

Finally, some peace and quiet. It was a madhouse today here at work! Phones were ringing off-the-hook, parents were coming up to the counter and paying for tuition. It was going on for about 4-5 hours non-stop, and finally, silence. Thank God. I’m just waiting around for laggers to come and pay and then I’m off. Planning on hitting the gym tonight, but I’m beat and I have an early day tomorrow - 8am, and 4 new classes starting. Longest week of my life? Possibly. But then, there’s next week, with new classes starting every day. *groan*

Je suis fatigue. J’ai faim. J’ai besoin de dormir. J’ai besoin d’une vacances. And I can’t stress that enough. *sigh* But I shouldn’t complain. Praise God that I’m able to work and earn a living. I need to count my blessings everyday.

Well, I have to get going. Bonne nuit. Au revoir.