
Late night meanderings.

It's 1:31am, and I'm awake. I actually fell asleep when we got back home around 9-ish. Then, woke up because I had to use the bathroom. Now, I'm awake and I'm listening to the pouring rain outside. I hope it stops in the morning. I'm not a big fan of the rain. I don't mind it at all, as long as I don't have to go anywhere.

I've decided that I will avoid the boy from now on. I've realized that if I continue on with how I feel about him, I will end up hurting another. Since I don't know how I stand with the boy, and it seems that he likes someone else, I should just knock it off, and move on. I thought there was something there. But maybe I was just imagining things and I'd been waiting for something that's never gonna happen. So, I must move on. It's just all-too-familiar. It's the story of my life. Sigh.

Ahh... My eyelids have gotten heavy. Time to (go back to) sleep. Will continue this in the morning.

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