
The heat is on.

It's becoming really warm here in Southern California. Time to hit the beach! I can't wait for the Memorial Day break, I'll probably take a trip down to the beach, and soak up some rays. I want to go on a road trip, maybe up north to San Francisco, or down south to San Diego. Just need to get away from L.A. for a little bit. We'll see, if a trip's within my budget, then I'll probably take one this summer.

I feel like a nomad. This urge for me to up and move from one place to another has always been a part of who I am. Well, at least ever since my family and I moved from Manila to Toronto. Not long after that, my family moved to the States, and now it's like I expect myself to make another move somewhere, anywhere. I can't stay in one place for so long, I think that's why I always have the urge to go on trip or a holiday - somewhere unfamiliar, and hopefully exciting. But ultimately, I just want to live in different parts of the world, not just go on a quick holiday, but actually live there. Maybe someday I'll get to do that. But for now, I will live vicariously through the books that I read and movies that I watch, which are, not surprisingly, set in a city or cities in Europe or Asia.

Oh, there are plans to go to Vegas in August, by the way. But I'm thinking twice about that, for financial reasons. We'll see.

OK, time to go. Heading home, a book awaits me. Have a good weekend everyone.