

I suppose I should provide an explanation regarding my previous post. First off, I’d like to thank those who left me notes of well-wishes. Thank you so much. I really appreciate your kind thoughts. What happened was my car got hit from behind last Friday, while it was parked at the lot at work. I’m OK, I was not hurt at all. I was still inside our building when it happened. However, my car suffered some damage – a broken tail light (the right one), my right rear tire blew out from the impact, and I have a dent on my door on the right side as well (the back door), and a nasty streak of black paint on the side. I walked out of the building and found my car in that condition, and it’s just very disheartening. It was a hit-and-run and unfortunately, there were no witnesses. I’m just glad that I wasn’t in the car when it all happened. Thank God. Now, I have to deal with the insurance stuff… *groan* The police told me that someone might have been doing “donuts” in the parking lot and hit the car. Unfortunately, the lights at the parking lot weren’t on either, so it was pitch dark outside. The driver was probably intoxicated so he or she didn’t see my car until it was too late. *sigh* So, there you have it, the reason why I ‘m chalking up 8/3/07 as a bad day.