

Pacman lost. I'm still stunned. But, Manny said it himself, it's a fight, you get hit. Is it time to hang it up for Manny? Only time will tell. He's got other priorities now. He's had a good run so far. If it ends here, there's nothing for him to be ashamed of. He's a champ and one of the best there ever was in boxing.

Going completely off-tangent, I'd have to say, being chatted up by a cute guy, is not a bad thing. Not a bad thing AT ALL. I was this close to asking a guy for his # so that we can hang. I told him I live in Fullerton. He says that he's out here a lot. But this boy is TOTALLY a young'n. By my calculations, he's only 23 years old. Um, I know I've always been a "cougar", but (excuse my french) DAMN. 23?! I could be your noona, I suppose. LOL I kid, I kid. It's fun when I can still get some attention from cute, young boys. ;) Makes me smile. :)

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