
We'd like a new CD, please!

I saw Rockapella last Saturday and all I have to say is that they need to get workin' on a brand-spankin' new CD and release it by next year, because most of the original tunes that I heard need to be listened to over and over again, especially my new fave, "California Sad-eyed Girl" (my new DTMYD), which is clearly about me...NOT (haha) Anyway, the Boys were in fine form and it was great to see them having a blast on stage. My one regret is that during the "audience request" portion of the show, I didn't yell out "Don't Tell Me You Do". I've been itchin' to hear that song again. *sigh* Maybe when I see them in December. Didn't stay for the meet-and-greet, but did manage to cut in front of the line to say "hi" to Scott, hand him a "gift", gave him a hug, and wished them a safe trip to Singapore and Hong Kong. As I walked away, I heard someone yell "Hey Aura!", I turned around and realized it was Jeff callin' out my name. So, I went back, he stretched out his hand (he was sitting next to Scott), I reached back, my arm almost blocking the face of the lady talking to Scott, to touch Jeff's hand. He asked me if I was takin' off, I told him that I was, he said that it was great to see me, I said likewise and then took off. Now, I have to say, in the 6 years that I've followed Rockapella and have spoken to Jeff, he's never, EVER mentioned my name until last Saturday. It was always, "hey, how are you" or "hey you", but never actually uttered my name. I just thought it was very notable. :) Up next, The Coach House show in San Juan Capistrano which will be in a few weeks. Until then, 'ta!