
Ever since we started having our church services at Emmanuel Church in Lakewood, I've developed an interest in learning how to play the drums, thanks to the drumset they have there. Here's a video of me, messing around with the drums.

I've never taken lessons. I just kind of mimic what I've seen on TV or on videos. I would like to have proper lessons, eventually, but for now, I'll settle on teaching myself. Thank goodness, YouTube has made it easier to do that. I've looked up videos of some tutorials.

I've been playing the keyboards more now, too. I haven't played in years. I play chords. Not to keen on reading notes, although I do know how to sight-read. Haven't done it in a while (sight-reading), so I'm a bit slow. I've been playing the keys for praise and worship at church since we move into Emmanuel.

I play the guitar. But, would like to get better at it. Glad that I have my cousin, Diane, a.k.a. New-new, to teach me. She's 16 and she can play the guitar with the best of them, imho. ;)

I want to tackle the sax, and the bass, as well. I've never touched a sax, to play, that is, but I have played a little bit of the bass. Just simple stuff on it, nothing too crazy. But, one instrument at a time. I'll concentrate on the drums first. Then, move on to the next instrument.