
My ideal man.

I kid around when I say that Choi Seung Hyun (a.k.a. Big Bang's T.O.P.) is my dream man. Although, he is not far from what I'm actually looking for, he is not quite exactly my "ideal" man. Apart from the obvious (well, to me, at least) - a Godly man with a servant heart, who loves the Lord Jesus - my ideal guy would have to love music, as much as I do, if not more. Music is in my bloodstream. I came out of my mother's womb practically singing. So, someone who has the same interests as I have would definitely be ideal. If they play an instrument (or 2, or more), and/or sing, even better. I've always dreamed of singing/performing music with my husband, whether it be at church leading worship, or at a music hall and the like. Being creative, musically, with my husband would be amazing as well. And I would definitely like to have kids who are musical, in one form or another. Having a husband who would foster that with me would be great. A guy who loves his family and is all about them is definitely an ideal guy for me. Also, a guy who respects women, especially his mother, is a keeper. I also like guys who are confident. NOT arrogant, but confident. Someone who just draws people in when they walk into a room. One who stands tall, with his shoulders squared, and his chin up. Who looks me in the eye when he speaks with me. Who smiles, especially with his eyes, when he looks at me. Who speaks out and speaks loud. Lately, I have been attracted to guys who have swagger (see definition). A guy can be really good-looking/pretty, but if he doesn't have "swag", they're just another pretty face. I also like guys that are more street-smart, than book-smart. Although, book-smart guys could be very attractive as well, most book-smart people (not just guys) can be very socially-awkward, and I cringe at that. I'm already a bit socially-awkward, but lately, I have been asserting myself to be more open and friendly to people I meet. My being timid still gets the best of me at times, but for the most part, I think I have improved a bit. I love it when a guy starts to chat up someone, at the cashier line at a grocery store perhaps, without being obnoxious, annoying, or imposing. There are people who make that look so easy. And a guy who can do that and leave a smile on the face of the person they chatted up, is attractive, and ideal. He also has to have a great sense of humour! Someone who is funny, without even trying and without being obnoxious - I like guys like that! I want to have wonderful laughing moments with my husband!

I just realized, writing out the traits of my "ideal" guy will definitely make it hard for me to find someone. But, I know that I don't have to lower my standards to find him. And I know that God would not have made me wait this long, only to end up with someone who is not the best. Of course, in the end, God knows who the best one is for me, and I trust that He will reveal this person to me in His own time. I'm still in no hurry, and I wait patiently for that day. :)