
It’s pouring outside. I have to say, I’m not a fan of the rain. I prefer the snow than rain. Snow is less wet. Argh, it’s a little past midnight right now. I have to get up in 6 hours. I’m really beginning to grow weary of working in downtown LA. I like my job and love the people that I work with. Sadly, it’s not enough to keep me from wanting to find something closer to home. The commute to and from work is what kills me, every, single day. I wish it wasn’t that far. I will be getting an assistant today. Which means I’m gonna have to spend time training. I’m really not looking forward to it. But I suppose, if I can train this new person well enough, I can eventually leave, which I plan to do so in the not-so-distant future, Lord-willing, either to a job that’s closer to home or moving back to Canada.

In other matters, I’ve decided to end my infatuation with a certain someone. The chances of him reciprocating my feelings are slim to none. I know I’m being silly. I just don’t want to expect or to hope anymore regarding this particular individual. I seriously need to pray regarding finding a husband. I really haven’t been. Perhaps, I really should buckle down and just do it, to pray, I mean. Time to get serious with God about this.

OK, my eyes are starting to droop. That means, sleep beckons. Man, it’s still pouring out there. Let’s hope it clears in the a.m, Good night.