
A special greeting.

It's a day late, I know. But, I still wanted to share. Hope you like it. :)

YouTube Video

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Happy lounge-around-the-house-in-your-pjs day!

Got to sleep in today. Yet, somehow that wasn't enough. Got up around 10:30am then starting cooking my lunch. My 2nd attempt at making garlic noodles, ala Crustacean (the restaurant), was quite successful. Although it's not exactly the garlic noodles they serve at Crustacean, but I did follow their recipe, with my own little twist to it. Turned out really well.

Now, food coma is setting in and I'd like to take a nap. However, I smell like garlic and I still have a couple of errands to do.

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Wishing you all a...

Merry Christmas and a Blessed New Year! - The Aragons

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I know that everything happens for a reason, and that God allows things to happen to us to grow us, to make us stronger and learn lessons. It may be painful, REALLY painful, but you have to go through those things. It's necessary.

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I'm hurting so much. I hurt for myself, I hurt for my mom. Lord Jesus, help.

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No drummer today. Will have to use the keyboard's percussion feature for the rhythm section. Here goes nothing! LOL

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This is a test.

This is a test to see if my post will show up on Twitter.

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I really think it's time for me to leave. I'm relied upon too much. There's no sense of responsibility. There's no partnership. Maybe, when I'm not around anymore, then they'll step up. Or will they? I won't worry, the Lord will take care of it.

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Tim Tebow, God's quarterback

All I have to say is, Tim Tebow, keep doing your thing, brother. Forget the naysayers, keep showing them God. Shake 'em up. Shake 'em up real good. Will lift you up in prayer. Do it!

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Random musing of the day

I firmly believe that I will NEVER marry a fellow Filipino. Since I moved to North America, there's only one, yup, one Filipino guy who's ever liked me. But, he's never admitted it to me, directly, only in very vague ways and cryptic messages. That was about 20 years ago. Since then, NOTHING.

Filipino men have never found me attractive, especially Filipinos who were born, and who grew up in the Philippines. They like the fair/white-skinned girls. I always hear that in their conversations: "Oy, ang ganda nya, kasi maputi." ("Oy, she's beautiful, because she's fair-skinned.") Or, "Pare, ang ganda nya! Ang puti-puti!" (Dude, she's so pretty! Very fair-skinned!") I think it stems from the Filipino mentality, that fair-skinned people are more beautiful and favoured than those who aren't.

It's still very prevalent now, especially in Philippine entertainment. If you're not light-skinned, you won't be as popular and successful as those who are. Those in the Philippine industry who are morenos/morenas try to lighten their skin so they can get ahead. I've encountered people who have that opinion/belief growing up in the Philippines. I was very dark, even darker than I am now. And all I heard growing up was, "ang itim-itim mo!" ("you're so dark!") and other quips similar to, or even harsher than that. Yes, I was ridiculed for being dark-skinned (morena). I still get that here in the States, 30 years later, from fellow Filipinos, especially those who weren't born or didn't grow up here in the US. And I certainly have never been complimented by any Filipino guy for my looks, ever. They almost, always, never get past the looks. So, yeah, I don't think I'll marry a Filipino at all.

P.S. By the way, I love that I'm dark-skinned, especially since moving to North America. Seeing a lot of sun-worshippers here, especially in California, I'm glad to have naturally dark skin. :)

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Tough night.

Having a tough night. I'm feeling very sad. Thinking about our situation, mine and my mom's, and I'm thinking why we're in this situation. I see her with her aches and pains, and it just breaks my heart that I can't help her more than I am able to. I want us to really move back to Toronto, and start over. I want her to be able to just take it easy and I, in turn, will provide for her. I want to travel with her, spend more time with her. If we stay here in the US, I'm afraid it's not going to happen.

I know the Lord had a reason why He allowed us to come here. But I think it's time to go back. I'm feeling the urgency much more so now, than I did before.

I covet your prayers. Thank you.

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My weekend, thus far.

I wrote on Facebook that my plans this weekend would consist of one thing, and one thing only: SLEEP. So, I did sleep in today. Woke up some time around 11:30am. Watched some TV, then ran to AAA to pay for my insurance before the deadline. These past few weeks have been really exhausting, mostly because of work. I've not experienced stress quite like this, ever. I've worked with 2 very tough lawyers, who are both workaholics for 2 years, and I still wasn't as stressed out back then as I have been the past couple of weeks. I've been losing weight, which something I'm not complaining about, and my gray hair seemed to have multiplied exponentially over the course of two weeks. Sigh. I enjoy being around my co-workers, and I actually don't mind the job as much. But, I wish it were closer to home. I'm always very tired at the end of the day. I find myself coming home, sitting on my bed, then waking up in the middle of the night, still in my street clothes, because I'd forgotten to change. I'm beginning to wonder if this job is worth it. I'm praying for a job that's closer to home.

Still reeling at the news that I stumbled upon by accident about the object of my affection. It's a bit disheartening, and definitely heart-breaking for me. I suppose there's nothing I can do anymore. I must move on. It's hard to get over something unrequited. But, I need to get over it. I don't know if he knows how I really feel, but I have expressed to him my admiration. I suppose that was a good thing, in the end. Ahhhh... There's still an itty-bitty part of me that's hoping I'd still have a chance. But given the circumstance he's in now, I've lost my chance. Sigh. I wonder if he's ever read my blog, and if he has, I wonder if he knew that he's the one I'd been referring to as the object of my affection. I guess we'll never know now. Sighing some more.

Going to sleep now, or will attempt to. Church tomorrow. Good night.

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Growing weary.

The commute to work in the morning is starting to take a toll. I'm starting to grow weary of it. There are so many things going through my head. I wish work was a bit closer. *sigh*

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My "moment" with Brian McKnight. Yep, it happened. So hush. LOL

I remember like it was yesterday. LOL OK, OK. So, some of you may have heard from me the "moment" I had with Brian McKnight. Yes, THE Brian McKnight. This probably happened almost 2 years ago now. So, here's how it went down. I went on a spontaneous GNO (Girls' Night Out) with my friends, Vanessa and Gayle, and we decided to go to Universal Citywalk since we hadn't been there in so long and just wanted a place where we can have dinner then walk around to window-shop, etc. We had dinner at Bubba Gump's, then decided to walk around and check out a few stores. Walked into this one store that specializes in chocolate candies/desserts, all sorts of chocolate flavoured goodies (and not-so goodies, depending on your palette), you could imagine (including chocolate-covered bacon). After trying out some of what they had to offer, we decided to check out another candy store next door. As we walked out of the place, I noticed some tall dude out of the corner of my eye, but I was looking at my iPhone at the time. I stopped for a bit, because I couldn't really walk and text at the same time. LOL Then, I looked up, and noticed the tall dude was staring at me. Like, STARING. I didn't realize who it was at first, so I was thinking, "what the heck? whatchu lookin' at foo'?" at the time. hah! It slowly dawned on me WHO was staring at me..... BRIAN MCKNIGHT!!! He was facing the store we had just walked out of and had his back towards the crowd. I guess he was hoping no one would notice him. Anyway, the funny thing was, he didn't even look away right away when I was finally looking back at him! He kinda had this smirk and then finally slowly looked away. Needless to say, I had to pick up my jaw off the floor! When I finally got my wits about me, I rushed over to where Vanessa and Gayle were (who had both walked ahead of me), and I had to pull both of them aside and whispered to them that Brian McKnight was standing there a few feet away. Gayle and Vanessa both shrieked, and I had to shush them. LOL Gayle was like, "do you want to go and say hi?" I was up for it, but Vanessa got all shy, even though, we decided to go back and make sure it was him. By the time we decided to go say hi to him, a crowd of people had formed around him and started talking to him. It didn't seem like he was too happy being noticed (he was there with his gf at the time, and her family), so we just decided to leave him alone. I was too excited, I just had to tweet about it! Brian McKnight was staring at me! Yes, we had a moment. Ahhh!!!


Faugust? Fogust?

Faugust? Fogust? It's a new word that I learned from the morning news show today, describing what the weather's been like this month. It's been a bit gloomy and foggy, I have to say. And we're in the middle of the summer. We're probably going to experience summer-like weather towards the end of this year, AGAIN. Remember last December? We experienced a heatwave for, at least, a couple of weeks (or possibly more?)!

I'm getting a bit impatient lately. I cannot wait for 2012. It can't come any sooner. There are reasons as to why I am wanting it to be 2012 already, but that will be revealed at a later time. I'm excited and apprehensive all at the same time. Lots of praying, and seeking God's guidance. But, one thing's for sure: 2012, please get here faster!

I have to write a "to-do list" in relation to (and prior to the arrival of) 2012. Don't know where to start, however. But, I have been trolling the 'net for ideas and such. I will definitely need a game-plan. I just don't want to go about it all willy-nilly. There's preparation, and then there's just a leap of faith, and trusting God for what's best.

Work has been strange lately. It's been a slow couple of months, as far as sales are concerned. Not really what you want to happen in this kind of business we're in. I hope it's just a minor bump on the road for our company, and all other textile/garment companies, for that matter.

Ugh. My contacts are completely bothering me. Perhaps, I should take them off now. I need a new prescription for my eyes. I think they may have gotten worse. Oy. Mom has hi-jacked the remote. I suppose I should just call it a night then.



Lord, please help me to be more loving towards certain people that require extra grace (a.k.a. Extra Grace Required), just as you have shown extra grace towards me. It's soooo difficult at times. :(

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Level 42 - Almost There - Live - HD

I'll be shameless for once and say this (apologies to his gf): NATHAN KING, I LOVE YOU! OK, got it out of my system. ;)



I've come to a realization that I am old. Yes, old. This job has aged me, significantly. I've only been at this job, a little over 5 months, but I feel like I've been working there for many years. I enjoy my co-workers, and working with them, of course. However, the nature of the job itself takes a toll on me. It's very demanding, and the stress-level is quite high because you have to meet deadlines and demands of customers (fabric buyers, textile companies, designers, manufacturers) and the sales-people. My particular department, Sales and Production, is constantly moving. Gotta get those orders out, one right after the other. And it's a 2-person department - me and my supervisor. It gets really busy that, some times, my supervisor doesn't take a lunch break anymore. She forces me to. Otherwise, I would skip lunch altogether as well, just to meet the demands of the customers. I'm drained physically, and mentally, every single day. My day starts off drained already, just from driving to work (it takes me an hour to drive to and from work). So, by the time I reach work, I'm already exhausted. Then, the work starts, and more stress and exhaustion. I walk back and forth, constantly, from my desk to the warehouse, then up a couple of flights of stairs to have purchase orders approved by head of Accounting. Taking calls, screening calls, forwarding calls, getting yelled at by demanding salespeople, trying not to yell back. Cutting samples, packing orders, giving inventory, scheduling trucks for shipping, the list goes on and on... It's constant. There's little to no down-time at all. If I wasn't forced to take my lunch break, I'd be pulling my hair out by the end of the day. I'm sure everyone's job is as demanding, if not even more so. I don't mind being busy, it makes the day go by so much faster. But I do mind the stress and the physical and mental exhaustion. People have mentioned to me that I've lost some weight. It's not because I was on a healthy regimen of exercise and proper eating, it's because of the stress from this job. I have clumps of grey hair, which is ridiculous, because of the stress from this job. I don't bother dressing up to work anymore because at the end of the day, I'm all grime and soot from being in the warehouse 80% of the day, making sure the warehouse people are pulling the correct rolls of fabric. I feel bad for being constantly on their cases, but if I don't do it, we won't get our orders out in time, and that's when the barrage of phone-calls and yelling start to happen. Today, they added another task for me to do, because they don't want to hire new people. They like to do a lot of reshuffling and adding. I'm feeling aches and pains. I feel way older than I really am. But despite all of these, I praise God that I have a job at all. Especially after finding myself unemployed for a month and a half. That was scary. It's like doing a trapeze act without a safety net. But, man alive! Am I exhausted! I'm going to need a vacation. Facebook, Twitter, and blogging are my distractions. It's sad, but I've no energy to do something after work. By the time I'm done with work, all I can think about is going home and vegging. As much as I'd like to go out and be with friends, my body doesn't seem to like the idea. Sigh. Pray for me. I need God's strength in my moments of weakness.


Having a weak moment...

I'm overwhelmed with sadness right now. I feel lonely. Not alone, but lonely. Lord Jesus, please remind me of my joy in You. Amen.


Got game?

Today was just a scorcher. Stayed at home for most of the day, but decided to get out of the house eventually. Headed on over to my local Barnes & Noble to see if I could find Simon Pegg's autobiography, "Nerd Do Well", unsuccessfully, I might add, so I walked to the Starbucks across the way, and got myself something cool and refreshing, well, my own version of it.

So, I sat at a table in the patio area and resumed reading "The Hobbit" on my iPhone's Kindle app. A few minutes later, I noticed someone sitting at the table across from me. This guy, kinda cute, was looking at me. Then, he smiled at me when I directly looked at him. I smiled back, just to be nice, and resumed reading. Not too long after, I looked up again, and cute guy was looking and smiling at me, again! I smiled back, but he made me a bit nervous, I'm not sure why. I tried to finish my drink and got up and left! I don't know why I did! Perhaps, I was getting nervous that he was going to come up to me and start chatting me up.... I KNOW! I tend to get nervous like that! I'm just not used to that kind of attention from the opposite sex. I noticed that I have been getting it lately. Now, that I'm in my mid-30s, it's become more frequent. If you know me, I'm not the one guys look at or notice right away. I've always been Miss Plain Jane. For many years, that's who I am. Even my own family thinks of me that way. It's not sad, it's just how it is. They never thought of me as someone guys would be attracted to. I don't blame them for thinking it though. It's just how the world revolves. So, I have insecurities when it comes to men paying attention to me. I've got no game. None whatsoever. I don't know how to play the game at all! So, when homey-dude did what he did, I didn't quite know how to handle it, so I wanted to flee.
But yeah, I've got NO GAME.

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Level 42 30th Anniversary DVD viewing party - 6/10/11 The Ricciardi's apt, Burbank, CA

Ever since the Level 42 concerts I've attended this past summer, I've met quite a few new friends, who love the band as much as I do (if not more), on Facebook, mostly. I'll even go out on a limb as to say that I'm FB friends with most of the band members as well (a couple of them have requested me to add them on Myspace years ago). Last night, I was able to meet and spend time with a few of the So Cal LevelHeads (yes, that's what we call ourselves) at Mark & Angel's crib in Burbank. They were gracious enough to host a viewing party of Level 42's 30th Anniversary DVD, which the band filmed last October at the indig02 in London, UK. Great fun was had by all, and we even watched some other live concert DVDs the band have released before. What I've noticed is that, majority of 42's fans ARE musicians - who are/have been, at one point or another, playing/gigging regularly. My kind of people.

Here we are, well, mostly all of us, rep'n the SoCal contingent of LevelHeads. I mean, we ARE from the West side after all. Straight up gangsta, flashin' our "42" sign. haha


"Oh, what a beautiful morning! Oh, what a beautiful day...!"

I woke up to a wonderful surprise today! Very unexpected. It's the object of my affection! He totally made my day! *sigh* I wish it keeps going. Thank you, Lord, for allowing me to enjoy such little things, which really are big things for me. :)

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"Peace was never an option.."

X-Men: First Class - AMAZING! Didn't know what to expect, but was very pleased with what I saw. James McAvoy as Charles Xavier (a.k.a. Professor X) and Michael Fassbender as Eric Lensher (a.k.a. Magneto) were a brilliant pair. I've loved these 2 for a very long time, James in Shameless and Rory O'Shea Was Here, and Michael in Hex. And they were also in Band of Brothers. I'm glad they're in a movie that is such a box office success, people are going to start knowing them. I want to be selfish and keep them to myself, but it's inevitable that they become known. I suppose I can be fine with that.

Lots of wonderful surprises. But there's one surprise that really stood out and made me LOL! You'll know when you see the movie. I thought that was way cool.

Zoe Kravitz (Angel) Given and I have decided her pretty is watered-down pretty. Nicholas Hoult has come a long way from being that awkward weird kid in About A Boy with Hugh Grant! He's sooo cute as Hank/Beast. He was also in BBC's original series Skins.

My recommendation: definitely go see it.

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Weekday morning blues

Really not looking forward to work this morning. But I must press on! Everything for God's glory! Let's pray for this day to go by smoothly and fast!

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Cousin randomness.

Seeing the object of my affection's picture on my phone, cousin Ian asks: "Who's this?"
Me: "He's my imaginary boyfriend."
Ian: "What is his name?"
Me: [says name. hah! You thought I'd actually write out his name!]
Ian: "Where do you know him from? What does he do?"
Me: "[Blah, blah, blah.] He plays guitar, and really well, I might add."
Ian: "That's your kryptonite, Achau. Guitar players."
Me: "I guess so."


Fun stuff with mom.

My mom saw a picture of the object of my affection on my phone, and asked who he is. I told her he's my imaginary boyfriend. She laughed, but said that he's handsome. Well, mom approves. ;)


Ever since we started having our church services at Emmanuel Church in Lakewood, I've developed an interest in learning how to play the drums, thanks to the drumset they have there. Here's a video of me, messing around with the drums.

I've never taken lessons. I just kind of mimic what I've seen on TV or on videos. I would like to have proper lessons, eventually, but for now, I'll settle on teaching myself. Thank goodness, YouTube has made it easier to do that. I've looked up videos of some tutorials.

I've been playing the keyboards more now, too. I haven't played in years. I play chords. Not to keen on reading notes, although I do know how to sight-read. Haven't done it in a while (sight-reading), so I'm a bit slow. I've been playing the keys for praise and worship at church since we move into Emmanuel.

I play the guitar. But, would like to get better at it. Glad that I have my cousin, Diane, a.k.a. New-new, to teach me. She's 16 and she can play the guitar with the best of them, imho. ;)

I want to tackle the sax, and the bass, as well. I've never touched a sax, to play, that is, but I have played a little bit of the bass. Just simple stuff on it, nothing too crazy. But, one instrument at a time. I'll concentrate on the drums first. Then, move on to the next instrument.


Someone is COMPLETELY confused...

Confused much? LOL

Repost from Given's blog (romnelvan.wordpress.com)

It's such a crazy coincidence that a few of the artists I admire, graduated/attended a couple of the colleges that I appleid for, right after high school. One was Berklee College of Music. Found out later on that Jeff Thacher, vocal percussionist of Rockapella, graduated from Berklee. I also found out John Mayer, and Ernie Halter attended that school. Quincy Jones, Pat Metheny, Dominic Miller, as well. And many more. I got accepted to Berklee, by the way. However, I was too chicken to leave the nest and go to school out-of-state. Hindsight 20/20? I should have totally gone!

And the other one was Guildhall School of Music and Drama. I applied, but didn't finish the process. Found out much, much later on that Michael Lindup, vocalist/keyboardist of Level 42, graduated from Guildhall.

Anyway, totally random. But, I was just thinking about that. Something I would have had in common with people I admire. Ernie and I could have been there around the same time, along with John Mayer. Crazy notion.


Something I stumbled upon whilst browsing the web.

"not sure if we've met already or have yet to meet but i cant wait to find out if you are the reason why the others never worked :)"

Saw this quote on another blog. Not sure where it's from, nor who it came from. But, me likey. :)

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Pangarap ko ang Ibigin Ka (Sarah Geronimo in PNB)

Para sa'yo.

Pangarap Ko Ang Ibigin Ka (by Sarah Geronimo)

Tuwing ikaw ay nariyan
Sabay kong nadarama ang kaba at ligaya
Ang 'yong tinig wari ko'y di marinig
'Pagkat namamangha 'pag kausap ka

Kaya nais kong malaman mo
Ang sinisigaw nitong puso

Pangarap ko ang ibigin ka
At sa habang panahon, ikaw ay makasama
Ikaw na lang ang siyang kulang sa buhay kong ito
Pangarap ko ang ibigin ka

Ikaw kaya ay nais din
Akong makapiling at ibigin
O kay sarap namang isipin
Na tayong dalawa ay isa ang damdamin

Aking hinihiling na sabihin mo
Ang linalaman ng 'yong puso

[ From: http://www.metrolyrics.com/pangarap-ko-ang-ibigin-ka-lyrics-sarah-geronimo.html ]

Pangarap ko ang ibigin ka
At sa habang panahon, ikaw ay makasama
Ikaw na lang ang siyang kulang sa buhay kong ito
Pangarap ko ang ibigin ka

O kay tagal ko nang naghihintay
Na sa akin ay mag-aalay
Ng pag-ibig na tunay at di magwawakas

Pangarap ko ang ibigin ka
At sa habang panahon, ikaw ay makasama
Ikaw na lang ang siyang kulang sa buhay kong ito
Pangarap ko ang ibigin ka

Pangarap ko ang ibigin ka
At sa habang panahon, ikaw ay makasama
Ikaw na lang ang siyang kulang sa buhay kong ito
Pangarap ko..pangarap ko..pangarap ko ang ibigin ka

Trying out a different blog application

Trying to post on my numerous blogs on the web. Can't find the perfect application. I'm trying out Microsoft Word, but I can only blog to my Blogger and WordPress accounts.


This is a test...

Trying out this Blog It app.


I was actually referring to the guitar, on my previous post.



I want. I REALLY want. There, I said it. *sigh* LOL


Happy Resurrection Day!

"And he said to them, "Do not be alarmed. You seek Jesus of Nazareth, who was crucified. He has risen; he is not here. See the place where they laid him." - Mark 16:6 ESV

(Happy Easter, to you, love.)

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Car trouble this morning... It's trippin' out on me. One minute, it would start, engine's running, then it dies. Next minute, I try to start it, and it won't. Let's hope it's just the battery, not the engine or the transmission. Otherwise, I'm in trouble. I guess I should start checking the travel schedule for the Metro.


I love the way you make me smile when I think about you. I love the way you make people happy when you do what you do best and share it with everyone. I love your quiet strength that makes me long to be in your arms, to feel protected. I wish I could tell you all these things. I wish I could.


Before there was Glee, there was OP (Ordinary People)! :)

Memories. Ordinary People singing "O, Happy Day" from Sister Act 2, as the encore at one of our concerts back in 1998! I wish my voice was still as clear and strong as this! Thanks to Kien Wei for this walk down memory lane! This was about 13 years ago! Wow... haha!


The blog about the m-pact show will have to wait another time. My brain is goo. I'm too tired, and can't form coherent thoughts (as if I'm able to in the first place, har, har, har). Time to get some sleep. Good night!

It's a Rupert Penry-Jones evening on PBS! First, MI-5 was on, and now, 39 Steps. Certainly made me perk up! ;) And he soooo reminds me of a certain crush I have. Erhhm... Yup. :D Anyway, I should probably take out my contacts and change into my jammies, before I fall asleep in what I wore today, which I've done for the past few days. Still have to write about the m-pact concert I saw last Friday. Be back in a few...


I cannot wait for work to be over! Looking forward to starting my weekend, tonight. Going to be seeing one of my fave music groups, m-pact (m-pact.com) at the Lewis Family Playhouse in Rrrrraaannncho Cucamonga. Vocal jazz a cappella at its best! Is it 6pm yet? :)

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Ahh...Friday. Can't wait for this week to officially end. I'm looking forward to see m-pact tomorrow night at the Lewis Family Playhouse in Rrrrraaancho Cucamonga. I haven't seen them in more than a year, I think. Looking forward to some ear-candy tomorrow night. There have been a few personnel changes in the group since I last saw them, so I'm very eager to hear how they sound now. Will definitely post about it when I get home. :)


Re-reading his PM's to me on FB. Ugh. Loser status. : /

Musical "bucket list"

These past couple of years, I was privileged to have seen a few of my favourite bands, live. Bands, I never thought I'd get to see live, but yet, I did.

In 2009, I saw New Kids on the Block. They were my first boyband. I was in love with Jonathan Knight, the quiet one. I had the posters, I bought the magazines. I was able to see them 3 times (I know, crazy!) - twice in 2009, once in 2010 (I think). And then, I saw Boyz II Men for the first time ever, at the House of Blues in Anaheim (downtown Disney). I've loved them since high school. I was obsessed. My best friend, Rizza and I pretended that we were girlfriends of Nathan and Shawn. LOL I had the posters as well, the tapes/CDs. It has always been my dream to see them, with Rizza, of course, but we never got to see them together. I made sure that I told her about it, though.

In 2010, Level 42, twice - this was EPIC. Never, ever thought I'd get to see them. And they came to me! I didn't have to spend a fortune, to travel to the UK, to see them! They were in my turf! Wayhey!

I've still got quite a list of bands that I want to see, live. One of which is Duran Duran, which I'm currently watching right now, as they are doing a rebroadcast on YouTube of their show at the Mayan in LA that happened earlier this evening.

Other bands/artists I would love to see, live (meaning, I'd fork up the $$ for):

  • U2
  • Earth, Wind and Fire
  • Stevie Wonder
  • Go West
  • Kajagoogoo
  • Alicia Keys
  • Depeche Mode
  • Tears for Fears
  • Brian McKnight
  • The Cure
I'm sure I'm missing some other artists, but that's the list I have right now. I guess you could say this is a Musical "bucket list" of some sort.

Watching the rebroadcast of Duran Duran's show at the Mayan in LA, on YouTube right now. Takes me waaayyyy back. They were the first band I really liked. I had a poster of them on my wall. I was 6 years old, and I had a crush on John Taylor. He's still as gorgeous as ever. *sigh*

The death of Dame Elizabeth Taylor has gotten me in the mood to watch her old movies, and other classics in general. I miss my AMC Channel.

I wonder if anyone shared to her the gospel. Hmmm.... : /

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Another test, yet again.

Trying out ScribeFire for Firefox.


The whole no posting on Facebook and Twitter for Lent is a fail. I'm back on the Twitter and FB, well, sort of. I haven't really been posting much on either social network since Ash Wednesday. So, I supposed it kind of worked. I'm going to have to think about what I should give up next Lent. Prepare myself for it. This one was kind of half-hearted, and sort of a last-minute decision anyway. I'm sure I'll try it again.
Stayed home from work today. I have a fever, and having major cramps (TMI, sorry), kept me up all night. Not fun at all. :(

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Definitely voting for Ralph Macchio on Dancing with the Stars this season! Had no idea he's such a wonderful dancer! The crowd instantly loved him! And he's turning 50?! He doesn't look it, at all! He looks the same as he did back when The Karate Kid (the original version) movie came out. I hope he wins. :)

Charlie Parker - Lover Man

Bird. One of a kind. Diggin' this very much right now. I had the privilege of visiting Birdland, the legendary jazz club in NYC, named after Charlie Parker, a number of years ago. I even took a picture right outside it. I can't seem to find that particular picture. I'd like to visit NYC again, and have another pic taken in front of it. Definitely musical hallowed ground.


Interesting choice of tune. Coincidence? Perhaps. Hmmm...

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Can I marry Matthew Morrison?! No, really. Please?!

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Being Human gets a 4th season.

Being Human has been commissioned to do a 4th season! Wayhey! However, it seems like there will be no Mitchell (the vampire) at all. :( I haven't seen the last few episodes of season 3. This may be due to the fact that Aidan Turner, the actor who plays Mitchell, is now in New Zealand, filming The Hobbit (Yes, he's one of the dwarves. He's playing Kili.). So, he will be gone for, at least, 2 years. That's probably why they have set it up, so that at the end of season 3, Mitchell is supposed to be killed. Anyway, catching up on season 3 right now, thanks to YouTube.

By the way, there's an American version of Being Human on the SyFy Channel. Ridiculous how they don't just bring over the original UK version and show it here in the States. Have they not learned from what happened to the US versions of Coupling, Life on Mars, Teachers, The IT Crowd, to name a few? And now, MTV has produced a US version of Skins, too. I think, the only successful show that was ever brought over from the UK to the US was The Office, and I attribute it to the fact that Ricky Gervais (star of the original UK series) remained as Executive Producer of the US version, along with his buddy, Stephen Merchant. Anyway, I haven't seen the US version of Being Human, and I don't really think I want to. I saw the promos, and it's not the same. They're never the same, unfortunately.
No matter how awful you think your circumstances are, there's always someone who has it much worse than you. And then you realize, "fool, the world doesn't revolve around you." I really need to remember to be more grateful.


Warren G - Regulate ft. Nate Dogg

Nate Dogg. G-funk sound. 213. LBC all day, every day. (I miss my old 'hood.)


Birthday greetings..

Happy Birthday, Mike Lindup! Wishing you the loveliest of days today! God bless. <3

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Japanese people, speaking French = friggin' awesome. Watching a French film called Wasabi, starring Jean Reno (The Professional). He plays a French policeman, who reunites with his estranged daughter, by his Japanese ex-lover, when she leaves her in his care. Typical Jean Reno, he kicks butt everytime.

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In a sentimental mood - Duke Ellington and John Coltrane

I first heard this tune in The Cosby Show, back in the '80s. I love how mellow it is. And it's the Duke and Coltrane - fantastic! Enjoy.


Masi Oka (Hiro Nakamura from the now-defunct Heroes) is in Hawaii Five-O! Yatta! :)

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Didn't realize that I forgot to turn off my posting-to-Twitter feature on here. So, my last few posts here have probably shown up on Twitter, inadvertently. I don't think that counts as going on Twitter, because I didn't know that feature wasn't turned off at all! :) Oh well. I still am sticking to no posting on Facebook nor Twitter for lent. Don't know how many more days I have left, I'm not keeping count. All I know is that it all ends on Easter Sunday. Wayhey! ;)

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Kissy face...

Kuya Matt, making a kissy face. Didn't realize he was doing that. Haha!

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Hangin' before singing.

Kuya Matt, Van and I, hangin' out, taking pics, before getting up to sing.

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These are our HUH? faces, Vanessa and me.

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Hello from Church of Christ the Good Shepherd!

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I think my hands are exhibiting symptoms of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome. Oy. My right hand, in particular, is hurting at the moment. Owwieee.. :(

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Afternoon with the girls...

Hung out with Vanessa and Melet this afternoon. Had a late lunch/early dinner at this pho place that also gives free Thai milk tea with boba. Went to the mall, which wasn't really the best idea, and ended up shopping. Well, it was mostly Ate Melet who did the shopping. But, I found myself buying a pair of suede boots that went up all the way to the knees. It was on sale, so it didn't weigh too heavily on my conscience (haha!). I have an excuse, however. My black boots are broken. Well, one of the heels broke, so I had to get a replacement. We capped off the night by getting some coffee and pastries at Starbucks, where else?

Today, 3pm London time, Mark King and friends (Gary Husband, Sean Freeman, and Pete Ray Biggin) opened the London Bass Guitar Show 2011. Wish I could have been there. Have never seen Gary play drums, nor the keys, live. I heard it was crackin'. Can't wait to see Level live in the States again, hopefully this summer, and see my crush, Nathan King, as well. Gosh, I love guitar players. ;)

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Who Do You Think You Are?

Love, LOVE this show about tracing your family tree as far as you're able to, and finding out very interesting stories and amazing links to history. It's a show produced by British network ITV, and Lisa Kudrow has brought it over to the US on NBC. Wonderful show and definitely a welcome change from all the reality TV junk that's on right now.

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God is greater..

Prayers are with the people of Nippon (Japan) right now. My prayer is that the God of peace and comfort makes His presence felt to those affected, and are watching. His impact is much, MUCH greater than that of a magnitude 8.9 earthquake.

Hang on, my friends in Japan. The Lord God, He is with you.

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Lent starts today...

Today's officially the first day of the Lent, Ash Wednesday. I haven't given up anything for Lent in a few years, so I'm thinking, perhaps I should give up Facebook and Twitter for Lent. 40 days. It shouldn't be as hard as giving up Starbucks for 40 days. And, believe me, that was HARD. Major withdrawals. I'll most likely be updating this blog, if I feel like it. See you on Facebook and Twitter in about a month and a half!

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Happy birthday...

...to my cousin, Daniel, a.k.a. Popong! I'm here at their house right now, just had a little gathering for lunch, with spaghetti, fried chicken, pizza and red velvet cake, which his sis, Newie, baked!

Now watching a Filipino show with my mom and aunt. Getting sleepy. May have to take a quick nap. Going out with some friends tonight. Looking forward to it.

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Basketball memories

My dad and I have always shared a love for the game of basketball. It started very early on for me, growing up in the Philippines, my dad and uncles would watch the PBA (Philippine Basketball Association) 3 times a week, and occasionally, an NBA game (they usually show Lakers or Celtics games back then) and I would sit there, with them, learning the mechanics of the game for years, until I've developed my own appreciation for it. I was a very enthusiastic basketball fan, to the point where I actually tried out for the basketball team in high school.

The enthusiasm carried over when we migrated to Canada. In Toronto, I became an even bigger hoops fan. I started watching college ball, on top of following the NBA. I became a massive Chicago Bulls fan, thanks to Michael Jordan and Scottie Pippen. I was a die-hard fan of the Bulls. I watched every game, if I missed it, it would be an awful day for me. My friends, especially my guy friends, knew very well how much of a Bulls fan I was, they would purposely root for the opposing team just to get me riled up. When the Bulls lose, I was a rotten loser, and when they win, I was an unbearable winner.

In college hoops, I became a massive Duke Blue Devils fan, and so did my dad. I was also a UCLA Bruins fan (sorry, my USC fam-bam), and the Fab 5 of UMich. I bought the magazines, watched the shows. I couldn't be bothered when March Madness came along. Yup. Big hoops fan.

Anyway, I'm writing this blog as a result of watching the UNC Tar Heels/Duke Blue Devils game tonight. These 2 schools have a lot of history, and they're biggest rivals. Brought back a flood of memories, watching hoops with me pops. Naturally, I rooted for the Blue Devils (who won, by the way). I got a bit teary-eyed watching because it reminded me of my dad. I really miss watching the games with him. We really got into it. Oh, Dad was a massive Boston Celtics fan. He loved how understated they were, no flash, but got the job done. His favourite player was Larry Bird (Magic was his other fave).

Sadly, I've lost my enthusiasm for the game, somewhat. I'm trying to follow the games again, especially with the Toronto Raptors around. But for nostalgia's sake, I will start watching again.


Test post... yet again.

This is a test post, using Blog It! It allows me to update all my blogs all at the same time.


Level 42 - Love Games (Club Nokia - LA) - July 31, 2010

Well, someone was noticeably absent at the beginning of "Love Games" and for most of the song... Sean Freeman, where were you? Popped into the loo? LOL


Adele - Chasing Pavements

DEFINITELY my song at the mo'. Should I give up? or should I just keep chasing pavements, even if it leads nowhere?

My girl, Adele, knows.

"Chasing Pavements" by Adele
I've made up my mind, don't need to think it over
If I'm wrong I am right,don't need to look no further
This ain't lust,I know this is love

But if I tell the world I'll never say enough
'cause it was not said to you
And that's exactly what I need to do
if I end up with you

Should I give up or should I just keep chasing pavements
Even if it leads nowhere?
Or would it be a waste even if I knew my place
Should I leave it there?
Should I give up or should I just keep chasing pavements
Even if it leads nowhere?

I build myself up and fly around in circles
Waiting as my heart drops and my back begins to tingle
Finally, could this be it

Or should I give up or should I just keep chasing pavements
Even if it leads nowhere?
Or would it be a waste even if I knew my place
Should I leave it there?
Should I give up or should I just keep chasing pavements
Even if it leads nowhere?


This is just all sorts of awesome!

I want to get this shirt. Someone get me this shirt. Begging, pleading, groveling. LOL It's all sorts of awesome!

Doctor Who Trust Me T-Shirt | Sci Fi Network T-Shirt - Sci Fi Store

Bills Bills Bills-Glee Version-Full Performance

Not bad. Not bad at all. Go, a cappella!


Ground hog day!

It's Ground Hog Day, peeps! I wonder if good ol' mister Ground Hog saw his shadow or not. I'm ready for warmer weather, already!

I'm still in bed, under the covers, because it's a bit chilly. Last night, the Santa Ana winds were howling, and it kinda creeped me out for a bit. I suppose I should get up and see how Buffy, the Pomeranian, is doing. Don't know if it's suitable for him to be outside if it's this cold. He DOES has a nice coat though. This K-9 is stylin'. ;)

Still no progress on the work front. I'm getting a bit anxious, and slightly discouraged. But, I know that the Lord has a job out there for me. I just have to be patient, and be diligent in sending out my resume/applying.

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Pete Ray Biggin - Drummers Alliance on Blue Peter 1993

Guess who won? LOL Was there ever any doubt? Even at 13, the boy got some swaggah. Go, Pete!


Really going to be off of Facebook for a while. Need to sort my head out. Getting caught up with stuff, yet again. Focusing on what matters - my spiritual walk, job-hunting, and my music ministry.
Will peak in once-in-awhile, but not participate. I know I've said that before, but this time, I'm gonna have to buckle down and do it.

I'll be posting here more, and on Twitter, especially with my random thoughts.


So, I found out tonight that the object of my affection definitely has a gf. No mistaking that fact. Here I go again, brokenhearted for the nth time. I've really lost count. I'm not sure why this happens to me, all the time. Either I get rejected, or someone else swoops in and "steals" the guy I fancy. Unfortunately, my life isn't a John Hughes movie, where the girl gets the guy in the end.

I'm still stunned. I want to cry, but I'm too numb to do so.

I'm just glad that I won't get to see him for a while. Hopefully, when I do, I'll be completely over this whole thing.


I was watching House Hunters International on HGTV earlier, and it featured an Australian woman, who fell in love, and eventually married, an Indian man. And now she has decided to leave her life in Oz, and move 6,000 miles away to Mumbai, and live there with her husband, permanently.

While watching the show, I asked myself, would I be willing leave everything behind, all that I'm familiar with and have grown accustomed to, and move halfway across the world for the man that I love?

My answer? YES.


Married men, who misrepresent themselves as single, a major NO-NO. Tsk, tsk, tsk.

Misrepresenting, could be one of the 2:
1. Not wearing your wedding ring (unless you got incredibly fat, including your fingers, and you can no longer wear your ring);
2. Choosing not to divulge that vital information, and carrying on, flirting or making inappropriate remarks to other females.

Well, that's all I can think of, for now. If I come up with more, I'll definitely add on to this list. Please feel free to add to my list, if you'd like.

It's a shame that there are people like that, who never value the sanctity of marriage anymore, the way God designed it to be. They just see it as just a piece of paper. But, if you truly think about what God had designed and intended it for, it's a beautiful and sacred thing, that should be cherished.


"The Hammers"

I've decided that I shall cheer on West Ham United FC in the English Premiere League (football). They are currently in the bottom of the standings. According to a friend, "The Hammers" as they're called, have loyal fans who are, unfortunately, used to disappointment. Apparently, "The Hammers" almost always lose. Poor blokes. So, I've decided I will support the underdogs.

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I'm bored beyond belief! Lord Jesus, I need a job, soon, please. Of course, it's all in Your time, and not mine. But, I would really appreciate it if I got one very, VERY soon. AMEN. :)

Thank you for unexpected blessings, too! :) Lord, You always know our needs and know when and how to meet them! You simply ROCK! :)

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David Letterman - Ricky Gervais and The Golden Globes

This is David Letterman's take on Ricky Gervais' hosting duties at the Golden Globes, and the criticism he's gotten from the media. I'm with Dave! I thought Ricky was brilliant.


This is a test.

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Hmmm... that's all I get?! Confuse me. Why do I even bother? *sigh*

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Lazy Saturday

Today was a complete lazy day. I woke up at noon and didn't get out of bed til 1pm.

I had set out to do a few errands, but the next thing I knew it was 4pm, and I just didn't feel like going out anymore. I ended up watching Spartacus: Gods of the Arena on Starz, and doing a load of laundry, whilst hanging out with Buffy, the dog.

Now, watching some SNL before I go to sleep. Church tomorrow. G'nite.

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Tales of the unemployed, day 21

I finally heard from one of the many places that I've sent my resume to. However, they weren't able to view my resume, as it is in the latest Word format. They asked me to send another copy in the older MS Word format, and so I did. The lady who responded to my e-mail said that she would get back to me some time next week, after she's looked over my resume. Please, PLEASE, let this be it! At least for now. I'm still hoping to hear from others. Lord, please!

I've finally gotten new photos taken for my Canadian passport. Need to renew it ASAP. Seriously, don't know if that's the direction God's leading me to - to return home to Canada. I really felt that He has closed some doors for me here in the States, what with losing my job, among other things, and He's somehow opening doors for me in Canada. Ahhh..... The "being still" and waiting part are the hardest things to do. But, I just have to trust in the Lord and wait on Him, and be mindful of His voice and His little nudges. So, I wait. And while I do, I'm going to continue my job hunt here in the States, just in case.

I appreciate one of my pastors, Pastor Rico Almiranez, sending me encouraging texts with the passages Jeremiah 29:11, and Proverbs 3:5-6. Thank you, Lord, for people like Pastor Rico, praying for and encouraging me.


Well, it seems that bassman and I are neck-and-neck on Words with Friends. We are now tied, 2-2. I demolished him during the last game. Yes, DEMOLISHED. He said he was holding back. Whatevs. LOL Game 5 has commenced, and he's a bit ahead of me. But, I'd been distracted, so that's my story and I'm sticking to it. Haha We talk a lot of trash, bassman and I. You've no idea. LOL

Listening to some Level 42, "Dream Crazy". Have I mentioned that I'm crushing on Nathan King? Just throwing it out there! LOL ;) It's cool. He doesn't read this blog anyway. Haha!


It has finally happened...

...JT asked about me!!!

I'm completely stunned that he did! This is a first. I'm really surprised because I have not travelled outside SoCal to see Rockapella in years, so for him to ask why I wasn't at the Napa, CA show was completely out of left-field. It was only about 3 years ago that he actually started calling me by my first name, and not "Hey!" anymore. Now, this! :)

Now, if only my current crush would ask about me too. *sigh*

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"Can you read my mind?
Can you picture the things I'm thinking of?
Wond'ring why you are,
All the wonderful things you are..."

Superman II. It's been a while since I've seen this movie! Love, LOVE Christopher Reeve. He will always be The Man of Steel to me. :)

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David Crowder Band - How He Loves

This song always gets me... Love it!

"We are His portion, and He is prize
Drawn to redemption by the grace in His eyes.
If His grace is an ocean, we're all sinking."

What the guys think of your fashion.

Here's an article that I stumbled upon whilst web-surfing. I want to know what my guy friends (or just all the guys in general) think of this.

Let's try a proper post, shall we?

OK, so I've been living in Fullerton now for about a week, officially. It's a nice, quiet neighbourhood, very close to the freeway and the amenities are quite accessible and close. There are 3 Starbucks stores within a mile in every direction possible. So, that makes me a happy caffeine addict enthusiast. And we're still quite close to family (Cerritos), so that's a plus. Haven't quite unpacked everything yet, but that will happen eventually. Or we may just keep everything where they are right now, in the event that we move back to Canada. In that way, we don't have to go through the hassle of packing everything up again! :)

I've been unemployed for 13 days now. It hasn't really hit me 'til now, since last week, I was busy with the move, I didn't really have time to think about it. But now that I'm pretty much settled here at our new digs, it has started to hit me. I've been sending out my resumé to anyone and everyone. I'm praying someone would call already! I can't stand not doing anything at all! And it's actually making me lazy! I'm trusting that the Lord will provide employment for me in due time. Please keep me in prayer.

The situation with the object of my affection is still a situation, but I choose not to dwell on it or him. Maybe not hearing from him is a good thing. Thank God for little "distractions" (e.g. my current crush). ;)

Bummed that I won't get to go on the Rockapella Cruise at the end of this month, for obvious reasons (and some not-so obvious). A few friends are going, including Sherry, (a.k.a. Scott's Sherry), the Everetts (Wendy & Jeff), and Jenny. I'm looking forward to hearing stories! LOL It will be quite an interesting cruise, I have to say. I really wish I could go! The next cruise, perhaps.

One bright spot of being unemployed is that I'm looking into writing songs, again. I've picked up the guitar once again, and have been practicing quite a bit. I'm hoping to set up my keyboard soon, as well, and get back to playing that, too. I've been inspired lately, by all these people/musicians that I've met in the past year or so. I want to get those creative juices flowing once more. One thing I need to start doing again, is do vocalises in the morning to get my voice back in shape. I miss my singing voice, especially when I was still a Voice major at Biola. My voice was in such great shape back then, I could sing practically anything! These days, I haven't been singing quite as much. The last time I did some serious singing was at my friends Jed & Crystal's wedding, in November! I haven't really done much, since then! How sad is that? That's one of my goals this year, to get my voice back in top form! I've been listening to my recordings lately, just the rough ones, and my vibrato has slowed down, I am not hitting the notes - I'm either sharp or flat! Blgh. I need to get serious with singing again.

Well, I suppose this is as proper a post as I can do for now, since I have to head out. Need to have my picture taken to renew my Canadian passport. I'm getting ready, just in case. ;)