
Random musing of the day

I firmly believe that I will NEVER marry a fellow Filipino. Since I moved to North America, there's only one, yup, one Filipino guy who's ever liked me. But, he's never admitted it to me, directly, only in very vague ways and cryptic messages. That was about 20 years ago. Since then, NOTHING.

Filipino men have never found me attractive, especially Filipinos who were born, and who grew up in the Philippines. They like the fair/white-skinned girls. I always hear that in their conversations: "Oy, ang ganda nya, kasi maputi." ("Oy, she's beautiful, because she's fair-skinned.") Or, "Pare, ang ganda nya! Ang puti-puti!" (Dude, she's so pretty! Very fair-skinned!") I think it stems from the Filipino mentality, that fair-skinned people are more beautiful and favoured than those who aren't.

It's still very prevalent now, especially in Philippine entertainment. If you're not light-skinned, you won't be as popular and successful as those who are. Those in the Philippine industry who are morenos/morenas try to lighten their skin so they can get ahead. I've encountered people who have that opinion/belief growing up in the Philippines. I was very dark, even darker than I am now. And all I heard growing up was, "ang itim-itim mo!" ("you're so dark!") and other quips similar to, or even harsher than that. Yes, I was ridiculed for being dark-skinned (morena). I still get that here in the States, 30 years later, from fellow Filipinos, especially those who weren't born or didn't grow up here in the US. And I certainly have never been complimented by any Filipino guy for my looks, ever. They almost, always, never get past the looks. So, yeah, I don't think I'll marry a Filipino at all.

P.S. By the way, I love that I'm dark-skinned, especially since moving to North America. Seeing a lot of sun-worshippers here, especially in California, I'm glad to have naturally dark skin. :)

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone


Sherry said...

I like being darker, too, especially in the summer. :)

As for the Filipino guy thing, I totally understand. But I think it's more about those who grew up in the Philippines rather than those who grew up here. The American-raised ones are more open to stuff, depending on how ensconced they are in the Filipino community. Growing up in a predominantly Caucasian neighborhood, I never really wanted a Filipino guy either. But then it happened. The first kiss? Filipino. The first boyfriend? Part Filipino. Whatevs. I think it's out of my system now, though. The gay ex-boyfriend? FILIPINO. LOL!!!

Aura said...

Yup. The Filipino guys who were born or grew up here are a bit more open-minded. I haven't really dated a Filipino though. They're either not interested (for reasons I'd just blogged about) or too chicken to ask you out. Hahaha! My first boyfriend is black (Jamaican-Canadian) & the rest are Caucasian. And I don't see myself marrying a Filipino anyway. Not because I don't want to, I just don't think it's happening. I don't know why I think that. I just don't see it.