
Sleep deprived.

*sigh* I did not get any sleep at all last night. I had major coughing-fits and it kept me up all night. I was able to doze off sometime around 4am, only to be awaken by my own coughing at 8am. I’m tired. Please keep me in your prayers.

The strange thing is, I don’t get coughing fits during the day. I feel fine right at this moment. Once in a while, I would cough, but it’s not to the point where I’m about to throw up. The fits always happen at night. I’ve been taking my meds but somehow it doesn’t work AT NIGHT. *sigh* It’s exhausting being sick.

It’s very peaceful here at work right now. My co-worker just left, so I’m left all by my lonesome, just listening to the radio. I’m about to leave soon as well. I’m going home to see if I can catch up on some sleep.

I want to see Happy Feet, Stranger than Fiction, Running with Scissors, and Casino Royale. I have yet to see Flags of our Fathers. Somebody come see it with me!