
Twitter conversations.

Lest Twitter somehow deletes my favourite conversations, or makes them disappear, I’ll be posting them onto my blog, just to ensure that I won’t lose them forever… LOL
This conversation has to do with my friend, Sherry, and her conversations with JT, particularly mentioning me. Yes, I know. I’m such a fan-girl. LOL
This one in particular was a little over a year ago at a Napa, CA gig, right before the first ever Pella Cruise in which I wasn’t able to go to.

Me: Does JT still have the scruff? Or did he get rid of it?

Sher: A little bit. He asked why you weren’t there. I told him about eh job situation.

Me: Who asked? JT? :O

Sher: Yes, JT asked where you were. Winking smile Also, we met Geo’s girlfriend, Sandra. She’s going on the cruise.

Me: <big grin> You mentioned me? Or did he bring me up first? Sorry, now I’M flabbergasted! LOL

Sher: HE brought you up, girl. I squeed inside for you.
Me: Still scratching my head. Was he like, “Hey Sher, where’s Aura?” It seems so random! LOL

Sher: We were talking about who’s going on the cruise. He said, “What about Aura?” I said no. JT: “Where is she tonight anyway?”

Yup. He loves me. haha!