
The weekend is upon us...

Well, it’s the weekend yet again. Unfortunately, I have a very short one. I have to be here at work tomorrow morning. I guess it’s OK since I get to leave early anyway to go to my cousin Joyce’s b-day shindig/house-warming party. Oooh, I want to go swimming afterwards. Haha we’ll see.

I finally got to watch Green Street Hooligans last night. What an intense movie! It’s about a Journalism major who gets kicked out of Harvard and finds himself in London bashing people’s skulls alongside a football firm. A “firm” is a gang of football fanatics (in this case, West Ham football club fans), who are obsessed with violence (and not necessarily because of their loyalty for the FC). “There is a time to stand your ground and a time to walk away.” It’s a great movie, and there are a lot of things you can take away from it, one being, pick your battles. There are certain things that are worth fighting for and others that are just not worth it. The question is, what’s most important to you? Elijah Wood stars in this, as well as Charlie Hunnam (Nicholas Nickelby), Ross McCall and Marc Warren (Band of Brothers - yeah, I know. LOL), Leo Gregory (watch out for this guy). Very good cast. I rate it 4* out of 5*.