
Oh no...

I can’t believe Melinda Doolittle got booted off American Idol! I’m very disappointed. But I’m sure she’ll do fine. It’s down to Blake and Jordyn. I’m picking Blake to win, just because he has a different style and vibe altogether. He’ll make interesting music. Jordyn is a lovely girl, and has a good voice, but you’ve heard her “type” or sound before.

Given’s currently at Disneyland, standing in line for the red carpet event for Pirates of the Caribbean. That boy has been there with his friends since 2am! He better take a picture of Orlando Bloom for me! haha

It’s Jeremy’s birthday today! HAPPY BIRTHDAY, JER! And congrats on finally getting your Master’s!


Anonymous said...

Melinda Doolittle's album is hitting stores in 2 weeks. Go to www.melindadoolittle.com for the info