
Memorial Day.

Today is Memorial Day here in the U.S. (that's for my non-US readers, if there are any - haha!). I know I should be out there, either at the beach, or going to a bbq, but I opted to go in and work for a little bit instead. I really don't want to do much today. We already enjoyed some bbq last night at my uncle's house, and watched some movies, so that was pretty much our Memorial Day celebration.

When I got home last night, I watched the Band of Brothers marathon until I fell asleep. Yes, I know, I have the box set, but somehow it's different catching it on TV. You gotta love The History Channel! This past weekend, they showed a lot of movies and documentaries on the previous wars, and some about the one that's still going on to this day. Saving Private Ryan was on last Saturday night, so of course I ended up watching it. I've always been curious about WWII, but had become a "buff" not too long ago. Call me a nut, but oh well. Can't help but admire those who were part of "the greatest generation".