
It's the most wonderful time of the year!


Let’s remember the reason why we celebrate - JESUS CHRIST!

If it were not for him, there wouldn’t be reason to celebrate this special day.


It's official!!!

They’re making “The Hobbit” into a film!!! Two films to be exact. Peter Jackson’s executive producing it, they still have to find a director for it. But yes, they’re actually making it!

OK, that was my geek moment of the day! Whoo-hoo!


It's fast approaching.

Hey kids! Christmas is fast approaching. And you know what that means…

Just in case you’re stumped on what to get me for Christmas, here’s my wishlist

Or gift certificates from Target would be much appreciated. Gracias!

The Pirates 3 DVD will be out in December as well, so you know… *grins*

That is all. Shameless, aren’t I?


Another survey...

1. Were you smiling when you woke up this morning?

2. When was the last time you met someone new?
Last Saturday night, at Starbucks LBTC

3. What is irritating you right now?
someone playing “When the Saints Go Marching In” on piano over and over and over……

4. When was the last time you ate pizza?
2 weekends ago. At Universal Studios.

5. When was the last time you held someones hand?
Last Saturday, I shook someone’s hand.

6. Do you have any famous friends?
Depends on the level of fame. hahaha I consider Orlando Bloom a friend, even though he has absolutely no clue as to who I am.

7. When was the last time you laughed?
A week ago. I was revisiting Monty Python’s “Quest for the Holy Grail” on DVD (”‘Tis a silly place, Camelot”).

8. Last words you heard spoken?
“gross” by Given

9. Have you ever kissed anyone with brown hair?

10. Besides your bed, what is your favorite thing in your room?
my television

11. Do you enjoy piercings and tattoos?
not really.

12. What was the last thing you watched on TV?The Tyra Banks Show this morning, before heading off to work.

13. What are you wearing on your feet?
my brown ballet flats

14. What is/are your favorite pair of shoes?
my Wuggs (wannabe Uggs), they’re sooo warm and comfy. haha

15. What are your plans for tonight?
going home and watching some Heroes.

16. What was the last thing you ate?
teriyaki chicken and rice

17. What were you doing before this?
finishing up payroll

18. What’s the closest item near you that is blue?
my favourite blue pen

19. What instant messaging service do you use?
Meebo (it has AIM, Yahoo! and MSN)

20. What is your cell phone provider?

21. What’s the most abnormal thing you’ve done in the past 4 days?
Everything that I do would pretty much be considered slightly abnormal. But for the most part, it would be singing along to music on the Yamaha Music Education repertoire when the group classes are going on…

22. What do you wear more jeans, sweatpants or slacks?

23. What is the last movie you watched?
On DVD? It would be The Holy Grail. At the cinema… Transformers, I think.

24. What do you currently hear right now?
“Pirates of the Caribbean” that we’re showing on the school’s TV in the lobby, and piano playing here and there.

25. Car, train or bus?
It depends on where I’m going.

26. When did you last take a picture with someone?
With Nicole at work last Saturday (it was her last day at work *tears*)

27. What are you doing for HalLoweEn?
working, then head home and scare away the kids who are trick-or-treating.

28. Whose house did you sleep at last?

29. Where do you shop the most?
Forever 21, Target, and the 24-hour Walmart next to my apartment

30. Where did you get the shirt you’re wearing?
Old Navy (I used to be their poster-child)

31. What will you do after this quiz?
finish up stuff here at work.

32. Where was your default picture taken?
my living room

33. Why did you pick your background?
because I like simple, basic, clean, no frills stuff… I guess I’m a minimalist in that sense.

34. Missing someone right now?

35. Where is your number one person on your Myspace friends list?
Make it #2 which is Prel - she’s probably still at work.

36. Describe the background on your cell phone:
the Union Jack - I’m a wannabe Brit, what can I say? (another abnormality, I suppose)

37. Describe your pillow case:
pale blue and white square patterns

39. Is there someone on your mind that shouldn’t be?

40. Do you burn easily in the sun?

41. Do you speak another language other than English?
Yes, Tagalog (which is my native tongue). Would like to learn French too.

42. What did you do last weekend?
I worked from 10am-6pm. Went to Starbucks and studied for Sunday School, met new people who are also Christians while I was there, and hung out with my friend Vanessa until 10:30-ish.

43. What was the last text message you sent?
“Where are you? Are you at Jer’s church?” (to my cousin April yesterday)

44. Are you a good cook?
hah! I try. I can get by, I guess.

45. If you could get a tattoo where would it be?
right ankle or right between my shoulder blades.


"Autobots, roll out!"

Yes! I got it! Transformers came out on DVD yesterday, and naturally, I had to go out and buy it! And I still get giddy whenever I see Optimus Prime come out of the backyard pool. Gosh, I’m such a geek!


Things that make you go, “hmmm…”

I hope they don’t mind me posting this on my journal. I just thought this was very interesting. Something for all of us to think about.
The following was written by Ben Stein and recited by him on CBS Sunday Morning Commentary.

My confession:

I am a Jew, and every single one of my ancestors was Jewish. And it
does not bother me even a little bit when people call those beautiful lit up,
bejeweled trees Christmas trees. I don’t feel threatened. I don’t feel
discriminated against. That’s what they are: Christmas trees.

It doesn’t bother me a bit when people say, “Merry Christmas” to
me. I don’t think they are slighting me or getting ready to put me in a ghetto.
In fact, I kind of like it. It shows that we are all brothers and sisters
celebrating this happy time of year. It doesn’t bother me at all that there is a
manger scene on display at a key intersection near my beach house in Malibu. If
people want a crche, it’s just as fine with me as is the Menorah a few hundred
yards away.

I don’t like getting pushed around for being a Jew, and I don’t
think Christians like getting pushed around for being Christians. I think people
who believe in God are sick and tired of getting pushed around, period. I have
no idea where the concept came from that America is an explicitly atheist
country. I can’t find it in the Constitution and I don’t like it being shoved
down my throat.

Or maybe I can put it another way: where did the idea come from
that we should worship Nick and Jessica and we aren’t allowed to worship God as
we understand Him? I guess that’s a sign that I’m getting old, too. But there
are a lot of us who are wondering where Nick and Jessica came from and where the
America we knew went to.

In light of recent events…terrorists attack, school shootings, etc.
I think it started when Madeleine Murray O’Hare (she was murdered, her body
found recently) complained she didn’t want prayer in our schools, and we said

Then someone said you better not read the Bible in school. The
Bible says thou shalt not kill, thou shalt not steal, and love your neighbor as
yourself. And we said OK.

Then Dr. Benjamin Spock said we shouldn’t spank our children when
they misbehave because their little personalities would be warped and we might
damage their self-esteem (Dr. Spock’s son committed suicide). We said an expert
should know what he’s talking about. And we said OK.

Now we’re asking ourselves why our children have no conscience, why
they don’t know right from wrong, and why it doesn’t bother them to kill
strangers, their classmates, and themselves.
Probably, if we think about it
long and hard enough, we can figure it out. I think it has a great deal to do

Funny how simple it is for people to trash God and then wonder why
the world’s going to hell. Funny how we believe what the newspapers say, but
question what the Bible says. Funny how you can send ‘jokes’ through e-mail and
they spread like wildfire but when you start sending messages regarding the
Lord, people think twice about sharing. Funny how lewd, crude, vulgar and
obscene articles pass freely through cyberspace, but public discussion of God is
suppressed in the school and workplace.

Are you laughing?

Funny how when you forward this message, you will not send it to
many on your address list because you’re not sure what they believe, or what
they will think of you for sending it. Funny how we can be more worried about
what other people think of us than what God thinks of us.
Pass it on if you
think it has merit. If not then just discard it… no one will know you did. But,
if you discard this thought process, don’t sit back and complain about what bad
shape the world is in.

My Best Regards
Ben Stein



3 of my co-workers got into 3 separate car accidents in the past week. Something’s up with October. I’m trying to be very cautious on the road right now, because no matter how careful you try to be, there are some people out there that just doesn’t seem to care whether they hurt anyone or not. I always pray that Lord-willing, I will not be harmed on the road. Anyway, all 3 are OK, praise God. One of them, her car flipped over 3 times, and she came out unscathed! I told her, “God was totally watching out for you.” It’s a miracle she’s still alive!


EKG Conference.

I woke up fairly early this morning to attend a Sunday School teachers’ conference called EKG (Empowering Kingdom Growth) at our mother church, North Long Beach Christian Fellowship. I arrived a bit late, maybe about 10 minutes (it started at 9am), but thank the Lord I didn’t really miss much. After the morning general session, we all broke up into our seminars according to the age-group that we teach (I teach elementary-aged kids, from 1st through 6th grade). I wasn’t expecting much really. Actually, I wasn’t sure what to expect. But our seminar speaker/presenter, Ms. Helen Harris was wonderful and engaging and you can tell that she knew what she was talking about. You can see her passion for teaching children as she spoke to us, encouraged us and gave us ideas on how to involve and engage our kids during Sunday school. But the main thing that I came away with after the seminar is the fact that I am playing a small part in introducing these kids to Jesus Christ and making them understand who He is and what He can be to and for them. It’s such a big responsibility, but it’s something that I’m excited to take on. I just need to be prayerfully prepared for each Sunday, and let the Holy Spirit do the rest. I shouldn’t worry about minute, insignificant things, as long as I have the enthusiasm and the passion to talk to these kids about Jesus Christ, God will do the rest.

Honestly, I was a bit hesitant to go to this conference, but now, I thank God that I did.



Heroes, Season 2 premieres TONIGHT!!! How am I gonna handle this?! Aaaahhhhh!!!!!!!!!!! LOL


Trying to have some semblance of sanity in the midst of chaos.

It’s been quite a chaotic, well, hectic couple of weeks. That’s why I haven’t really had a chance to update at all. Open house has begun for the new semester here at work, and so I had to deal with never-ending phone-calls and walk-in inquiries. This is on top of the usual stuff that I have to do, plus driving out to our La Habra and Chino Hills locations 3 times in the past couple of weeks. Yeah, it’s been kinda stressful, especially lately. But I won’t get into that now. Yet again, I’m cast as the “bad guy” and I don’t think I deserve it. But I digress. Anyway, walking almost everyday helps relieve the stress though. Yes, I have started walking again. I haven’t gotten to the point of running yet, but I will, hopefully sooner than later. We’ll see how long this will last this time around… hahaha Anyway, I’m trying, “trying” being the operative word here.

Well, a couple of friends got engaged this past week… congrats to them! I’m not sure if it’s OK for me to post their names here, so I’ll just keep their anonymity intact for now, until they tell me it’s OK. They know who they are anyway. And I’m very happy for the both of you!

I guess that’s all I have to say for now. Oh, “The Jane Austen Book Club” is going to be in theatres soon (if it isn’t already). Anybody wanna see it with me? My Jane Austen friends, perhaps?

Man, I can’t get enough of “Pangarap na Bituin” right now! Sheesh! It’s a Filipino soap (a.k.a. “teleserye”) that I watch on The Filipino Channel everyday! Dang you TFC! Dang you! hahaha


In remembrance.

Never forget.

God bless.



Someone broke into our work today. Smashed one of the glass doors and took 4 brand new keyboards that we just acquired. Our area is becoming more and more dodgy. The city needs to do something about our area, since they’ve been getting a lot of complaints about hit-and-runs, theft, and vandalism in the past year or so. The cops used to patrol our area quite frequently, but they haven’t done so for about 2 years now. Anyway, got a temporary replacement for the glass door. What a day this has been.


The return.

It’s been more than a week since I last posted, almost a month that our internet connection at work crashed, 2 weeks since my car got hit. What’s new since then? Well, I finally got my signal and brake lights fixed, thank God! My friend was able to hook me up with a great deal to fix the electrical wiring for my rear lights, now they are working perfectly fine. I just need a new cover for my right rear lights because, currently, it’s covered my red plastic. haha
Our office is falling apart. One by one, our computers are slowly breaking down. I really wish we would hire a professional who could actually hook us up properly, and not rely on “home remedies” which clearly isn’t working at all. How can we run a business without a properly functioning office? Oh well… I just hope we get new computers or something.

I just recently got back from a weekend up north for a couple of concerts with Papuri, and we didn’t even have time to go around and just take in some sights. We had a friend along who’s never been to San Francisco. It was her first visit, so we were hoping to take her around, but we just didn’t have enough time. Maybe some other time. Just visit SF without singing obligations.

On a different note…

Why is it hard for some people to accept the fact that they just need to move on? Look to the future. The past is just holding you back. Trust that God has something better in store for you.

On to more trivial stuff…

Anyone want to see The Last Legion with me? Colin Firth-y as (King) Arthur… C’mon now! I gotta go see that!

Heroes (Season 1) is coming out on DVD this Tuesday, Aug 28th!



It’s been a week since my car got hit. Now the signal lights aren’t working. Argh! It couldn’t have happened at the most inopportune time. I know, I complain. Sorry, it’s a natural reaction to these kinds of situations. I’m glad I’m going to be heading up to the Bay area this weekend. I’ll be glad to get away, even if it’s only for a couple of days. Summer’s almost over, and I haven’t even gone on a holiday. I have traveled in the past couple of months, but it’s mostly for Papuri / singing gigs. Not quite a vacation I must say. I want some time to just go somewhere and not do anything at all. Maybe sight-see, walk or sit around. Oooh… A pool! I need a pool. Just sit there until I’m a prune. haha

We have a couple of weeks off from work as well, at the end of August until the first couple of days in September. I already know what I’m going to do, clean my apartment and get rid of unnecessary junk that we never use anyway, and that take up space in our tiny apartment. Clutter reflects your state of mind, and I want to rid my mind of clutter. Which reminds me, I need boxes.

Our internet at work is not working properly right now. I think it has to do with our router; it’s very unstable right now. So, if you need to get a hold of me, it’s better to give me a call, preferably at work. I do get internet access once in a while, but I get about 2 minutes at the most, and then it’s out again. Eh, what are you going to do?

Enough about my griping over trivial stuff. I just needed to write down my thoughts. Gosh, I’m craving for some teriyaki beef. Why? Hmmm… I need to start running again. Blah.

James McAvoy is married. Why are all of the once-eligible British lovelies getting hitched these days?! The world has gone mad!



…is just not a good day.

I will mark 8/3/07 as a very BAD DAY.

The Lord will deal with it for me.


Looking forward to a few things on TV in the fall…

1. Damian Lewis on NBC’s Life - yet again, he is playing an American, convincing at that, but I do so miss his lovely British accent, like in The Forsyte Saga… Oh wow..

2. Hiro Nakamura’s return on Heroes - Origins - you know you’re dying to see it too! Will Peter Petrelli make an appearance? I sure hope so. *sigh*

3. Pushing Daisies - I like the premise. It’s about a man who has the ability to bring people back to life, by a touch of his hand, find out who killed them, “make” them dead again by another touch, and then post a reward to find the killers. It’s just something you’ve never seen before on TV.

And coming, in a few weeks (late summer):

VH1’s MAN BAND - Yes, Chris Kirkpatrick (’nsync), Jeff Timmons (98 degrees), Bryan Abrams (Color Me Badd), and Rich Cronin (LFO) are attempting to relive their glory days by forming a new “man” band (they’re not “boys” anymore, apparently). You know I’m watching!


British invasion.

David Beckham played his first game tonight as a Los Angeles Galaxy player! Home Depot Centre was sold out! Madness! I wanted to see his first game, not to mention see Chelsea play (and Terry, of course), but it was impossible to get tickets. I don’t know if soccer/football will finally get some kind of legs here in the States, but Becks definitely brought more audience to the sport. I really don’t care though, I like soccer, I like Becks (and I get a kick outta Posh - haha!), so I’m definitely going to follow him and the game closely. The last sports figure I’ve been this interested in was Michael Jordan (man, was I a fan!). For me, this is Mike all over again.


Another uneventful post.

I don’t quite understand why people like to put up pictures on the internet of themselves, incredibly inebriated, crawling on the floor, looking really ridiculous. Are those pictures supposed to make them look appealing? Attractive? Cool? What kind of a purpose do those pictures serve? I just don’t get it.

I want to take voice lessons again. I miss singing in the classical style. I really believe my voice was in the best shape when I was in college. I was watching Kristen Chenoweth on The View earlier this morning, and when they asked her to sing (she’s classically trained, by the way), I felt a tinged of envy. *sigh* I wasn’t overtly envious, but I felt a smidgeon of it. Maybe I should dig up my old books from school and try to get my voice back in shape. Honestly, my vibrato is slower right now, it gets a bit frustrating.


Here I am, meandering.

As I was sitting at the beach last Saturday, I couldn’t help but appreciate the beauty that was in front of me. Clear skies, white clouds, the sun shining, and water as far as the eyes can see. I was in a bit of a funk earlier that day, but what I saw definitely lifted my spirits up. God is amazing, and I’m in awe of His handiwork. It made me realize that I need to be thankful for every single thing that I have, and not look for things that I don’t have. It was the most relaxing time I’ve had for a very long time, and I really appreciated every moment of it, just sitting there, reading, and admiring the majesty of God through His creation.

Although, being at the beach was quite a nice break from the mundane, I did get a, somewhat, bad sunburn on the back of my neck. I did put on some sun-block but it got washed off when I went into the water with my cousin, Jaya. And of course, I forgot to bring a swimsuit, nor extra clothes (I wasn’t really intending on getting into the water), so I went in with what I was wearing. I developed the sunburn while I was trying to dry myself and my clothes under the sun all day. Well, I’ll be sure to bring a swimsuit and extra set of clothes next time, just in case.
I obtained a couple of minor injuries here at work today. While I was putting away books onto our shelves, I scraped a finger, and I chipped a nail. Wow, that’s the highlight of my day! So fun…

On more trivial things, I still haven’t seen the new Harry Potter movie nor have seen Transformers for a second time. I know I’ll make my way to the movies somehow, but right now, I just don’t have the energy for it. I really wish I could just stay at home for one day and just chill.


Transformers… more than meets the eye!

I saw the movie Transformers last weekend and all I can say is.. “WOW”. More than met my expectations. The storyline was good, the CGI was close to perfection, and the action was fantastic! I clapped and cheered when I first saw Optimus Prime. I believe I was the only who did (geek!). haha I am definitely going to see the movie again, I’m guessing 3 more times at the least. haha


Be careful...

Just a reminder to my Christian brothers and sisters, be careful in making the distinction between being geniunely spiritual and being spiritually arrogant. Your best testimony is the way you live your life, and not how much you know. You don’t need to announce to the world that you are spiritual, you know so much about the Bible, Christianity, etc. If you are truly a student of the word of God and truly growing in the faith, it will manifest in the way you live your life, and not just in the words you speak. I’m not saying that learning about what you believe is wrong. Having knowledge about God, His son Jesus Christ, and about living the life is great, but if what you’re learning doesn’t manifest in the way you live and manage your life, then you need to look at yourself in the mirror. It’s easy to “pretend” to be a solid Christian. I’ve been down that road before, that is why I urge you to be careful.


Summer's here.

I walked out of the apartment this morning, and it suddenly hit me, summer’s here. Wow, time flies. I seriously need to have some “me” time. I need a break from everything, just to regroup, gather my thoughts. The beach calls, but I doubt I’ll be able to go anytime during the summer. I guess I should just go without planning on it.

Things have transpired in the least desirable way in the last few days. I don’t want to say anymore, but I suppose I can’t avoid being part of it. Here I go again with my vague thoughts, no explanations. I apologize about that, but it’s hard to elaborate on these things, I suppose it will just make the situation worse. I wish that things were back to the way they used to be, but sadly, decisions and choices were made that really brought to light what’s most valuable to a person. Something you thought was valuable to the individuals involved was simply cast aside. I suppose whatever that “valuable” thing was, was never valuable to begin with. Then, people start to change, attitudes start to change. Presumptions and feelings are projected towards the other person. I think what bothers me the most is that I can find no genuine remorse since that choice has been made. It’s sad. I’m sad. I wish things aren’t this way, but again, the choices that have been made made things this way.

Enough about the vagueness. The funny thing about being vague is that some people read too much into it, and they perceive it to be directed towards them. I suppose it can’t be helped especially if they knew, in some subconscious way, they were at fault in some way. I could totally be talking about something else, but another person might take it as though I was talking about them. Funny.

That is why I would like to get some “me” time. Just to spend time thinking, meditating on the word of God. Lord knows, I’ve been acting on my feelings lately. I would love to see the day when things are resolved and relationships and friendships are restored. I’m working on swallowing my pride, it’s hard, but I’m working on it.

Anyway, I feel the need to geek out! You all know that Transformers is already out in the theatres this week, I’m sooooo going to see it tomorrow! I can’t wait! As I have mentioned before, while all the little girls back in the ’80s watched Rainbow Brite and My Little Pony, I was watching Transformers. I would never miss an episode. I’m very, very excited! This is like The Lord of the Rings all over again. haha I’m such a geek! I love it!


"Lord of the Bling"

This is some funny stuff… excuse the profanities.


Ahhh… nerddom…


Clear head.

My head’s a bit clearer. Forgive me for the tone of my previous post. Consider it a “knee-jerk” reaction to the situation I’m currently in. But the Lord is teaching me a lot of things through this whole situation. Sometimes, you can’t help but blurt out what you’re feeling or thinking, when you feel that you’re being provoked, either through attitude or action, to react or respond. I’m trying to get past this already, but somehow you get sucked back in without you knowing it. Next thing you know, you’re the “bad guy” and you don’t even know how or why. So yeah, Achau’s just a little frustrated, but I’m working on not letting things get to me anymore. Some things are just not worth being frustrated over.


Long overdue update.

How long will you run with the world? How long will you try to fill
the void in your heart with things that fester and disintegrate? Are you
content in sitting in your own dirt? You’re so comfortable in the waste that is
your sin. Why don’t you stand and clean yourself up? You’re just
willing to sit with the pigs than get up and go back to your home. Scrape
the hardening mud from your heart. Is the veil over your eyes so thick,
that you don’t see your own image in the mirror? Did you forget what He’s
done for you? On that fateful day, dark and dreary, He hung on the cross,
so you can live a life of freedom. Free from the bondage of your sins.

My heart is heavy right now. The previous paragraph was written with Christians in mind. Well, so-called “Christians” that is. They’re so content in keeping up with the trappings of this world, and for what? Where do you find the purpose in all of that? You can never find satisfaction in what the world has to offer. It’s a lot easier to conform to the world, than go against it. Makes life easier, doesn’t it? (John 15:9) You’d rather have the world love you than hate you. What does it profit a man if he gains the whole world and loses his own soul? John 12:25 says, “The man who loves his life will lose it, while the man who hates his life in this world will keep it for eternal life.” (NIV) I’m not judging, Lord knows I’ve made that mistake many times before, but I worry about my brothers and sisters who have been living this kind of life. They know what is right in the sight of God, and they know what is wrong. They know how a Christian is suppose to live, but yet they don’t. I understand God accepts us for who we are, and will love us no matter what we do. BUT (there is a big BUT in this), He doesn’t want you to stay the way you are. He gave us the Bible to show us how to live the kind of life that He would love for us to have. A life filled with purpose and meaning. A life that can be lived to the fullest. Just because he is a forgiving God, doesn’t warrant you to go buck-wild and do whatever the heck you want to do, because you’re thinking, “He’ll forgive me anyway.” Don’t you know you are hurting Him when you do these things? When you became a child of God, you are representing Him wherever you go. And God deserves to be represented well. Remember, it’s not about me, and it’s not about you, it’s all about God. He made you for His own purpose. This may be cliché – one song says, “Only one life, so soon it will pass, only what’s done for Christ will last.” Your time on this earth is borrowed, use it wisely.

My Bay area trip.

The weekend of Father’s Day (June 14th-18th), Papuri went up to the Bay area for another series of concerts at different churches. I always look forward to these things because 1) I love to sing, 2) I love to sing for the Lord, 3) I love to travel, so I’m able to do all these things all at once. Sunday night was particularly exciting. We sang at a church in San Leandro. It was probably one of the most receptive and responsive crowds we’ve ever had. What a blessing these people were! I was also able to reconnect with people from my childhood like Pastor Gilbert Villapa, who has been friends with my parents since their Baptist Hour Choir days in the Philippines. He remembered me when I was 5 years old! Crazy.

We took some pictures, some of which are posted on my Myspace page. Crazy bunch of people! I had a great time. I missed my family though especially during Father’s day. But God had a purpose for me being in the Bay area that weekend.

I’ll continue this tomorrow…


Yo-ho, yum-oh!

Pirates of the Caribbean - At World’s End.

Loved it, loved it, loved it! Johnny was brilliant… as usual!

Pirate Will Turner / Orlando Bloom is………*thud* Wow!


My TV show season finale recaps.

This past Monday night… HEROES! Oh my gosh! All I have to say is that Peter Petrelli better return next season! It was quite a bittersweet ending. Season 2 is called “Heroes - Generations“, I cannot wait. New characters will be introduced and some old ones will remain. I’m not sure who goes though. Hiro Nakamura, a samurai warrior? Hmmm…

Dancing with the Stars - disappointed that Joey Fat One didn’t win, but Apollo was good. He got a lot better towards the end of the competition.

American Idol - tonight’s the night! I want Blake to win. Jordin’s a better vocalist, but Blake just reels you in. I guess it wouldn’t matter to me who wins at this point since my girl, Melinda Doolittle, isn’t in the finals. *sigh*



Congratulations to my cousin April and Jeremy on their engagement! Jer proposed to Prel last Saturday, May 19th on his birthday. What was meant as a surprise birthday party for Jeremy, turned out to be a surprise proposal for April (and a surprise to everyone else, including me)! Good job, Jer! I’m very happy for the both of you, it’s about time! :) I love you both!


Oh no...

I can’t believe Melinda Doolittle got booted off American Idol! I’m very disappointed. But I’m sure she’ll do fine. It’s down to Blake and Jordyn. I’m picking Blake to win, just because he has a different style and vibe altogether. He’ll make interesting music. Jordyn is a lovely girl, and has a good voice, but you’ve heard her “type” or sound before.

Given’s currently at Disneyland, standing in line for the red carpet event for Pirates of the Caribbean. That boy has been there with his friends since 2am! He better take a picture of Orlando Bloom for me! haha

It’s Jeremy’s birthday today! HAPPY BIRTHDAY, JER! And congrats on finally getting your Master’s!


Just randomness..

[A] - AVAILABLE? Unfortunately, yes… haha
[B] - BIRTHDAY? February 11, 1975
[C] - CRUSHING? Always
[D] - DRINK YOU LAST HAD? Pepsi in a can
[E] - EASIEST PERSON TO TALK TO? There are quite a few.
[F] - FAVORITE COLORS? pink, brown, blue, yellow, and sage
[H] - HOMETOWN? Scarborough (a.k.a. “Scarberia”), Ontario, CANADA, eh?
[I] - ILL? Somewhat. My allergies are acting up.
[J] - JUGGLE? I’m not coordinated like that.
[K] - KILLED SOMEONE? Fortunately, no. Maybe random insects.
[L] - LONGEST CAR RIDE? Los Angeles to Seattle (24hr ride, with barely any stops - fun times)
[M] - MILKSHAKE FLAVOR? Strawberry-banana milkshake, especially if it’s from Ruby’s Diner
[N] - NUMBER OF SIBLINGS? NEIN, zero, zilch, nada, wala
[O] - ONE WISH? Wishing that my dad’s still alive. But I’ll see him again. Other than that, I wish that I have the ability to read people’s thoughts and/or be invisible.
[P] - PERSON WHO CALLED YOU LAST? my cousin, Pong
[Q] - QUEER? As in odd? Maybe. But as in the other definition, then no. haha
[R] - REASON TO SMILE? I’m alive and blessed.
[S] - SONG YOU LAST HEARD? “Sexy Love” by Ne-yo (on a Myspace page that my cousin was lookin’ at)
[T] - TIME YOU WOKE UP THIS MORNING? I woke up at 9am this morning to Regis and Kelly
[U] - UNDERWEAR? I’m wearing them. haha
[V] - VEGETABLES? Spinach, carrots, string beans
[W] - WORST HABIT? Shake my leg I guess. I used to bite my nails when I was younger.
[X] X-rays u had? chest
[Y]- Your number of friends on myspace? plenty enough, but not all of them are ‘real’ friends. some are music pages.
[Z] - ZODIAC SIGN? Not that I believe in astrology, but I’m what is considered and Aquarian (Aquarius).


Favourite quotes.

“The chief end of man is to glorify God by enjoying Him forever.”
- John Piper (Desiring God)

“We are half-hearted creatures, fooling about with drink and sex and ambition when infinite joy is offered to us, like an ignorant child who wants to go on making mud pies in a slum because he cannot imagine what is meant by the offer of a holiday at the sea. We are far too easily pleased.”
- CS Lewis (The Weight of Glory)

“Man is one of your creatures, Lord, and his instinct is to praise you… The thought of you stirs him so deeply that he cannot be content unless he praises you, because you made us for yourself and our hearts find no peace until they rest in you.”
- St. Augustine

“But what does all this restlessness and helplessness indicate, except that man was once in true happiness which has now left him? So he vainly searches, but finds nothing to help him, other than to see an infinite abyss that can only be filled by One who is infinite and immutable. In other words, it can only be filled with God himself.”
- Blaise Pascal


He’s lookin’ for love on the internet?

I guess…

Orlando Bloom looks for love on the internet

But if you’re still having a hard time looking for one, I’m available. We’ll see how things go…. (HAHAHA - I’ve completely lost my mind!)


He's gone!

FINALLY!!! Sanjaya has been voted off American Idol! I can now resume watching! *throws confetti*

Final top 3 prediction: Melinda, Lakisha and Blake

WINNER: Melinda Doolittle (because I believe America can actually recognize real talent)

Stay tuned. ;)



This is just ridiculous! How can I still be at work at 9:26pm?! Folks, I’ve completely lost my mind! I better get out of here while I can, before my butt-cheeks leave an imprint on the chair that I’m currently sitting on, and have sat on for the past 2 hours!

Well, dinner (and my bed) awaits! I’m going to have to do this whole thing all over again in about 14 hours. I need to get out more.

“Planet Earth” - If you haven’t seen this 11-part series on the Discovery Channel, boy, are you missing out! This is an incredible series. It definitely makes you appreciate this planet even more and makes you in awe of its Creator! (And why people don’t believe there is a God is just beyond me.) Definitely check it out!


Staring at the clock, watching the time pass by.

I’m sitting here at work, staring at the clock, wishing it was 8pm already, so that I can get off work. *sigh* This week has been hectic so far, since it’s tuition payment time, so phones have been ringing off the hook, and parents have been coming in to make payments. But of course, we get the occasional complaint and it just makes for a very interesting day altogether. Today’s no exception. But hey, it comes along with the job. Can’t please everyone.

For the past couple of weeks, I’ve found myself reunited with my highschool friends, ever since joining Facebook. Yeah, I know, as if having both Myspace and Friendster is not enough, I sign up for Facebook! haha It’s really cool finding some of my old friends from Midland C.I. (in Scarborough, a.k.a. “Scarberia”, Ontario, Canada), and finding out what they’ve been up to since we’ve left Midland.

I’m currently killing “Makes Me Wonder” by Maroon 5 on my iTunes playlist. I dig that song a lot. I like the funkiness of it.

OK, I have nothing more to say… Peace.


The weekend.

Well, made it back from Oceanside. Unfortunately, the trip was too short. It was quite nice to be away even just for a little bit. Thanks to our gracious hosts, the Lacanientas, we really had a wonderful time with them. I’m looking forward to doing it again, sometime soon.

I finally saw “Amazing Grace”. What an inspirational movie. I cried. I just couldn’t imagine fighting for something you feel so passionately about for 20+ years, and almost not seeing it come to fruition. But William Wilberforce never gave up the fight to abolish the slave trade, and he was able to see it all happen before his death. I’m surprised that William Wilberforce is not more well-known, and well-recognized than he is. This man fought hard to abolish the slave trade in England in the late 1700’s-early 1800’s. He was also a faithful servant of Christ, and his spiritual revival in his mid-20s was pretty much the catalyst to his fight to abolish the slave trade. And he did all this with failing health (he had colitis, which he eventually died from). Ioan Gruffudd played him brilliantly. I felt like I was watching Horatio Hornblower all over again! haha They could’ve developed the story more, especially his relationship with John Newton, former slave-trader and writer of the hymn Amazing Grace (hence, the title of the movie). Bernard Cumberbatch was fantastic as William Pitt the younger, the PM of Britain at the time and Wilber’s best friend. He was supportive of Wilber’s fight ’til the very end.

This is a must-see.

My favourite lines in the movie:

John Newton (to Wilberforce): “I once was blind, but now I see. Did I write that?”
Wilberforce: “Yes, you did.”
John Newton: “At last it’s true.”
John Newton: “I’m a great sinner but Christ is a great Saviour”

Other DVD recommendation: A&E’s Hornblower series (starring Ioan Gruffudd)


Trying to stay awake...

For the 3rd consecutive day, work has been painfully slow. I’m falling asleep as I type this. My eyelids are getting heavier by the second. I’ve been reading, but reading is making me more sleepy. I need to stay awake, I have an hour and a half left ’til I have to go. John Legend’s
keeping me entertained somewhat, he’s part of my regular iTunes rotation here at work.

All the piano playing around me is lulling me to sleep! I need to stay awake. I’ve been getting phone calls from those automated tele-marketers and it’s really starting to get annoying. I don’t know what brought the sleepiness on, given the fact that I slept considerably early last night (that is, 1:30am - haha!). But then, my mom woke me up really early (6am) to ask me something, and I couldn’t go back to sleep after that. *sigh*

Anyway, I’m looking forward to this weekend. I’m going to Oceanside/San Diego area to spend time with my Papuri girls. Just a weekend to relax and reconnect with friends. Much needed, I must say. My ”usual” environment has been a less-than desirable place to be in lately, to say the least, and for quite a number of reasons. I’m not hating it, I’m just not as comfortable as I used to be. But the Lord’s helping me deal with whatever issue I’m having with that at the moment, and He’s continuing to teach me to just let things go. I’ve been getting heavily into the Word lately, and God’s just revealing things to me, one right after the other. He knows exactly what you need to hear/learn, and when you need to hear/learn it. Maybe when I’m more coherent (and awake), I’ll share more about what God’s been teaching me.

John Mayer’s putting me to sleep! Argh! haha Don’t get me wrong, I love him, but this song is just too slooooowwww…. *yawn*

I’m back to drinking Starbucks today! haha For the past 3 days I’ve been drinking Coffee Bean’s iced mocha latte’. I know, shameful! “How could you?!” you say. I know, I know. But today, it’s Starbucks anew. You’ll always go back to your first love. (haha)


About friendships.

I found this while trying to clean up some files from the comp here at work… Just thought I’d post it. I wrote this back in January of 2006! It seems like I was pretty frustrated about a friendship I have with someone or just friendships in general. I don’t even remember what triggered this. haha! Strange.

On friendships:

I didn’t realize that friendships could be fleeting. Well, maybe they aren’t. But, I am probably just frustrated about the fact that a friendship can fall prey to being dismissed so easily. It’s a lot easier to maintain a friendship when you’re constantly in the presence of the other person, but I believe that the true test of friendship happens when you are apart. How strong can a bond be between people, to be able to preserve the closeness of that particular kind of relationship? Maybe it stems from the possibility that the friendship was shallow to begin with.



I’m currently at work. There isn’t much going on right now, suprisingly, the phones haven’t been ringing that much (ugh! OK, I may have jinxed it now - haha!). Anyway, I have this massive headache, and the back of my neck hurts. I just want to go home and sleep. I don’t like Mondays very much (who does, really?). I wish we could just live in a world where we all don’t have to work, just sit and veg all day. Wouldn’t that be fantastic? Alas, God didn’t create us to be lazy. I guess if we didn’t work, what’s the point? haha I’m just spewing off random thoughts here. I am so not in the mood to work today, partially due to the fact that I have this monstrous headache. Maybe I’ll get some shut-eye for a few minutes. There’s no one here anyway.

Wanna know something scary? I am starting to like Coffee Bean’s Iced mocha. I KNOW!!! Please do not let the Starbucks people know! I don’t want them to question my loyalty! haha If only they (Starbucks) open a branch near my work, then I wouldn’t have to resort to buying coffee at Coffee Bean (which opened inside the Ralph’s near my work) out of complete desperation. Hello, Starbucks?! You listening?

OK, I’m going to attempt to read, if I’m not too sleepy. I’ll see you around.



I have a new crush! His name is Bear Grylls and he’s the presenter of Discovery Channel’s Man vs. Wild. He’s mad! I heart him.

Anyway, saw 300 on Sunday night (and last night as well), and it’s quite the movie. The cinematography is fantastic. Very graphic, violent and gory though, so it’s not for the faint of heart. And I’ve never seen 8-packs until I saw this movie! Kinda inspires you to hit the gym (and stare at people - haha). Well-cast and well-acted for the most part. Lots of people don’t realize that the actor who plays King Leonidas, Gerard Butler, is the same actor who played the Phantom in The Phantom of the Opera. David “Daisy” Wenham (Faramir in LOTR) and Michael Fassbender (Pat Christensen in Band of Brothers) are in it too and are fabulous in their roles. There always has to be a LOTR/BOB connection, isn’t there? haha



I want to wish my momma a very HAPPY BIRTHDAY! I pray that the Lord will shower you with more blessings and many more years, so that we can spend them together. Love you mom.


"His eye is on the sparrow."

I’ve heard this hymn a million times and I’ve always thought that it’s a very inspiring, encouraging hymn. But it really struck me hard last Sunday, when my mom sang it as a special number at church (it’s her birthday this coming Wednesday). I couldn’t help but cry while she was singing the song on Sunday because I know that it is her testimony.

I’ve never really had a very close relationship with my mom. Don’t get me wrong, we are close, but I’m not as close to her as I was with my dad. I think it’s just natural, the dynamic of the relationship between mother and daughter in general is somewhat always strained, or there’s always conflict. But one thing is for certain though, I’ve always admired my mom for her unwavering faith in God. She’s always been the best example in my life in trusting Him wholeheartedly, along with my dad (next to my grandmother, Lola Aning). Even when she was in the most dire of circumstances, she never faltered with her faith. I’ve always admired my mom’s strength, because her strength comes from the Lord. I never saw her doubt God nor question Him. She knows that God has a purpose for everything and that He allows things to happen because He wants to carry out His plan. When my dad died, I was heartbroken, not just for me, but for my mom most especially. She lost her bestfriend. I think if my mom wasn’t a Christian, and didn’t have the faith she has, she would just fall apart and give up on life because my dad isn’t around anymore. But she is strong, she has shown me how strong she is. I was the one who was about to fall apart, but she kept me grounded, and helped me keep things in perspective and showed me God’s hand in everything that was happening at the time. That song “Dance With My Father” always reminds me of my mom. I think now, my relationship with my mom is a lot better, it’s not perfect but it’s better. I’m able to talk to her about things that I only used to talk to my dad about. I love my mom and I truly thank God for her.

That’s why the hymn “His eye is on the sparrow” is a testimony of my mom’s life and her faith. She can truly sing because she’s happy, she can truly sing because she’s free. She knows that no matter what happens, God is watching over and taking care of her.

Birthday greetings go out to my cousin, Dan-Paul! You’re 14 now. Ugh! I feel old. haha


Long overdue update

I’m feeling much better. By God’s grace, I’m just taking things in stride now. I have my “drama-deflectors” up, and I’m just going to live out God’s truths in my life each and every day. I’m currently listening to Mary J. Blige’s “No More Drama”. How appropriate.

Anyway, I went to Vegas this past weekend with some friends, and boy, did I need it! I needed to get away, clear my head, and just have fun. We went and saw Le Reve (a Cirque du Soleil-type production, the director is Franco Dragone). It was fantastic! What a production! Everything was set in water. Too many things going on at once, it was so hard to focus on one thing. I’d definitely recommend it to anyone going to Vegas. Alas, I’m still on vacation mode. I had a hard time waking up this morning. I just didn’t want to go to work today. But alas, reality sets in, and I’m back in the real world. *sigh* I would love to go back, or possibly go somewhere else this year.

I celebrated my birthday a couple of weeks ago, and let me just say, I had a blast. Friends and family came and celebrated it with me, I’m glad my uncle and aunt agreed to host my birthday shindig at their place. Everyone seemed to have had a great time, and it was just great having my family, church friends, work friends, and other friends meet and mingle with one another. I truly praise God for the family and friends that I have. I wouldn’t trade them for anything!


“Amazing Grace” - the movie

I cannot wait to see this movie. It’s about William Wilberforce, who spearheaded the abolition of the slave trade in England (and the eventual abolition of slavery altogether) and who was a good friend of John Newton, the writer of the hymn, Amazing Grace.

It’s starring Ioan Gruffudd as Wilberforce (Horatio Hornblower, Fantastic Four, Titanic), one of my favourite actors ever. It’s out February 23rd.

View the trailer HERE.


Honesty is the best policy.

Honesty truly is the best policy. I’ve learned that tonight. I’m hopeful for FRIENDSHIP.

"A friend loves at all times, and a brother is born for adversity." Proverbs 17:17


Random thoughts about friendship.

Just when you thought you know who your true friends are, someone does something to you behind your back that totally just blindsides you. You think that this person is someone to be trusted, but they betray you instead. You confide in them about something truly personal, and they use that information for their personal gain. Sometimes they take something away from you, without considering your feelings or even your so-called friendship, which you thought was valuable to both of you. What’s even worse is if they had experienced the same betrayal by someone else, and yet they don’t see that they’re doing the same thing to you. That’s just unfortunate.

Anyway, I was just thinking about this the past couple of days and just wanted to get it out. I pray that this doesn’t happen to any of us.


Self-discipline, work in progress…

I was just browsing through my brother PJ’s blog and stumbled upon his post about self-discipline, something that I need to work on constantly AND especially this year.

A Key to Life: Self-Discipline by John MacArthur

This year seems to be the year for much needed changes in my life. I’m constantly trying to work on my weaknesses, and I’m seeking God’s guidance in everything that I do.


Tsunami Youth Conference 2006

As most of you know, my cousins and I (a.k.a. In Harmony), had the opportunity to sing at the Tsunami Youth Conference at the Long Beach Convention Centre this past Saturday. We had the most amazing time! Praise God for that opportunity. We performed with our friends, Projekt Soul, and it was the most adrenaline-rush I’ve ever had. And I’m so glad that my cousins and their church youth group were there to cheer us on, as well as our other friends from FSBM, we just felt the support and the love from them. Probably the biggest crowd we’ve ever performed for, and it was a bit daunting as well because these were a bunch junior high and high school kids - a demographic that, as you may all know, are very hard to please. But we had a great response from them and they sang and danced along with us. It was great. And the message shared to us by Francis Chan (Cornerstone Church - Simi Valley, CA) was just a great reminder that we need to live our lives everyday with the mindset that Christ can come at any time.

Thank you to those who prayed for us.

Tsunami Youth Conference
Official In Harmony Myspace Page
Official Projekt Soul Myspace Page