
I'm so forgetful some times, I didn't realize my car insurance expired yesterday! Thank the Lord Jesus for online payments!

Today, I stayed home due to my difficulty with my monthly "visitor". Anyway, I took the opportunity to relax and recharge as I haven't had a decent time off just to do that. Even my weekends are hectic. I just wanna chill and not do anything for a week or so. My work's not too keen on people taking time off. It sucks and one of the reasons why I want to find another job, and one that is way closer to home. Sigh. I have not been this exhausted and stressed out from a job before. And I have previously worked for 2 workaholic, demanding lawyers, simultaneously! What kills me the most is the commute to and from work, which adds to the stress I have at work. My day begins stressed and exhausted due to the commute and it ends that way as well. I'm TIRED.

I've been communicating with friends in Canada in hopes that they can help me in my job hunt when I finally move back. I've asked them to keep an eye out on job postings, or if they know or hear of anyone hiring. I've been sending out my resume as well. Haven't heard from anyone yet though.

One thing's for sure, I can't wait to move back and move on with my life and build a future.