
Holding grudges…

Holding grudges. Doesn't enhance your quality of life. Neither does it make you feel better about yourself, nor make you look good in the eyes of others. It mostly burns bridges, ruins relationships and friendships. Is it really worth all of that, especially over little things? One will just end up bitter, and alone. Forgive, reconcile, let go, and smile. You'll look and feel so much better anyway. ;) ;) ;)

What I don't understand is, some people hold grudges, not because they were hurt or offended, but because they didn't get their way. They would hold onto grudges for days on end, but what does it do? It doesn't prove their point at all. It just shows that they are selfish and immature. And they go on about their day looking and feeling miserable, when it's actually of their own doing. Too much pride. It's ridiculous, almost laughable. They alienate people around them, so who is the one that's miserable? It's not the people they're holding grudges against, that's for sure. Humility goes a long way. Says a lot about your strength of character if you're able to humble yourself, and ask for a simple apology, and make amends. People will admire you more for that. Sigh.