
Another survey...

1. Were you smiling when you woke up this morning?

2. When was the last time you met someone new?
Last Saturday night, at Starbucks LBTC

3. What is irritating you right now?
someone playing “When the Saints Go Marching In” on piano over and over and over……

4. When was the last time you ate pizza?
2 weekends ago. At Universal Studios.

5. When was the last time you held someones hand?
Last Saturday, I shook someone’s hand.

6. Do you have any famous friends?
Depends on the level of fame. hahaha I consider Orlando Bloom a friend, even though he has absolutely no clue as to who I am.

7. When was the last time you laughed?
A week ago. I was revisiting Monty Python’s “Quest for the Holy Grail” on DVD (”‘Tis a silly place, Camelot”).

8. Last words you heard spoken?
“gross” by Given

9. Have you ever kissed anyone with brown hair?

10. Besides your bed, what is your favorite thing in your room?
my television

11. Do you enjoy piercings and tattoos?
not really.

12. What was the last thing you watched on TV?The Tyra Banks Show this morning, before heading off to work.

13. What are you wearing on your feet?
my brown ballet flats

14. What is/are your favorite pair of shoes?
my Wuggs (wannabe Uggs), they’re sooo warm and comfy. haha

15. What are your plans for tonight?
going home and watching some Heroes.

16. What was the last thing you ate?
teriyaki chicken and rice

17. What were you doing before this?
finishing up payroll

18. What’s the closest item near you that is blue?
my favourite blue pen

19. What instant messaging service do you use?
Meebo (it has AIM, Yahoo! and MSN)

20. What is your cell phone provider?

21. What’s the most abnormal thing you’ve done in the past 4 days?
Everything that I do would pretty much be considered slightly abnormal. But for the most part, it would be singing along to music on the Yamaha Music Education repertoire when the group classes are going on…

22. What do you wear more jeans, sweatpants or slacks?

23. What is the last movie you watched?
On DVD? It would be The Holy Grail. At the cinema… Transformers, I think.

24. What do you currently hear right now?
“Pirates of the Caribbean” that we’re showing on the school’s TV in the lobby, and piano playing here and there.

25. Car, train or bus?
It depends on where I’m going.

26. When did you last take a picture with someone?
With Nicole at work last Saturday (it was her last day at work *tears*)

27. What are you doing for HalLoweEn?
working, then head home and scare away the kids who are trick-or-treating.

28. Whose house did you sleep at last?

29. Where do you shop the most?
Forever 21, Target, and the 24-hour Walmart next to my apartment

30. Where did you get the shirt you’re wearing?
Old Navy (I used to be their poster-child)

31. What will you do after this quiz?
finish up stuff here at work.

32. Where was your default picture taken?
my living room

33. Why did you pick your background?
because I like simple, basic, clean, no frills stuff… I guess I’m a minimalist in that sense.

34. Missing someone right now?

35. Where is your number one person on your Myspace friends list?
Make it #2 which is Prel - she’s probably still at work.

36. Describe the background on your cell phone:
the Union Jack - I’m a wannabe Brit, what can I say? (another abnormality, I suppose)

37. Describe your pillow case:
pale blue and white square patterns

39. Is there someone on your mind that shouldn’t be?

40. Do you burn easily in the sun?

41. Do you speak another language other than English?
Yes, Tagalog (which is my native tongue). Would like to learn French too.

42. What did you do last weekend?
I worked from 10am-6pm. Went to Starbucks and studied for Sunday School, met new people who are also Christians while I was there, and hung out with my friend Vanessa until 10:30-ish.

43. What was the last text message you sent?
“Where are you? Are you at Jer’s church?” (to my cousin April yesterday)

44. Are you a good cook?
hah! I try. I can get by, I guess.

45. If you could get a tattoo where would it be?
right ankle or right between my shoulder blades.