
I haven't had much of an appetite for the past few days. Make that, the past few weeks. I barely finish my food, especially at lunch. When I get home, even when there's a really good home-cooked meal prepared, I could only do a couple of bites of it, then I'm done. I wasn't able to have a break to eat some proper lunch today. Thank God, my co-worker, bought me a Sourdough Jack from Jack in the Crack (Jack in the Box), and a soda, and was able to eat while working. I devoured that sucker though. First time I was able to finish any type of meal these past few weeks. Tonight, my mom cooked some chicken tinola and chicken curry - both faves! I had my choice of what to eat. But, I only had 2 bites! What the heck? My appetite has gone completely awry. The plus side, I suppose, is that I won't be gaining weight (to be honest, I'd like to continue to lose some weight, lose the "love-handles or pouches" around my waist). The negative side is that, it's made my digestive system completely whack! I suppose it's part of getting older.