
Ground hog day!

It's Ground Hog Day, peeps! I wonder if good ol' mister Ground Hog saw his shadow or not. I'm ready for warmer weather, already!

I'm still in bed, under the covers, because it's a bit chilly. Last night, the Santa Ana winds were howling, and it kinda creeped me out for a bit. I suppose I should get up and see how Buffy, the Pomeranian, is doing. Don't know if it's suitable for him to be outside if it's this cold. He DOES has a nice coat though. This K-9 is stylin'. ;)

Still no progress on the work front. I'm getting a bit anxious, and slightly discouraged. But, I know that the Lord has a job out there for me. I just have to be patient, and be diligent in sending out my resume/applying.

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