
Got game?

Today was just a scorcher. Stayed at home for most of the day, but decided to get out of the house eventually. Headed on over to my local Barnes & Noble to see if I could find Simon Pegg's autobiography, "Nerd Do Well", unsuccessfully, I might add, so I walked to the Starbucks across the way, and got myself something cool and refreshing, well, my own version of it.

So, I sat at a table in the patio area and resumed reading "The Hobbit" on my iPhone's Kindle app. A few minutes later, I noticed someone sitting at the table across from me. This guy, kinda cute, was looking at me. Then, he smiled at me when I directly looked at him. I smiled back, just to be nice, and resumed reading. Not too long after, I looked up again, and cute guy was looking and smiling at me, again! I smiled back, but he made me a bit nervous, I'm not sure why. I tried to finish my drink and got up and left! I don't know why I did! Perhaps, I was getting nervous that he was going to come up to me and start chatting me up.... I KNOW! I tend to get nervous like that! I'm just not used to that kind of attention from the opposite sex. I noticed that I have been getting it lately. Now, that I'm in my mid-30s, it's become more frequent. If you know me, I'm not the one guys look at or notice right away. I've always been Miss Plain Jane. For many years, that's who I am. Even my own family thinks of me that way. It's not sad, it's just how it is. They never thought of me as someone guys would be attracted to. I don't blame them for thinking it though. It's just how the world revolves. So, I have insecurities when it comes to men paying attention to me. I've got no game. None whatsoever. I don't know how to play the game at all! So, when homey-dude did what he did, I didn't quite know how to handle it, so I wanted to flee.
But yeah, I've got NO GAME.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone


Sherry said...

I'm the same way, Au. Cute guy comes up and talks to me, and I suddenly have either no speech, or I forget everything that I do that people are jealous of. I mean, I think that I'm boring, and my friends are, like, "WHAT?!" I forget all of the stuff that makes me interesting.

Perhaps you and I should go to "game" school together. ;)

Aura said...

If there is such a thing as "game" school, we're SO there. LOL