
Married men, who misrepresent themselves as single, a major NO-NO. Tsk, tsk, tsk.

Misrepresenting, could be one of the 2:
1. Not wearing your wedding ring (unless you got incredibly fat, including your fingers, and you can no longer wear your ring);
2. Choosing not to divulge that vital information, and carrying on, flirting or making inappropriate remarks to other females.

Well, that's all I can think of, for now. If I come up with more, I'll definitely add on to this list. Please feel free to add to my list, if you'd like.

It's a shame that there are people like that, who never value the sanctity of marriage anymore, the way God designed it to be. They just see it as just a piece of paper. But, if you truly think about what God had designed and intended it for, it's a beautiful and sacred thing, that should be cherished.