
My impeccable timing.

Yet again, my timing is impeccable. Story of my life. Just as well. I have this tendency to be the first to let someone know that I like them. Over the years, I've done it, and it doesn't quite work out well in the end. I end up getting hurt. As I've grown older, I guess, I've learned how to restrain myself. I can be impulsive when it comes to matters of the heart. If I like someone, I fall really hard, and then I get caught up with my emotions, and eventually tell them how I feel about them, and I end up looking like a fool. I'm glad I was able to restrain myself this time, and not let my heart and my feelings get the best of me. I was on the brink of it again, but somehow, I was able to convince myself not to do anything. It worked out anyway, since I'm a little too late. Not that I had a chance anyway, but I wanted to express how I felt. I'm glad I didn't say or do anything. I guess I'm growing up? haha All I got were mixed signals anyway. I wasn't sure how the other party felt. Confused and uncertain. But, I could have been reading too much into things though. Ahhhhh....I need to stop. Anyway, whatever window of opportunity I had, already closed. Like I said, my timing's impeccable.