
Weekend goings-on

Celebrated my cousin Joyce’s b-day this past weekend, starting with a b-day/housewarming party for her on Saturday, and then Magic Castle last Sunday night, which was so much fun, and to top it off, my cousin Chel from NY/NJ area was in town on business, but was able to join us for the weekend. If you ever go to the Magic Castle, ya’ll need to order their Mondo-sized steak. You will not believe the enormity of said steak, I give props to Jade and Christine (esp. Jade) for finishing the whole thing, without breaking a sweat! LOL I had a blast.

Sunday morning was our first joint service with the mother church (North Long Beach Christian) and the Cambodian mission, after not having had one for quite a while. It’s always nice to fellowship with other brethren in Christ outside your church family. We’ll be having these fellowships everytime there’s a 5th Sunday in a month. (And Pastor Carter made sure I know that I owe him 3 more songs - *sigh* LOL).

Belated Happy b-day to Aud (yesterday)! I already greeted her yesterday, and got her a cake, white cake with strawberries, kiwi and peaches all around - YUM!

Next week…VEGAS!