
My "moment" with Brian McKnight. Yep, it happened. So hush. LOL

I remember like it was yesterday. LOL OK, OK. So, some of you may have heard from me the "moment" I had with Brian McKnight. Yes, THE Brian McKnight. This probably happened almost 2 years ago now. So, here's how it went down. I went on a spontaneous GNO (Girls' Night Out) with my friends, Vanessa and Gayle, and we decided to go to Universal Citywalk since we hadn't been there in so long and just wanted a place where we can have dinner then walk around to window-shop, etc. We had dinner at Bubba Gump's, then decided to walk around and check out a few stores. Walked into this one store that specializes in chocolate candies/desserts, all sorts of chocolate flavoured goodies (and not-so goodies, depending on your palette), you could imagine (including chocolate-covered bacon). After trying out some of what they had to offer, we decided to check out another candy store next door. As we walked out of the place, I noticed some tall dude out of the corner of my eye, but I was looking at my iPhone at the time. I stopped for a bit, because I couldn't really walk and text at the same time. LOL Then, I looked up, and noticed the tall dude was staring at me. Like, STARING. I didn't realize who it was at first, so I was thinking, "what the heck? whatchu lookin' at foo'?" at the time. hah! It slowly dawned on me WHO was staring at me..... BRIAN MCKNIGHT!!! He was facing the store we had just walked out of and had his back towards the crowd. I guess he was hoping no one would notice him. Anyway, the funny thing was, he didn't even look away right away when I was finally looking back at him! He kinda had this smirk and then finally slowly looked away. Needless to say, I had to pick up my jaw off the floor! When I finally got my wits about me, I rushed over to where Vanessa and Gayle were (who had both walked ahead of me), and I had to pull both of them aside and whispered to them that Brian McKnight was standing there a few feet away. Gayle and Vanessa both shrieked, and I had to shush them. LOL Gayle was like, "do you want to go and say hi?" I was up for it, but Vanessa got all shy, even though, we decided to go back and make sure it was him. By the time we decided to go say hi to him, a crowd of people had formed around him and started talking to him. It didn't seem like he was too happy being noticed (he was there with his gf at the time, and her family), so we just decided to leave him alone. I was too excited, I just had to tweet about it! Brian McKnight was staring at me! Yes, we had a moment. Ahhh!!!