
I have returned!

I survived Bakersfield! I actually got sick when we got up there to sing at the CA Southern Baptist Convention, had been drinking some Airborne and sucking on Halls Vitamin C cough drops. The night we had to sing, I was feeling fine, but coughing a little bit. As soon as we were done singing, I felt the fever coming on. Finally, on our way home, after taking some Ibuprofen (thanks, Ning), I slept all the way home, by the time we got to Glendale to drop off April, my fever broke, praise God!

As I had mentioned in one of my previous posts, my cousins and I (a.k.a. In Harmony) went up to Bakersfield, CA to sing at the Filipino pastors and church workers’ breakfast on Tuesday morning, and the main session of the convention in the evening. Everything went fine when we sang in the morning, and it was a smaller crowd and we knew most of the pastors that were there, so there wasn’t much nervousness going on. But when we had to sing for the evening session, we started getting a little bit more nervous, as we were going to be singing for a whole bunch of people, most of them we don’t know at all, and we felt so small in this humungous church auditorium! The soundcheck went well, had a little trouble hearing ourselves through the monitors, but the technician was able to adjust it and we felt good about it at the end. 30 minutes right before we go on, we started to get butterflies, nerves were starting to get the best of us, but we prayed and quickly reminded ourselves that we were about to sing for an audience of One.

I would love to say that we sang without a hitch, however, that wasn’t the case at all. We couldn’t hear ourselves from the floor monitor, and apparently, the audience could barely hear us, the music drowned us out. Good thing we didn’t know, otherwise, we would’ve messed up. We had fun though, and we just thought about the reason why we were singing in the first place, that is to glorify the One who is our reason to sing. After the main service, people went up to us to tell us they were blessed and we actually got some invitations to sing at their churches. Praise God! It was a great experience overall.

Thanksgiving’s coming up! So much to be thankful for, especially for this year. Anyway, I will be concentrating on getting better this week, and praying that I will not get sick again, especially for the rest of the year. ‘ta!