
Day off and bowling.

I decided to take the day off yesterday. I've been working 6 days straight for the past 3 weeks, and yesterday I just couldn't do it anymore. I just needed a break. I called my boss and asked her if I could take the day off, and she said OK. I ended up staying home and tried installing AOL on my computer, but for some reason, it's not finding my modem. I don't know, I give up. Anyway, I went bowling with my Bible study group last night, and bowled 2 really good games. The first game, I had the 2nd highest score (next to Conan - grrr… LOL), and for the last game, I had the 3rd highest score. Out of 8 people, that's not too bad eh? Although, this kid in the next lane totally showed us up - he bowled 6 strikes in a row, for his last few frames. Man, I think that kid was a pro. haha My little niece Nevaeh bowled her little heart out as well. But towards the end of the night, she was getting really tired, and was mad that mom won't let her have popcorn. Poor thing. Most of us headed to Starbucks, Jer taught us some Mandarin, and we chatted 'til 12:30am, then called it a night. That was quite fun. I ended up staying up 'til 2:30am because of all that caffeine in my system. It's a good thing that I didn't have to be at work early today. Yeah, I'm feeling a bit sleepy right now. I'm meeting up with some Papuri friends to watch The Lake House tonight. Let's just hope I don't fall asleep. I heard there were some parts in the movie that are quite slow. I'm afraid I'm going to be sleeping through most of the movie. haha