
Tales of the unemployed, day 21

I finally heard from one of the many places that I've sent my resume to. However, they weren't able to view my resume, as it is in the latest Word format. They asked me to send another copy in the older MS Word format, and so I did. The lady who responded to my e-mail said that she would get back to me some time next week, after she's looked over my resume. Please, PLEASE, let this be it! At least for now. I'm still hoping to hear from others. Lord, please!

I've finally gotten new photos taken for my Canadian passport. Need to renew it ASAP. Seriously, don't know if that's the direction God's leading me to - to return home to Canada. I really felt that He has closed some doors for me here in the States, what with losing my job, among other things, and He's somehow opening doors for me in Canada. Ahhh..... The "being still" and waiting part are the hardest things to do. But, I just have to trust in the Lord and wait on Him, and be mindful of His voice and His little nudges. So, I wait. And while I do, I'm going to continue my job hunt here in the States, just in case.

I appreciate one of my pastors, Pastor Rico Almiranez, sending me encouraging texts with the passages Jeremiah 29:11, and Proverbs 3:5-6. Thank you, Lord, for people like Pastor Rico, praying for and encouraging me.