
Just randomness..

[A] - AVAILABLE? Unfortunately, yes… haha
[B] - BIRTHDAY? February 11, 1975
[C] - CRUSHING? Always
[D] - DRINK YOU LAST HAD? Pepsi in a can
[E] - EASIEST PERSON TO TALK TO? There are quite a few.
[F] - FAVORITE COLORS? pink, brown, blue, yellow, and sage
[H] - HOMETOWN? Scarborough (a.k.a. “Scarberia”), Ontario, CANADA, eh?
[I] - ILL? Somewhat. My allergies are acting up.
[J] - JUGGLE? I’m not coordinated like that.
[K] - KILLED SOMEONE? Fortunately, no. Maybe random insects.
[L] - LONGEST CAR RIDE? Los Angeles to Seattle (24hr ride, with barely any stops - fun times)
[M] - MILKSHAKE FLAVOR? Strawberry-banana milkshake, especially if it’s from Ruby’s Diner
[N] - NUMBER OF SIBLINGS? NEIN, zero, zilch, nada, wala
[O] - ONE WISH? Wishing that my dad’s still alive. But I’ll see him again. Other than that, I wish that I have the ability to read people’s thoughts and/or be invisible.
[P] - PERSON WHO CALLED YOU LAST? my cousin, Pong
[Q] - QUEER? As in odd? Maybe. But as in the other definition, then no. haha
[R] - REASON TO SMILE? I’m alive and blessed.
[S] - SONG YOU LAST HEARD? “Sexy Love” by Ne-yo (on a Myspace page that my cousin was lookin’ at)
[T] - TIME YOU WOKE UP THIS MORNING? I woke up at 9am this morning to Regis and Kelly
[U] - UNDERWEAR? I’m wearing them. haha
[V] - VEGETABLES? Spinach, carrots, string beans
[W] - WORST HABIT? Shake my leg I guess. I used to bite my nails when I was younger.
[X] X-rays u had? chest
[Y]- Your number of friends on myspace? plenty enough, but not all of them are ‘real’ friends. some are music pages.
[Z] - ZODIAC SIGN? Not that I believe in astrology, but I’m what is considered and Aquarian (Aquarius).