

Last night, I had the opportunity to sing and testify at Full Cup Cafe' Night at Faith Baptist Fellowship in Long Beach, Ca, for the College and Career group of FSBM (Filipino Southern Baptist Ministries). It was wonderful to reconnect with most of them. I realized how much I needed to fellowship with people my age who are also brothers and sisters in the Lord. I love my "other" friends whom I see and interact with everyday. But, it's totally different to be among your peers who have the same commitment and passion in serving the Lord as you. Being lifted up in prayer, ministering through songs, and giving your testimony, in hopes that they can relate, is a wonderful thing. It's so edifying to the soul. I realized that I need to get together with other believers who are my peers, who understand what you're going through. What a great feeling to be encouraged through the Word and to be prayed for.

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