
Here we go again...

It seems like, when it comes to matters of the heart, I always end up getting my heart broken. The times that I've really liked someone, I either get rejected, slighted or someone else swoops in and takes him. I can't really say they were stolen from me, since they were never mine to begin with. But, you confide in someone you thought was a really good friend, who even encourages you to go for it, but that said "friend" ends up going for the guy you like and uses you to get him. That's messed up, right? So, I end up alone.

There were also times when I was the one who would express my feelings to the object of my affection, first. I've done it a couple of times, and both times, I was rejected.

I do like someone at the moment, yet he doesn't have a clue that I do. I want to let him know how I feel, however, because of my previous experiences, I'm very afraid to say anything. I don't know if he likes me, or has even thought of me that way. I don't want to say anything for fear of rejection, yet again.

I'm turning 37 in a matter of days. I'm not ready for marriage yet, but I would like to build a relationship with someone. I know God has someone in store for me. And I pray that I meet him soon. Or have I already? It's all in His time. He makes all things beautiful in His time. :)

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