

So, I may have man-handled Level 42's legendary bassist Mark King's hand (the right one, to be specific), when I asked him if I could touch his hands. When he said to "have a go at it", I kinda did. LOL I held it for a bit, and kinda started caressing/massaging it, while he was talking to someone else. He didn't seem to mind at all. I think he might have liked it, too! LOL He didn't bother pulling it away. I had to stop myself, because I was getting carried away, I was close to licking his hand..! No joke! I know, I know. But he was so lovely and down-to-earth, and bloody charming, it's hard not to be drawn to him. The fact that he hugged me and kissed me twice was just the cherry on top!

Don't know why I had to share that (again). A friend brought up the Anaheim show Level 42 had, where I met the band and MK, and it just reminded me of my first meeting with Mark. ;)

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