
EKG Conference.

I woke up fairly early this morning to attend a Sunday School teachers’ conference called EKG (Empowering Kingdom Growth) at our mother church, North Long Beach Christian Fellowship. I arrived a bit late, maybe about 10 minutes (it started at 9am), but thank the Lord I didn’t really miss much. After the morning general session, we all broke up into our seminars according to the age-group that we teach (I teach elementary-aged kids, from 1st through 6th grade). I wasn’t expecting much really. Actually, I wasn’t sure what to expect. But our seminar speaker/presenter, Ms. Helen Harris was wonderful and engaging and you can tell that she knew what she was talking about. You can see her passion for teaching children as she spoke to us, encouraged us and gave us ideas on how to involve and engage our kids during Sunday school. But the main thing that I came away with after the seminar is the fact that I am playing a small part in introducing these kids to Jesus Christ and making them understand who He is and what He can be to and for them. It’s such a big responsibility, but it’s something that I’m excited to take on. I just need to be prayerfully prepared for each Sunday, and let the Holy Spirit do the rest. I shouldn’t worry about minute, insignificant things, as long as I have the enthusiasm and the passion to talk to these kids about Jesus Christ, God will do the rest.

Honestly, I was a bit hesitant to go to this conference, but now, I thank God that I did.