
"Reunited, and it feels so good..."

I finally saw the Boys again. It was great seeing Rocka-P last night. Loved, loved, LOVED the originals! They need to get those on CD already, they're way overdue in releasing a new CD. Get to work boys! :) The "advert jingles" segment of the concert was a nice addition. I had no idea they sang advert jingles for Budweiser and Preparation H! Anyway, brought a newbie along with me, my friend Van, and she enjoyed herself a lot. I'm glad. She wants to come along with me to see them in November. Whoo-hoo! Rocka-P makes people happy. hehe ;) Meet and greet was short but sweet. Scott, bless him, remembered my name, yet again! I told him that I was impressed and thought it really cool that he remembered my name. He said, how could he forget, I'm a very memorable person! Awww... sweet huh? Kevin agreed (he was sitting next to Scott). I asked him if it was a good thing (me being memorable), he said that it was. *sigh* Kevin and I got to catch up on stuff, i.e. Rockstar:INXS. haha Someone we both know was in it, Ty Taylor (formerly of Dakota Moon). Told him that I did watch and was disappointed that Ty didn't win. Anyway, Kev asked me how I was doing, but before I really got a chance to talk to him, I was asked to move along because they were quite a few people waiting in line for the Boys. Said hello to JB and Geo. Didn't get to talk to them much, don't really have much to say since I haven't been much acquainted with either of them as I am with Scott, Kevin and Jeff. Said hi to Jeff, gave me a high five, we tried to hit our knuckles together, it got weird, so we just had a laugh about it. haha Anyway, you had to be there to know what I'm talking about. Tried to get pictures with the guys, but they were busy signing autographs. Jeff asked if we could wait after they get done signing and posing for everybody else, we can have our pictures with them. Took longer than expected, my cousin Christine wanted a pic with her boy Geo, so we took a quick one since they were getting ready to leave. Jeff saw me standing there with my camera, complaining to my cousin April that I need a new digi-cam, and I don't know what got into him but he looked at me and said, "how about a picture, just you and me?" Was kinda surprised that he asked. Jeff asked for a pic with me...hehe Tables were turned. It was nice that he asked though. Actually pretty sweet. Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting After everyone got their pictures taken with their favourite (Vanessa got her picture taken with Kevin), we all said our goodbyes, Kev and Scott said that it was nice to see us again. Told them we'll probably see them again in November. :) Can't wait 'til November! :)