
Bible passage of the day.

"You are the light of the world. A city set on a hill cannot be hidden.    Nor do people light a lamp and put it under a basket, but on a stand, and it gives light to all in the house.    In the same way, let your light shine before others, so  that they may see your good works and  give glory to your Father who is in heaven." - Matthew 5:14-16 (ESV)


Lies - Shine A Light Concert - G Dragon (Big Bang)

I'm moved. Completely moved. I'm crying. G Dragon, playing the piano, is inspiring. Then, the rest of Big Bang comes out, and I'm a complete mess.


Belated Christmas greetings!

I'm sorry it's a day late. But here's my special Christmas greeting to everyone. Please enjoy, particularly at 0:16, it's the cutest. :)
Didn't realize 2 of my favourite things (Big Bang and Sherlock) can be connected in this way. LOL OMG.

And T.O.P. - don't tempt me. XD


My impeccable timing.

Yet again, my timing is impeccable. Story of my life. Just as well. I have this tendency to be the first to let someone know that I like them. Over the years, I've done it, and it doesn't quite work out well in the end. I end up getting hurt. As I've grown older, I guess, I've learned how to restrain myself. I can be impulsive when it comes to matters of the heart. If I like someone, I fall really hard, and then I get caught up with my emotions, and eventually tell them how I feel about them, and I end up looking like a fool. I'm glad I was able to restrain myself this time, and not let my heart and my feelings get the best of me. I was on the brink of it again, but somehow, I was able to convince myself not to do anything. It worked out anyway, since I'm a little too late. Not that I had a chance anyway, but I wanted to express how I felt. I'm glad I didn't say or do anything. I guess I'm growing up? haha All I got were mixed signals anyway. I wasn't sure how the other party felt. Confused and uncertain. But, I could have been reading too much into things though. Ahhhhh....I need to stop. Anyway, whatever window of opportunity I had, already closed. Like I said, my timing's impeccable.


Today's outfit, inspired by Ri? Oy. They're invading my subconscious. I don't mind at all. Just sayin'. LOL

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Big Bang Electric Love Tour (HQ) - A Good Man

I'm just totally discovering BigBang, so forgive me if I've been posting about them multiple times in one day, it seems. I've been aware of them since 2007, but I'm just completely becoming a total fan. This song. OMG, this song. I just heard this song for the first time tonight. T.O.P. wrote it. What a beautiful song. Tabi's totally like me, when he gets hurt, he gets hurt very deeply, and you can hear it in the lyrics of the songs he's written. Ahh...this song will be on repeat for a while.


Musicians are my Achilles' heel, my weak spot, and my eventual downfall. LOL I acknowledge this. Ahhh... I am hopeless. Even worse, I like the "bad boy" type, but with a gentle heart. Such contrast, but that's me. Aish! I can't even explain it. I gravitate towards this type. Sigh. Hanging my head in shame. LOL

Today's verse.

And I, when I came to you, brothers, did not come proclaiming to you the testimony of God with lofty speech or wisdom. For I decided to know nothing among you except Jesus Christ and him crucified. --1 Corinthians 2:1-2

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The Hobbit!

Middle Earth in less than 4 hours!

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I haven't had much of an appetite for the past few days. Make that, the past few weeks. I barely finish my food, especially at lunch. When I get home, even when there's a really good home-cooked meal prepared, I could only do a couple of bites of it, then I'm done. I wasn't able to have a break to eat some proper lunch today. Thank God, my co-worker, bought me a Sourdough Jack from Jack in the Crack (Jack in the Box), and a soda, and was able to eat while working. I devoured that sucker though. First time I was able to finish any type of meal these past few weeks. Tonight, my mom cooked some chicken tinola and chicken curry - both faves! I had my choice of what to eat. But, I only had 2 bites! What the heck? My appetite has gone completely awry. The plus side, I suppose, is that I won't be gaining weight (to be honest, I'd like to continue to lose some weight, lose the "love-handles or pouches" around my waist). The negative side is that, it's made my digestive system completely whack! I suppose it's part of getting older.


"The Vow" - what if it happened to you?

Just finished watching "The Vow" on one of our Encore movie channels, despite the fact that I do not like Channing Tatum as an actor (he's pretty decent in this movie, though). And it made me wonder, what if that happened to me? God forbid that it does, but what if I lose my memory and forget how I feel about my husband, or if it happens to him and he forgets his feelings for me. What would you do? Would you wait around forever, without having the guarantee that they would remember or ever feel the same way they did before the accident? Or would you just bail. It's such a hard situation.

Light It Up - G-Dragon and Tablo (Epik High) at the Stay G4 concert, Seoul.

G-Dragon and Tablo, performing "Light It Up" at the Stay G4 Concert in Seoul last night (Korea time). Finally! I'm spazzing!

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Verse of the day.

"Long ago the Lord said to Israel: 'I have loved you, my people, with an everlasting love.With unfailing love I have drawn you to myself.'" - Jeremiah 31:3 NLT



HAPPY, HAPPY BIRTHDAY, LEE SEUNG HYUN! a.k.a. Seung ri, V.I., Victory, Panda, Seung-chan of BIG BANG. Yes, I've fallen in love with these boys. #121212VIDay You're the dongsaeng (younger brother) I wish I had! :)

MONKEY MAJIK Aishiteru I Love You

I discovered this song during the height of my J-Pop (Japanese Pop music) obsession. I loved the song immediately. And the fact that these guys are Canadian ex-pats, made me love it even more. We, Canucks, like to stick together and support each other, eh? LOL


Another loss.

Wow. Received news on another death. My friend Peter Lacanienta, just lost his mom this morning. It's really hard since it's so close to the holidays, and I can imagine how difficult it is losing someone and not having them around during the holidays. I lost my dad in April of 2001. It was earlier on in the year, but it was incredibly difficult to celebrate Thanksgiving and Christmas that year. So, I know how it's going to feel for them. It is going to take a long time to get over. First, the Tibayans losing their precious Danika, and now, the Lacanientas, losing their beloved mother. Praying that the God of all comfort will wrap His loving and caring arms around them at this difficult time.


[Eng Sub] GD - "THAT XX" ver. Uncensored

This could totally be Romnelvan Given's song. TOTALLY.



Pacman lost. I'm still stunned. But, Manny said it himself, it's a fight, you get hit. Is it time to hang it up for Manny? Only time will tell. He's got other priorities now. He's had a good run so far. If it ends here, there's nothing for him to be ashamed of. He's a champ and one of the best there ever was in boxing.

Going completely off-tangent, I'd have to say, being chatted up by a cute guy, is not a bad thing. Not a bad thing AT ALL. I was this close to asking a guy for his # so that we can hang. I told him I live in Fullerton. He says that he's out here a lot. But this boy is TOTALLY a young'n. By my calculations, he's only 23 years old. Um, I know I've always been a "cougar", but (excuse my french) DAMN. 23?! I could be your noona, I suppose. LOL I kid, I kid. It's fun when I can still get some attention from cute, young boys. ;) Makes me smile. :)

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Star Trek Into Darkness - Official Teaser (HD)

This looks like it's going to be EPIC. I'm getting too many feels. My inner Trekkie is completely geeking out. I can't wait! Between this, The Hobbit, and Les Miserables, I have so many movies to finally look forward to go and watch. It's been awhile since I've been excited to see a movie. The last time was Return of The King, which was about 5 years ago? Wow.


Homey, you are cute, but I think I'm old enough to be your mother. SMH.

Weekend's here.

Ahhh... Looking forward to the weekend. Saturday's gonna be hectic. A couple more weeks and then I'm off for about a week and a half! I'm sooo excited! I wanna go visit my BFF Vanessa and her family in TX.

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Love this girl! She’s too cute! I love her voice! She’s only 16 (17 in Korean age)! And props to Lydia Paek for writing this song (produced by Choice37).

SISTAR19(씨스타19) 'MaBoy' M/V full HD

Such a cute song. And they're cute. Hyolin can sing.


T.O.P - Calvin Klein Shoot Interview [ENG SUB]

It's not fair that he exists in this world, and I CAN'T HAVE HIM! SO. NOT. FAIR. *sulks* LOL
Oh, and while you read the English subs, you'll read "perfect aura" somewhere in there. Yeah. ME. LOL


I'm sooooo tempted to go to NYC for my winter holiday. Argh. I doubt I can afford to, though. I've missed that city. I haven't been back to NYC since 2008, for my cousin's wedding. I used to go a lot. 4 times within a span of 2 years and a week or more at a time. I've become fairly familiar with my way around Manhattan. Argh. I missing it!

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Vacation baby!

I got approved to take off for 11 days starting Christmas Eve (12/24)! What! Thank you, Lord! Who wants to play? ;)

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Being happy again.

Last night, seeing Take 6, makes me wonder even more why I'm not doing anything in music. I really wish I could just make music and perform it for a living. I'm not sure where it all went wrong, but I guess everything happens for a reason. I know I made wrong choices and decisions along the way, that's why I ended up where I'm at. I am grateful to God for even having this job that I currently have, but to be completely honest, I've become a completely different person because of this job. I think I let this job get to me. I have become bitter and angry. Every single day, there's not one moment when I'm not irritated or annoyed at something or someone. I've never yelled at anyone in my entire life up until I started this job. I'm always on edge, I'm always on the brink of walking out. Because of the current situation I'm in, it's hard to find another job. I can't really explain, but my circumstances limits me from finding a new job, even though I've been looking for one for so long. Thus, why I want to go back home to Toronto. I believe more opportunities are available for me there.

Anyway, I miss music. I miss performing on a regular basis. I miss being surrounded by it. I was a much happier and brighter person when I was doing music. I think part of the reason why I get attached to music groups that I like is because I want to do what they're doing. I want to be out there, in front of the crowds, sharing my music, and people appreciating it. I think I live vicariously through these groups that I love so much. That is why I want to know everything about them. I envy them so much. I tear up just thinking about it. I know God has given me a gift, and I'm sad that I don't get to fully use it. I haven't been happy for the past 2 years, and I want it to change. I need it to change, so I can go back to the person I was 2 years ago.

Take 6!

I finally met some musical heroes of mine last night - multi-awarded, super vocal group, TAKE 6!

I've loved them since I was 12, and they were the ones who introduced me to vocal jazz and complicated, luscious 6-part harmonies.

Here I am with Alvin Chea (in white) who is their bass, and Claude McKnight (in dark shirt), who is their first tenor, and Brian McKnight's older brother. I was completely being a fan-girl! Man, they made me miss performing on a regular basis. I miss doing music! Wish I could just do that for a living. Sigh.


Big Bang - Crayon + Fantastic Baby In MAMA 2012 (Mnet Asian Music Awards...

(The video I originally posted got taken down. So, I'm posting the ones from the Mnet America site, which is in 2-parts. Part 1 - "Crayon", Part 2 - "Fantastic Baby"/"Crayon" ending)

These boys owned, and then, murdered that stage last night. I totally stayed up all night just to see this. I had a total of 1 hour of sleep. Was a zombie all day at work today.

Anyway, I love the mash-up of G-Dragon's "Crayon" and Big Bang's "Fantastic Baby" (both written by GD). And the funky chord progressions during the intro to FB was sick. Ahh.. I love their band, too. They were the only ones that used a live band, along with Psy, who's their big brother in YG Entertainment.

Let me just say, my Tabi (T.O.P.) in pink, is still regal-like, and those contacts are just too intense, as if his natural stare isn't intense enough. GD is just delicious.

Boys and girls, who are currently K-Pop artists, or desire to be in the future, please take note and learn from the best. ;)


Fitness attempt.

I would like to take a dance class. I used to go to a hip-hop class when I was a member of Bally's Fitness. That was quite fun. I also took a couple of classes for jazz dance, and that was actually quite tiring, but fun as well. However, this time around, I really want to find a dance studio and take a class. Who wants to come with? :)

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Anywhere but here.

I would love to be anywhere in the world but here. Preferably, in Hong Kong, or Wellington, NZ. Once I leave CA, I won't return to live here. Only to visit.

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On edge.

I'm definitely on edge. This whole situation with getting the "new" used car fixed is stressing me out completely. I don't have the budget for this. This is going to set me back months.

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The boys are far from winning! We have 3 days, VIPs! VOTE!
Yet again, I'm going through some challenges. I'm a bit tired. It seems like in the past couple of years, I've had to go through so many challenges. I know it's character-building and definitely a growing experience, but to be honest, I'm very exhausted. I'm tired of crying, stressing, especially with a job that I'm not very fond of. I'm surprised I haven't cracked and lost it completely. I know that there are other people who are going through much worse situations than me. So, I'm trying to look at the bright-side of what I'm going through. It doesn't mean though, that I'm not having a difficult time either. I just want to crawl into a hole and disappear. I just want go, get out, leave. I cannot wait to go back home to Toronto. I need it. I want it.



Credit to the owner of the video (YanisRei - subscribe!).

This boy. I want to be GD's noona. Not a girlfriend noona, but an actual big sister/best friend noona. Is that too much to ask? LOL
For none of us lives to himself, and none of us dies to himself. For if we live, we live to the Lord, and if we die, we die to the Lord. So then, whether we live or whether we die, we are the Lord's. [For to this end Christ died and lived again, that he might be Lord both of the dead and of the living.] --Romans 14:7-8 [9]

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Expecting the unexpected.

Sigh. My luck with cars. Seriously, I have such bad luck with cars. So, I get a "new" used car, which is considerably better than my former car. However, all the "illnesses" have started to come out. And I am now left with unexpected expenses. Don't know how I'm gonna be able to pay for all the things that need to be immediately fixed. But, I'll just trust that God will provide. SIGH.

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불 붙여봐라("LIGHT IT UP") - G-Dragon ft Tablo & DOK2 [ENG/ROM]

I dig this song, A LOT. I like the beat, the vibe, and the attitude of this song. GD, with Tablo, and Dok2. Wish T.O.P. joined in.
Hope everyone had a good thanksgiving with family and friends.

Psalm 95:1-6

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I'm at a Korean karaoke studio in K-Town and I just attempted to sing Big Bang's "Bad Boy", in Korean no less! Hah! Had to cheat using my iPhone to read it in Romanized lyrics. Success!

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I have a friend from my school days at Biola University, gigging as Brian Setzer’s backup singer. I also have a former Biola classmate/co-Voice major who is now a professional opera singer in London, UK. How did I end up in the textile industry?!?! SMH.


My favourite PANDA is finally on Twitter. :)

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The Voice commentary

Running commentary on my Twitter page: @achau211

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I'm a bit disappointed with the person that I have become. Ever since I started working at the company I'm currently in, I have become angry and someone who's short on patience. I'm not liking it. Dealing with things that I deal with everyday has made me become angry and agitated. I really don't like it at all. It's hard. I was never like this before. I was always cheerful. It saddens me that I have become this. I want to go back to my old self: easy-going, always laughing or smiling. Lord Jesus, I need that person back.

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My ideal man.

I kid around when I say that Choi Seung Hyun (a.k.a. Big Bang's T.O.P.) is my dream man. Although, he is not far from what I'm actually looking for, he is not quite exactly my "ideal" man. Apart from the obvious (well, to me, at least) - a Godly man with a servant heart, who loves the Lord Jesus - my ideal guy would have to love music, as much as I do, if not more. Music is in my bloodstream. I came out of my mother's womb practically singing. So, someone who has the same interests as I have would definitely be ideal. If they play an instrument (or 2, or more), and/or sing, even better. I've always dreamed of singing/performing music with my husband, whether it be at church leading worship, or at a music hall and the like. Being creative, musically, with my husband would be amazing as well. And I would definitely like to have kids who are musical, in one form or another. Having a husband who would foster that with me would be great. A guy who loves his family and is all about them is definitely an ideal guy for me. Also, a guy who respects women, especially his mother, is a keeper. I also like guys who are confident. NOT arrogant, but confident. Someone who just draws people in when they walk into a room. One who stands tall, with his shoulders squared, and his chin up. Who looks me in the eye when he speaks with me. Who smiles, especially with his eyes, when he looks at me. Who speaks out and speaks loud. Lately, I have been attracted to guys who have swagger (see definition). A guy can be really good-looking/pretty, but if he doesn't have "swag", they're just another pretty face. I also like guys that are more street-smart, than book-smart. Although, book-smart guys could be very attractive as well, most book-smart people (not just guys) can be very socially-awkward, and I cringe at that. I'm already a bit socially-awkward, but lately, I have been asserting myself to be more open and friendly to people I meet. My being timid still gets the best of me at times, but for the most part, I think I have improved a bit. I love it when a guy starts to chat up someone, at the cashier line at a grocery store perhaps, without being obnoxious, annoying, or imposing. There are people who make that look so easy. And a guy who can do that and leave a smile on the face of the person they chatted up, is attractive, and ideal. He also has to have a great sense of humour! Someone who is funny, without even trying and without being obnoxious - I like guys like that! I want to have wonderful laughing moments with my husband!

I just realized, writing out the traits of my "ideal" guy will definitely make it hard for me to find someone. But, I know that I don't have to lower my standards to find him. And I know that God would not have made me wait this long, only to end up with someone who is not the best. Of course, in the end, God knows who the best one is for me, and I trust that He will reveal this person to me in His own time. I'm still in no hurry, and I wait patiently for that day. :)

Ruined for life... LOL

I may have to accept the fact that I may never marry...unless it's with this guy. He has ruined me for all men. He is handsome, talented, oozing with charisma and swagger, charming, boyish, incredibly funny, confident, and yet, a bit shy as well. Oh, Choi Seung Hyun. Why must you do this to me? I'm ruined. LOL

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My long hair.

I really, REALLY miss my long hair! I regret cutting it in the first place. And now, it's taking forever to grow back to the length it was, before I cut it. Argh. Never again!

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Late night meanderings.

It's 1:31am, and I'm awake. I actually fell asleep when we got back home around 9-ish. Then, woke up because I had to use the bathroom. Now, I'm awake and I'm listening to the pouring rain outside. I hope it stops in the morning. I'm not a big fan of the rain. I don't mind it at all, as long as I don't have to go anywhere.

I've decided that I will avoid the boy from now on. I've realized that if I continue on with how I feel about him, I will end up hurting another. Since I don't know how I stand with the boy, and it seems that he likes someone else, I should just knock it off, and move on. I thought there was something there. But maybe I was just imagining things and I'd been waiting for something that's never gonna happen. So, I must move on. It's just all-too-familiar. It's the story of my life. Sigh.

Ahh... My eyelids have gotten heavy. Time to (go back to) sleep. Will continue this in the morning.

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2011 BIGSHOW_ BIGBANG_거짓말 (Lie)

This is such a well-written song. The lyrics are heart-wrenching. Such a sad song. But it's so good. Well-performed as well. I shed a tear every time I listen to this. No shame.

The bridge goes:

"I still can’t forget you. No I don’t think I ever will, even ’til the day I die, yeah."
"Did the scars I give you, heal? I’m sorry because I never got to do anything for you."

DID THE SCARS I GIVE YOU, HEAL? - I mean, c'mon! Argh. Pierce my heart, why dontcha?! I'm such a hopeless romantic and a total sap.


Wow! Fantastic, baby!

BIG BANG ALIVE TOUR 2012 – Honda Center, Anaheim, CA (Friday, November 2, 2012)
Not a lot of people know this about me, but I’m a fan of K-Pop (Korean Pop music). And the first artists that I listened to, and eventually got me into it, was Big Bang. Big Bang are a 5-member hip-hop/r & b/pop group who are part of YG Entertainment, one of the 3 big entertainment companies in South Korea, which also happens to be Psy’s (yes, “Gangnam Style” Psy) label. The members are Kwon Ji Yong/G-Dragon (group leader, rapper, main songwriter, arranger and producer),  Choi Seung Hyun/T.O.P. (rapper, songwriter), Dong Young Bae/Taeyang/Sol (vocalist), Kang Dae Sung/D-Lite (vocalist), and the “maknae” (the youngest) Lee Seung Hyun/Seungri/V.I. (vocalist). I’ve listened to Big Bang since 2007, liked a lot of their music because it’s not typical of what you’ll hear in K-Pop. It’s very “western”. If you heard their music randomly, and did not pay attention to the lyrics, you would think the music is from an American artist. I wasn’t as big of a fan of BB back then as I am now. I knew who they were and developed a crush on T.O.P. immediately, the pretty face of the group (he is very handsome and charismatic, not to mention, hilarious). My 15-year-old cousin, Jaya, who was at the time, 10 years old, have always loved Taeyang. At the time, I never dreamed to see them live in concert. Didn’t even cross my mind, nor really desired to. I was just a fond listener. In 2010. I started paying closer attention to them. Not sure exactly when that started. Perhaps, it had to do with fellow YG artist Dara from 2NE1, who was known as Sandara Park when she was a celebrity in the Philippines. Started paying attention to 2NE1 and from there, starting following Big Bang closely, out of curiosity. Fast-forward to 2012, they announced that they were going to have a world tour, and that they’d be playing at the Honda Center in Anaheim, for 1 night. I got a bit excited at the news, but still wasn’t that big of a fan just yet. While they were in Asia, touring and promoting their new album, I started watching fan-cams of their concerts, and thought that it looked so much fun and that they were really, really good. Then, I finally started watching their other videos on YouTube (tv appearances on game-shows / talk-shows, other concert clips, and music videos). I found these guys very charismatic, funny, and full of personality, it made me want to see them in concert. So, I waited for them to start selling tickets to that one LA show. Told Jaya about it and that I was going to take her to see them. She got very excited, but it almost didn’t happen for us because when they finally started selling the tickets, it sold out within seconds on Ticketmaster! It shocked me because I had logged on to TM exactly at 10am when they said they would sell the tickets, but I couldn’t get any! I was heart-broken and had to tell Jaya the bad news. Not a week later, however, they announced a 2nd show in Anaheim! So, I thought this was my chance. I logged on to TM again on the date the tickets were gonna go on sale, and FINALLY, I was able to purchase 2 tickets. It cost me an arm and a leg, but the seats weren’t that great. But, I thought, “hey, I’ll take what I can get.” As the day of the show got closer, I decided to check out other ticket brokers online, just for the heck of it, and found out that they still had tickets, and at the sections that I wanted! The tickets were still pricey so I decided to wait it out. A week passed, and I kept checking daily and noticed that the ticket prices went lower. I told my self  YOLO (you only live once), so I bought tickets that were closer to the stage, but found myself with 2 extra tickets, the original tickets that I had purchased. I ended up not being able to sell nor get rid of those tickets (even when I offered it as a gift to another friend for her birthday – she couldn’t go and was very disappointed, she LOVES G-Dragon). That was a loss to me, but I thought, I helped with the tickets sales, so it’s all good. Anything to help Big Bang, right? Smile

The day of the show finally arrived. Seemed like the longest day of my life. I couldn’t wait to get off work and get to the concert. My Korean co-workers at work, kept reminding me all week long that the concert was coming up, especially Danny, who kept bringing it up! It was too funny, and cute. Jaya got dropped off at my work and we both head back to the OC to my house, long enough for me to change clothes and switch cars with my mom. We headed to the Honda Center, which is about 10 minutes away from me. Got there and was totally surprised that there was a swarm of people going to the concert. Didn’t realized how popular they are with American audiences until that night. Got to our seats, and we were incredibly close to the stage. But, I could have gotten the VIP tickets and stood next to the stage. Sigh. Next time. Before the show even started, the energy was already electric. They were playing Big Bang music videos on the big screens, and everyone was singing along to them, at the top of their lungs, and waving their Big Bang crown sticks – the official light sticks of BB – and the place looked like a sea of yellow lights. Every time someone came out from backstage  - the backup singers, their band – screaming commenced. It was insane. I’ve been to an NSYNC concert, twice, and it was as electric, if not more, than the NSYNC concerts I went to.

The show finally started. They showed a quick film intro, the concept was, the world is being invaded, and it’s up to BB to save the world from destruction. They arrived in pod capsules, and when the curtain came down, and revealed the guys in each capsule, the place went BANANAS! Even I was screaming endlessly it seems. They came out of their capsules and started performing “Still Alive” and from then on the concert was a complete blur. It surprised me how much everyone knew their songs, and singing along, in Korean. I surprised myself how much  I knew the lyrics to their songs and sang along to most of it, and even knew the choreography to their songs! Highlight for me was finally seeing T.O.P. – him and his “chooming” (silly dance), and G-Dragon debuting his song “Crayon”, and giving us a taste of his new song from, what I hear was, his upcoming all-English album. These 2 boys are my fave out of the 5, with Seungri a close third. They are all good-looking boys. G-Dragon is mesmerizing. I’ve never seen anyone with that much swagger on stage or anywhere else. Swag was coming out of his pores. He doesn’t even try to be cool. He just is. Same goes for T.O.P. This guy has so much charisma, and incredibly good looking, he didn’t have to do much, he just stood there, standing tall and straight, walking like a boss and everyone would start screaming. A reviewer from NY Times even said that T.O.P. had this regal aura about him. He wasn’t kidding. They have a live band, who are AMAZING, and they sing live, no lip-syncing at all. They do, however, play backing tracks, which is normal with a lot of acts that dance around on stage. They’re very polished and on point with their choreography. It’s not too elaborate, so it looks very natural when they move. Taeyang’s a ball of energy, and I didn’t realize he was the shortest out of all of them. I heard that he’s only 5’3”, while the rest are 5’9” and T.O.P. being the tallest at 5’11”. Tae and Seungri were the main spokespeople. Their English has gotten so much better, and Seungri is quite the personality. He’s very charismatic and knows how to work the crowd. I‘ve always thought of Seungri as an over-achiever, and seeing him that evening made me believe it even more.

That evening, we all sang “Happy Birthday” to T.O.P. whose birthday was on November 4. After the entire arena sang to him, Seungri prompted Bennie, their drummer, to “drop that beat”, and T.O.P. starting dancing his “choom dance” to the delight of everyone in the crowd. That made MY night. He’s a very silly boy, and I’m glad I got to witness that in person. Actually, I believe that LA is very biased to T.O.P..Towards the end of the night, each member started to express their thanks. Each time a member said something, the whole place screamed and cheered. When it got to T.O.P., he had barely just said “hello” and the place went NUTS! I couldn’t believe it! I can’t blame them, he’s just “top”. Winking smile

They sang a lot of my favourites: “Bad Boy”, “Fantastic Baby”, “Number One”, and “Haru-Haru” – which was lovely, the entire arena sang along during the chorus. But when they sang my most favourite, “Lies” – I just teared up. I love that song. And seeing and hearing them do it live was just indescribable. Of course, I sang along to it and even danced along to the choreography. Man, I felt like a teenager again.

Jaya had a chance to move down closer to the stage and got a chance to see her “baby” Taeyang, up close – took a picture of him and even a video. She got really close, he was within her arm’s reach. She couldn’t believe it, nor get over it! She came back to our seats and started screaming in my ear and couldn’t stop shaking. She also took a few pictures of Dae, who also came to where she was.

And just like that, the show ended. Was a bit sad, but mostly happy and satisfied that I finally got to see Big Bang, whom I never thought I’d see live in concert. And the best part was I made Jaya very, very happy, for her birthday, especially after the incredibly difficult year she and her family have had. I’m thankful to God that I was able to do this for her because I knew it would make her very, very happy. I told her that the next time Big Bang come to the States, we will get those VIP tickets! I am now a full-pledged VIP. Big Bang, fighting! Saranghae!


Confusion is my constant state these days. And frustration is its companion. Boy woes at 37, not-so fun.

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So, today marked the 4th day of me being sick. It started on Sunday morning, with me starting to lose my voice, to today, with me having nasal and chest congestion, and a high fever as a result. I missed work Monday and Tuesday, thinking that getting some rest and fluids would help me get better faster. Well, I was wrong. I got worse Tuesday night, but because I had missed 2 days of work already (which means, I don’t get paid for those 2 days), I was determined to go to work today. I felt OK in the morning when I got to work, but as the day progressed, my coughing got worse, and then my temperature started to spike up again. I was going to try to get to the end of the day, but I was already getting delirious from the heat, the a/c was making me even more sick. I was getting nauseous, I just had to go home early. I called my boss, thinking he would ask a whole bunch of questions on why I’m leaving early. But, I think he saw how miserable I felt AND looked (everyone noticed), that all he said, when I asked if I could go home, was “OK”. The drive home was almost unbearable! The a/c was on full-blast, but it was making my temp spike up! I rolled down the window, but the air was so warm, I wanted to throw up. As soon as I got home, I ate a late lunch (it was already 3:30pm), took some Ibuprofen and then tried to take a nap. I felt a bit better when I woke up but it’s so hot, I don’t know what to do with myself! Went to Walgreens after gassing up my car and bought some Tylenol Cold and Flu. I’m hoping it will help me knock out tonight and that I will feel better tomorrow.
Please continue to pray for me to get better soon! Thank you!



Trying out a new look for my blog. Wanted a bit of a change. I was getting tired of the gray and blue color scheme. I'm gonna try this out for a while and see if it I'll stick to it.



Saw the movie last Friday night with my girl friends, sisters Babie and Cat. We had originally planned on seeing another movie, but that turned out to be sold out, so we decided to go for Spidey. They were a little hesitant to see it at first. I, however, have wanted to see it ever since I'd heard that Andrew Garfield (Doctor Who, The Social Network) was going to play the arachnid hero. Anyway, all I have to say is, this is definitely better than the last Spidey movie with Tobey Maguire (the first one was OK). And Andrew portrayed Peter Parker/Spider-Man so much better than TM. He was geeky, yet super-adorable at the same time, and quite a nerdy charmer, if THAT'S even possible. But, he pulled it off, complete with the disheveled hair, which reminded me of David Tennant's 10th Doctor in Doctor Who, which Andrew was also in an episode of during DT's tenure as the Doctah (it all ties in with DW somehow, haha!). So, I've known of Andrew for quite some time now, before he even starred in The Social Network as Facebook co-founder Eduardo Saverin. Emma Stone is also in the film as his love interest, Gwen Stacy, and they have quite a wonderful chemistry, their off-screen romantic relationship notwithstanding. Rhys Ifan (the "nutter" roommate in Notting Hill) was scary-brilliant as Dr. Curt Connors/The Lizard. Wonderful performances by Sally Field as Aunt May, and Martin Sheen as Uncle Ben Parker. Can't wait for the next installment.

4 out of 5 stars.


I know they've been around for while now. A lot of people have discovered the wonder that is Dirty Loops. But I just wanted to share this because they're quite a musical discovery for me, and I absolutely appreciate and enjoy their talents. Their cover of Britney Spears' "Circus" has made me a fan of that song. Anyway, enjoy some really good music.


I've always loved Michael Kors' design aesthetic. Very distinct, has clean lines, not overtly decorated, chic, and elegant. I've been wanting this Chronograph watch in Rose Gold for the longest time, and I'm actually a bit envious because a former co-worker of mine, and 2 current ones own the exact same watch. They've actually been urging me to get one, but at $250.00 a pop, it's a bit out of my budget. OK, it's A LOT out of my budget. For now, I will just be content with my knock-off that I purchased at Target for a grand total of... wait for it, wait for it...$16!!! I'm a happy camper.

I'm losing my voice! My throat hurts. It's hard to sing because it hurts. :( I hope and pray it doesn't get worse. Sadness.

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His name is Thor. He fits in his owner's purse. Cuteness.


4th of July with the fam-bam, in Arcadia.


Taken on Canada Day, July 1st. Reppin' with my Canada shirt that day. Hung out with my bff, Van, at Cafe Tu Tu Tango at The Block after church.


2 more from the wedding.


Also at SJ & Jackie's wedding.


Taken at our friends, SJ & Jackie's wedding, 30-07-2012 in Newport Beach.


Of course, my co-worker, Butch, had to photobomb the pic. Hay... lol


There are times when I sit back and wonder what could have happened if he and I had met first. Or if I had lived closer or vice-versa. So many questions, and I probably won’t find out the answers. The “could’ve-been” is just nagging at me, though.

Wow. Benedict Cumberbatch said in an interview that Martin Freeman has shown him Tumblr. HIDE! LOL Oh, the stuff that you read on Tumblr re: Sherlock, The Hobbit. Brill.



Last night, I had the opportunity to sing and testify at Full Cup Cafe' Night at Faith Baptist Fellowship in Long Beach, Ca, for the College and Career group of FSBM (Filipino Southern Baptist Ministries). It was wonderful to reconnect with most of them. I realized how much I needed to fellowship with people my age who are also brothers and sisters in the Lord. I love my "other" friends whom I see and interact with everyday. But, it's totally different to be among your peers who have the same commitment and passion in serving the Lord as you. Being lifted up in prayer, ministering through songs, and giving your testimony, in hopes that they can relate, is a wonderful thing. It's so edifying to the soul. I realized that I need to get together with other believers who are my peers, who understand what you're going through. What a great feeling to be encouraged through the Word and to be prayed for.

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I'm so forgetful some times, I didn't realize my car insurance expired yesterday! Thank the Lord Jesus for online payments!

Today, I stayed home due to my difficulty with my monthly "visitor". Anyway, I took the opportunity to relax and recharge as I haven't had a decent time off just to do that. Even my weekends are hectic. I just wanna chill and not do anything for a week or so. My work's not too keen on people taking time off. It sucks and one of the reasons why I want to find another job, and one that is way closer to home. Sigh. I have not been this exhausted and stressed out from a job before. And I have previously worked for 2 workaholic, demanding lawyers, simultaneously! What kills me the most is the commute to and from work, which adds to the stress I have at work. My day begins stressed and exhausted due to the commute and it ends that way as well. I'm TIRED.

I've been communicating with friends in Canada in hopes that they can help me in my job hunt when I finally move back. I've asked them to keep an eye out on job postings, or if they know or hear of anyone hiring. I've been sending out my resume as well. Haven't heard from anyone yet though.

One thing's for sure, I can't wait to move back and move on with my life and build a future.



From Tumblr.

I went to Sephora on my break yesterday and there’s this nail polish there.
It’s called “Baker Street.” Really. $9.50 at your friendly, neighborhood Sephora. That is all.
I must have this.
This is from The Voice UK, the Battle rounds. The competitors are Jay Norton and Jaz Ellington. Both fantastic and they're in will.i.am's team. Jaz had bronchitis that day, and he still sang like nobody's business. They're both great. Sad to see Jay go, but I hope will.i.am signs him after the show. What's funny about this video is the judges' reaction to their vocal riffs/acrobatics, specifically Jesse J, because that's how my cousin Diane and I react whenever we hear singers do crazy riffs. We make faces, we throw our hands up in the air, we get up out of our seats, or shake our heads in disbelief, while we look at each other going, "whaaatttttt???", in awe of what we just heard/witnessed. It's what we call an "ooo-wee" moment. Enjoy this one!

Twitter conversations.

Lest Twitter somehow deletes my favourite conversations, or makes them disappear, I’ll be posting them onto my blog, just to ensure that I won’t lose them forever… LOL
This conversation has to do with my friend, Sherry, and her conversations with JT, particularly mentioning me. Yes, I know. I’m such a fan-girl. LOL
This one in particular was a little over a year ago at a Napa, CA gig, right before the first ever Pella Cruise in which I wasn’t able to go to.

Me: Does JT still have the scruff? Or did he get rid of it?

Sher: A little bit. He asked why you weren’t there. I told him about eh job situation.

Me: Who asked? JT? :O

Sher: Yes, JT asked where you were. Winking smile Also, we met Geo’s girlfriend, Sandra. She’s going on the cruise.

Me: <big grin> You mentioned me? Or did he bring me up first? Sorry, now I’M flabbergasted! LOL

Sher: HE brought you up, girl. I squeed inside for you.
Me: Still scratching my head. Was he like, “Hey Sher, where’s Aura?” It seems so random! LOL

Sher: We were talking about who’s going on the cruise. He said, “What about Aura?” I said no. JT: “Where is she tonight anyway?”

Yup. He loves me. haha!
Four eyes brigade!
The grad and his girl.
My pick-me-up.
Adobo. Want some?
My co-worker called me "school teacher". LOL
Four eyes!
Ma mère et moi à la église. On Mother's day.
With my cuzzie, Emmeline.
Can you dig it? Yeaaaahhh...
With my partner-in-crime, Sye, at KTV for her b-day. She and Michz share the same b-day.
With the boss-lady, and good friend, Michz, at KTV for her b-day.
At KTV with John.




Holding grudges…

Holding grudges. Doesn't enhance your quality of life. Neither does it make you feel better about yourself, nor make you look good in the eyes of others. It mostly burns bridges, ruins relationships and friendships. Is it really worth all of that, especially over little things? One will just end up bitter, and alone. Forgive, reconcile, let go, and smile. You'll look and feel so much better anyway. ;) ;) ;)

What I don't understand is, some people hold grudges, not because they were hurt or offended, but because they didn't get their way. They would hold onto grudges for days on end, but what does it do? It doesn't prove their point at all. It just shows that they are selfish and immature. And they go on about their day looking and feeling miserable, when it's actually of their own doing. Too much pride. It's ridiculous, almost laughable. They alienate people around them, so who is the one that's miserable? It's not the people they're holding grudges against, that's for sure. Humility goes a long way. Says a lot about your strength of character if you're able to humble yourself, and ask for a simple apology, and make amends. People will admire you more for that. Sigh.

All around the world…

I get extremely envious of friends and family who get to travel the world. I wish I could do the same thing. I love to travel. I believe that I am a nomad at heart. I do not belong to one place at all. I would love to be a citizen of the world. One of my greatest dreams is to travel the world with my mom. Well, most of the world at least. Learn different cultures and their history. I have family in the UK. I would love to visit them. I also have friends in Australia. I would like to reunite with them one day. I’d like to visit Italy, France, Switzerland, Holland, Germany, pretty much all of Europe, and some parts of Asia, such as China (Hong Kong, Macau), South Korea, Japan, Thailand, and the list goes on and on. I would also love to do short-term missions work in any of these countries as well. My heart yearns to travel; it aches for it. I would like to take my first trip to Europe with my mom. I would like to see the world with her.  I pray for an opportunity, soon.



I'm feeling very sad and vulnerable right now. I feel like I'm stuck in a rut.

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I believe that the stress that I’ve been experiencing these past few months have messed up my digestive system. I haven’t been eating well, don’t have much of an appetite, and I feel constipated. Sorry, too much information, but it’s the truth.

These past 4 days have been the most interesting and trying days I’ve had so far. The list of the things that I’ve experienced in that short amount of time could prove to be discouraging and defeating for most. I was on the brink of that, but have decided to channel the frustrations and the discouragement into energy focused on finding a new job, and my return home to Toronto. I’m still continuing to pray for that part of my life. However, the things that have transpired the past few days and for the past few months have really made me think about the possibility that the Lord is closing doors for me here in the US and redirecting me into moving back to Canada. I welcome this with open arms, as I have been desiring to move back anyway. But it’s all in God’s proper time. I will wait patiently, and continue to pray for it.


Indifference. I may have to try that. From now on, I will say no more. I will go on about my business and do what I need to do.


Wish I had a beautiful British boy to make me smile. Sigh.


It’s pouring outside. I have to say, I’m not a fan of the rain. I prefer the snow than rain. Snow is less wet. Argh, it’s a little past midnight right now. I have to get up in 6 hours. I’m really beginning to grow weary of working in downtown LA. I like my job and love the people that I work with. Sadly, it’s not enough to keep me from wanting to find something closer to home. The commute to and from work is what kills me, every, single day. I wish it wasn’t that far. I will be getting an assistant today. Which means I’m gonna have to spend time training. I’m really not looking forward to it. But I suppose, if I can train this new person well enough, I can eventually leave, which I plan to do so in the not-so-distant future, Lord-willing, either to a job that’s closer to home or moving back to Canada.

In other matters, I’ve decided to end my infatuation with a certain someone. The chances of him reciprocating my feelings are slim to none. I know I’m being silly. I just don’t want to expect or to hope anymore regarding this particular individual. I seriously need to pray regarding finding a husband. I really haven’t been. Perhaps, I really should buckle down and just do it, to pray, I mean. Time to get serious with God about this.

OK, my eyes are starting to droop. That means, sleep beckons. Man, it’s still pouring out there. Let’s hope it clears in the a.m, Good night.


I was told by one of my co-workers that I’m “classy” because I listen to jazz music. I find that really amusing. The reason she said this was because I always have Pandora on at work, and most of the music that come on my playlist is instrumental jazz while everyone else’s playlists include whatever is hot on the charts right now. Made me realize that I do have interests that aren’t really mainstream. I listen to a lot of jazz, both vocal and instrumental, and in its various forms. I also love a cappella music. I watch a lot of shows on PBS, The History Channel, Travel Channel, and SyFy Network, to name a few. I recite fantasy/sci-fi movie dialogue, almost verbatim, and I find Simon Pegg far more attractive than, say, Brad Pitt or George Clooney. I’m also full-blown Anglophile. I’m sure that there are others who are like me, however, like I’ve said, it is not mainstream,  not “the norm.”  Going back to what my co-worker said, it just struck me funny that she thinks listening to jazz music makes a person “classy”. Well, maybe, I am. Winking smile


Windy Sunday.

It crazy how the wind was howling earlier this afternoon during church. Other than that, wonderful day in So Cal today.

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Great expectations.

I expect way too much, that I end up being disappointed. I don’t know why that is. And when I get disappointed, I take it really hard. I need to learn to just let the chips fall where they may. Today was a good example of me expecting too much. Actually, I take it back. I expected something to happen. However, I didn’t expect too much so I ended up not being too disappointed. I did hope for something, but I sort of knew it wasn’t going to happen, and I was somewhat ready for it.

I know I’m being vague about this. But, I’ll just leave it at that. Interpret it however you wish to. Smile Good night.



Thank God, it's Friday! Yesterday was a good day. REALLY good. I'm hoping and praying that today will even be better. ;)

Wishing I could be at Ronnie Scotts in London this weekend, however. Sigh.

Anyway, have a good Friday, friends! :)

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Isn't it just the best thing ever to be awaken at 1:56 a.m. by your allergies?!.....NOT. Blgh.

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Today's lunch.

Today's lunch. WIRED. I'm single-handedly keeping Starbucks in business.

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Not gonna sweat it.

I'm done with this situation I'm currently in. I know that the Lord has someone very special for me. Someone who loves Him as much as I do (if not more, which is even better). Someone who has a heart to serve the one and only true God, and someone who knows what he wants in life and isn't into playing games. Need to focus more on what matters most.

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Here we go again...

It seems like, when it comes to matters of the heart, I always end up getting my heart broken. The times that I've really liked someone, I either get rejected, slighted or someone else swoops in and takes him. I can't really say they were stolen from me, since they were never mine to begin with. But, you confide in someone you thought was a really good friend, who even encourages you to go for it, but that said "friend" ends up going for the guy you like and uses you to get him. That's messed up, right? So, I end up alone.

There were also times when I was the one who would express my feelings to the object of my affection, first. I've done it a couple of times, and both times, I was rejected.

I do like someone at the moment, yet he doesn't have a clue that I do. I want to let him know how I feel, however, because of my previous experiences, I'm very afraid to say anything. I don't know if he likes me, or has even thought of me that way. I don't want to say anything for fear of rejection, yet again.

I'm turning 37 in a matter of days. I'm not ready for marriage yet, but I would like to build a relationship with someone. I know God has someone in store for me. And I pray that I meet him soon. Or have I already? It's all in His time. He makes all things beautiful in His time. :)

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When your day's totally made.

So, my friend and fellow Pella posse member, Sherry, COMPLETELY made my day yesterday when she told me that the Rockapella boys, said hi to me, and that Jeffrey, my fave Pella, wished that I was there in Napa last weekend. Sigh. I was having a hard weekend, and what she told me more than made up for the lousy weekend I had. Thanks, Sher!

I wonder how Sher and JT’s conversation went though. I imagine Sher said, “Aura says hello.” and JT responded with “Where is she? Why isn’t she here? I wish she was here.” LOL OK, OK, maybe not. But I love that I’ve been getting JT love lately, and that he’s actually aware that I’m not around when he thinks I’m supposed to be. It makes up for not being able to go to their shows (I’ve missed the last 2 they had here in California). I’m hoping they’d add more shows in So Cal as the year progresses. I <3 the 'Pella.

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Enough already.

Forgive me for my choice of words but, I'm too damn old to be going through this shit, once again. I'm tired of getting hurt / heartbroken, and crying my eyes out every single bloody time.

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