
It's almost here...aahhh!!!

OK, the Southern Baptist Convention is next week. Aaah!!! I’m a bit nervous, but I think it’s going to be quite a fun experience. In Harmony’s been practicing like mad these past few weeks, but I think we’re ready. I’m glad Kurtz was able to help us out with our vocals. We’re a lot more polished. Pray for us, this is a great opportunity for us to minister and just be out there, and let people know that the ministry of In Harmony exists. Pray that all 4 of us will be spiritually ready. Thank you.

I’ve been trying not to get sick. I’ve been coughing a little bit, and have the sniffles here and there, but for the most part, I’m fine. I just need to stay healthy until AFTER the convention.

Oooohh… there’s a Myspace page for the ol’ skool Ordinary People members. Click HERE to check it out. Those were the days…*sigh* I miss everyone. I’m still hoping for a reunion concert. Dowai pointed out that our 10th anniversary will be August of 2007. August 1997 was when we first performed The Extra Mile. 10 years! Wow! Anyway, go visit the site when you get a chance, and if you have a Myspace account, please feel free to add us! While you’re at it, check out In Harmony’s page as well.