
The lengths people will go to…

…to prove that there is no God.

Article on Harvard project

"A fool says to himself, 'there is no God.'" It's sad to see what lengths people will go to just to prove that there is no God. The mere fact that people try to prove He doesn't exist, just reinforces the fact that God DOES exist. If you just look around you, you'll definitely see the existence of God. It's in the trees, when you look at the sunset, the people you see every day. There is definitely a Creator that designed the universe intelligently, creatively, and with the utmost love and care, it's sad to see that people would choose to ignore Him and not recognize His existence, and live a life that's without meaning, and without purpose. A wrist-watch didn't just come into existence without a designer. Someone has gathered all the nuts and bolts, each one with a purpose, with a design and and objective in mind, and put it together so that it will do what it is supposed to do, which is, to tell time. The same goes with the universe, it didn't just randomly come to be so. It didn't just exploded out of nowhere. If that were so, the universe would be quite chaotic right now, wouldn't you think? Everything would be in disarray. The sun would be sitting on Earth, I'd be riding on a comet right now. Someone designed the universe to work the way it is working right now and everything in it.

God's existence is proven in everything and everywhere. People choose not to acknowledge Him because we, in our very nature, are selfish people, who want to live our lives our own way, which result in emptiness and despair, without purpose and meaning. What kind of existence is that? An existence that surrounds on a belief that there is no God. And that is just unfortunate. "What does it profit a man, if he gains the whole world and loses his own soul?" I'd choose to live a life knowing that there is a God, and He loves me (regardless of whether others do or don't), offered His only Son, Jesus Christ to die for my sins (when I should be the one to pay the price for it) and that He created me for a purpose, and that I didn't just come into existence randomly. Nothing is random, everything has a purpose. People want to put God in a box and try to figure Him out, because we are afraid of what we don't know, what we can't control. That is why God is God. He created us, not the other way around. If we are able to understand Him and figure out His plans, He ceases to be God. So, no matter how much we try to figure out who God is, we will NEVER, EVER, know and understand everything about Him. The lyrics to one of Steven Curtis Chapman's songs come to mind and it goes…

God is God and I am not.
I can only see a part
Of the picture He's painting.
God is God and I am man.
I will never understand it all,
For ONLY God is GOD.

That is why this whole project that Harvard is trying to get started is a waste of time and a waste of money, because in the end, God is going to come out on top, whether you choose to believe it or not. God will always make Himself known, and He will be glorified in the end. Why don't they use those millions to feed the poor, or help fight the AIDS epidemic in Africa?
Oh, and I refuse to accept the theory that my ancestors are a bunch of monkeys. Just because we both have arms and legs and walk upright, doesn't prove that we came from monkeys. That's the beauty of having a Creator, every single creature is created uniquely and special. There might be similarities, but yet, individually, there's always a distinction.