
"His eye is on the sparrow."

I’ve heard this hymn a million times and I’ve always thought that it’s a very inspiring, encouraging hymn. But it really struck me hard last Sunday, when my mom sang it as a special number at church (it’s her birthday this coming Wednesday). I couldn’t help but cry while she was singing the song on Sunday because I know that it is her testimony.

I’ve never really had a very close relationship with my mom. Don’t get me wrong, we are close, but I’m not as close to her as I was with my dad. I think it’s just natural, the dynamic of the relationship between mother and daughter in general is somewhat always strained, or there’s always conflict. But one thing is for certain though, I’ve always admired my mom for her unwavering faith in God. She’s always been the best example in my life in trusting Him wholeheartedly, along with my dad (next to my grandmother, Lola Aning). Even when she was in the most dire of circumstances, she never faltered with her faith. I’ve always admired my mom’s strength, because her strength comes from the Lord. I never saw her doubt God nor question Him. She knows that God has a purpose for everything and that He allows things to happen because He wants to carry out His plan. When my dad died, I was heartbroken, not just for me, but for my mom most especially. She lost her bestfriend. I think if my mom wasn’t a Christian, and didn’t have the faith she has, she would just fall apart and give up on life because my dad isn’t around anymore. But she is strong, she has shown me how strong she is. I was the one who was about to fall apart, but she kept me grounded, and helped me keep things in perspective and showed me God’s hand in everything that was happening at the time. That song “Dance With My Father” always reminds me of my mom. I think now, my relationship with my mom is a lot better, it’s not perfect but it’s better. I’m able to talk to her about things that I only used to talk to my dad about. I love my mom and I truly thank God for her.

That’s why the hymn “His eye is on the sparrow” is a testimony of my mom’s life and her faith. She can truly sing because she’s happy, she can truly sing because she’s free. She knows that no matter what happens, God is watching over and taking care of her.

Birthday greetings go out to my cousin, Dan-Paul! You’re 14 now. Ugh! I feel old. haha