
When your day's totally made.

So, my friend and fellow Pella posse member, Sherry, COMPLETELY made my day yesterday when she told me that the Rockapella boys, said hi to me, and that Jeffrey, my fave Pella, wished that I was there in Napa last weekend. Sigh. I was having a hard weekend, and what she told me more than made up for the lousy weekend I had. Thanks, Sher!

I wonder how Sher and JT’s conversation went though. I imagine Sher said, “Aura says hello.” and JT responded with “Where is she? Why isn’t she here? I wish she was here.” LOL OK, OK, maybe not. But I love that I’ve been getting JT love lately, and that he’s actually aware that I’m not around when he thinks I’m supposed to be. It makes up for not being able to go to their shows (I’ve missed the last 2 they had here in California). I’m hoping they’d add more shows in So Cal as the year progresses. I <3 the 'Pella.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone


Sherry said...

OK, so here's how it went. I said to all of the guys at once, "Aura and Liz say hi." Scott says, "Hello, Aura and Liz!" John says, "Hello!" The other guys didn't hear me, so I tried again. George says, "Aura? Hi." Steve says, "Hi, Aura." JT says, "I wish she could have been here."

I'm pretty sure that's how it went. :)

Aura said...

Awww... He loves me. LOL