
Lent starts today...

Today's officially the first day of the Lent, Ash Wednesday. I haven't given up anything for Lent in a few years, so I'm thinking, perhaps I should give up Facebook and Twitter for Lent. 40 days. It shouldn't be as hard as giving up Starbucks for 40 days. And, believe me, that was HARD. Major withdrawals. I'll most likely be updating this blog, if I feel like it. See you on Facebook and Twitter in about a month and a half!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone


Unknown said...

do you drink less coffee now, or is it back to the same amount pre give up?

Aura said...

It's actually less since then. I used to drink coffee in general at least twice or 3 times a day, mostly Starbucks, everyday. Now, it's just once a day, in the morning, part of my morning drive to work. Maybe a 2nd one, if it's a particularly trying day, some time later in the day.

Aura said...

It's actually less since then. I used to drink coffee in general at least twice or 3 times a day, mostly Starbucks, everyday. Now, it's just once a day, in the morning, part of my morning drive to work. Maybe a 2nd one, if it's a particularly trying day, some time later in the day.