
Another one.

From Jax. All-tme favourites. You can narrow it down to 3 if you wish.

1. What is your all-time favourite movie?

What an interesting, colourful and sad life Mozart had. You feel for him as he goes through a very tumultuous journey, and his eventual fall from grace. A very golden, but tragic life in the end. One of my favourite composers.

2. What is your all-time favourite book?
The Lord of the Rings

This is the first book ever that I could just not put down. It helped that I saw The Fellowship of the Ring in the theatres first, so when I started reading the books, I could picture the characters and places in my head as I was reading it, and it made for a really enjoyable reading experience. Good triumphing over evil is always a good storyline. It doesn’t hurt that it has amazing fantastical characters in it, but ones that you can relate to. I read all 3 books in 5 days, that’s how much I loved it.

3. What is your all-time favourite song?
The Way You Look Tonight

It doesn’t matter who sang it, since it’s been sung so many times by a number of different artists. It’s just the song itself that I really like. I don’t really have an all-time favourite song, because I love songs, I love music, and it’s ridiculous to narrow it down to just one. But this song is just heart-warming, and lovely, and makes you want to fall in love, over and over again. It’s simple, the melody is simple, the words just melt your heart. Wouldn’t it be fantastic if the love of your life sings this to you?

4. If you could live anywhere in the world, where would you go?
London, England, U.K.

As if this was a surprise! I don’t know why I’m so fascinated with the U.K. I just am. I would love to eventually live and settle there, even retire there! I think it’s just a fabulous place, and it’s a hop, skip and a jump from Paris!

5. What would you rather be doing right now?

At this moment, sleeping. Or maybe watching a movie (e.g. Superman Returns - doesn’t Brandon Routh resemble Christopher Reeve a whole lot? It’s uncanny.). Perhaps, at Starbucks or Borders, reading a book and drinking coffee. Ahhh…