

I'm not sure what brought it on, but I am seriously craving for some schezuan garlic noodles right now. I'm contemplating on buying the noodles & sauce kit which you can purchase at the local grocery/market, I just need to buy either chicken or shrimp to mix in with it. But then, I probably won't do that, since it's too much work (haha - I know, stir-frying is loads of work!!!). I don't want to be bothered with it. The nearest restaurant that makes garlic noodles is in Long Beach, and I don't feel like driving out there just to satisfy my cravings. *sigh* Yeah, I have huge problems, don't I? :p

Pretty slow day here at work, considering it's tuition payment time. Why do you think I have the luxury of posting a blog at this time? LOL I'm reading my Bible and listening to the Parachute Band singing "All the Earth" - one of my favourite worship songs by the way - God's existence, His beauty and glory is evident in His creation. I should take the time to enjoy Him through His creation, and thank Him for life itself. I guess I just needed to be reminded of that.

Anywhoo, new favourite TV shows: $40 A Day, 5 Takes (one of the coolest jobs in the world), InJustice - I totally want to do that kind of work that they do on the show. These are a bunch of young lawyers, trying to solve cases and free an innocent person who has been wrongly convicted of a crime. It's very moving. I'd definitely recommend it.

American Idol: I can't believe Mandisa got booted off. But given the fact that it was down to her or Elliott, I was slightly relieved that she was voted off. Hobbits rule, you know? LOL Hey, but he's cool, and his pipes - amazing!