
Let's try a proper post, shall we?

OK, so I've been living in Fullerton now for about a week, officially. It's a nice, quiet neighbourhood, very close to the freeway and the amenities are quite accessible and close. There are 3 Starbucks stores within a mile in every direction possible. So, that makes me a happy caffeine addict enthusiast. And we're still quite close to family (Cerritos), so that's a plus. Haven't quite unpacked everything yet, but that will happen eventually. Or we may just keep everything where they are right now, in the event that we move back to Canada. In that way, we don't have to go through the hassle of packing everything up again! :)

I've been unemployed for 13 days now. It hasn't really hit me 'til now, since last week, I was busy with the move, I didn't really have time to think about it. But now that I'm pretty much settled here at our new digs, it has started to hit me. I've been sending out my resumé to anyone and everyone. I'm praying someone would call already! I can't stand not doing anything at all! And it's actually making me lazy! I'm trusting that the Lord will provide employment for me in due time. Please keep me in prayer.

The situation with the object of my affection is still a situation, but I choose not to dwell on it or him. Maybe not hearing from him is a good thing. Thank God for little "distractions" (e.g. my current crush). ;)

Bummed that I won't get to go on the Rockapella Cruise at the end of this month, for obvious reasons (and some not-so obvious). A few friends are going, including Sherry, (a.k.a. Scott's Sherry), the Everetts (Wendy & Jeff), and Jenny. I'm looking forward to hearing stories! LOL It will be quite an interesting cruise, I have to say. I really wish I could go! The next cruise, perhaps.

One bright spot of being unemployed is that I'm looking into writing songs, again. I've picked up the guitar once again, and have been practicing quite a bit. I'm hoping to set up my keyboard soon, as well, and get back to playing that, too. I've been inspired lately, by all these people/musicians that I've met in the past year or so. I want to get those creative juices flowing once more. One thing I need to start doing again, is do vocalises in the morning to get my voice back in shape. I miss my singing voice, especially when I was still a Voice major at Biola. My voice was in such great shape back then, I could sing practically anything! These days, I haven't been singing quite as much. The last time I did some serious singing was at my friends Jed & Crystal's wedding, in November! I haven't really done much, since then! How sad is that? That's one of my goals this year, to get my voice back in top form! I've been listening to my recordings lately, just the rough ones, and my vibrato has slowed down, I am not hitting the notes - I'm either sharp or flat! Blgh. I need to get serious with singing again.

Well, I suppose this is as proper a post as I can do for now, since I have to head out. Need to have my picture taken to renew my Canadian passport. I'm getting ready, just in case. ;)