
Trying times.

Trials come in our lives either to bring us down or to make us stronger. It could either drive us away from God or draw us closer to Him. I prefer the latter on both counts. Why does it have to be so hard? *sigh* As you may have guessed, I’m going through a trial right now. Nothing devastating, but it’s still agonizing. I’m not saying that I wish I wasn’t going through this particular trial, but I wish I knew what to expect. But of course, you’ll never really know what to expect when you go through trials. The bright side of the whole thing is that it is drawing me closer to Him. It’s just that my human nature is in agony about it. *argh* I’m going to continue to set my sights on the Cross, let go of the reigns and let God do what He needs to do.

I’m going up north (the Bay area) next weekend! Papuri’s singing up in San Bruno on Friday (15th), Saturday (16th) and Sunday (17th), and then on Monday (18th) off to galavant and then head home. It’s going to be incredibly cold up there, I’m assuming, which will not help in my recovery at all. I’m barely getting rid of my cough. *sigh* I thought I was done with it, but it’s starting to act up again! I’ve been taking antibiotics, but for some reason, I’m getting the coughing fits again. *sigh* Please keep me in prayer.

Heroes - incredible! January 22nd is just too far away. *sigh*

Dreamgirls - December 25th. Anyone want to go?