
My weekend, thus far.

I wrote on Facebook that my plans this weekend would consist of one thing, and one thing only: SLEEP. So, I did sleep in today. Woke up some time around 11:30am. Watched some TV, then ran to AAA to pay for my insurance before the deadline. These past few weeks have been really exhausting, mostly because of work. I've not experienced stress quite like this, ever. I've worked with 2 very tough lawyers, who are both workaholics for 2 years, and I still wasn't as stressed out back then as I have been the past couple of weeks. I've been losing weight, which something I'm not complaining about, and my gray hair seemed to have multiplied exponentially over the course of two weeks. Sigh. I enjoy being around my co-workers, and I actually don't mind the job as much. But, I wish it were closer to home. I'm always very tired at the end of the day. I find myself coming home, sitting on my bed, then waking up in the middle of the night, still in my street clothes, because I'd forgotten to change. I'm beginning to wonder if this job is worth it. I'm praying for a job that's closer to home.

Still reeling at the news that I stumbled upon by accident about the object of my affection. It's a bit disheartening, and definitely heart-breaking for me. I suppose there's nothing I can do anymore. I must move on. It's hard to get over something unrequited. But, I need to get over it. I don't know if he knows how I really feel, but I have expressed to him my admiration. I suppose that was a good thing, in the end. Ahhhh... There's still an itty-bitty part of me that's hoping I'd still have a chance. But given the circumstance he's in now, I've lost my chance. Sigh. I wonder if he's ever read my blog, and if he has, I wonder if he knew that he's the one I'd been referring to as the object of my affection. I guess we'll never know now. Sighing some more.

Going to sleep now, or will attempt to. Church tomorrow. Good night.

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