

I’m currently at work. There isn’t much going on right now, suprisingly, the phones haven’t been ringing that much (ugh! OK, I may have jinxed it now - haha!). Anyway, I have this massive headache, and the back of my neck hurts. I just want to go home and sleep. I don’t like Mondays very much (who does, really?). I wish we could just live in a world where we all don’t have to work, just sit and veg all day. Wouldn’t that be fantastic? Alas, God didn’t create us to be lazy. I guess if we didn’t work, what’s the point? haha I’m just spewing off random thoughts here. I am so not in the mood to work today, partially due to the fact that I have this monstrous headache. Maybe I’ll get some shut-eye for a few minutes. There’s no one here anyway.

Wanna know something scary? I am starting to like Coffee Bean’s Iced mocha. I KNOW!!! Please do not let the Starbucks people know! I don’t want them to question my loyalty! haha If only they (Starbucks) open a branch near my work, then I wouldn’t have to resort to buying coffee at Coffee Bean (which opened inside the Ralph’s near my work) out of complete desperation. Hello, Starbucks?! You listening?

OK, I’m going to attempt to read, if I’m not too sleepy. I’ll see you around.