back in Toronto, and the dad, Gary, passed away last Sunday due to cancer. It’s always hard to lose a loved one, especially to a very devastating disease. But we are assured of the fact that he is now home with the Lord Jesus. I can imagine what the family must be going through right now. You initially go through a stage of denial. It’s like, whatever has happened isn’t real. But it just knocks you over when it finally sinks in, and you know you can’t do anything about it. Even though you know that you will see the person some day, and that he or she is in the presence of Jesus Christ, you still can’t escape the feeling of loss. We are just humans after all. It’s just a part of life. When I hear of something like this happening, especially to people that I know, it just brings back memories of my own loss – the passing of my dad. The times that you remember that they’re no longer there, are the worst times you can ever experience. Let’s keep the Tabunar family in our prayers, especially Auntie Tita.

I apologize if I’m ending this post on a somber mood. Just remember to live life worthy of the Cross. Happy thanksgiving to all!